Chapter 8 - Visiting Guardian association

As you know because of the weak foundation currently David is unable to support the absorb technique in its full power. If he tries to use that technique in full power then he is feeling exhausted and in pain. To use powerful techniques like that at least he needed a strong foundation.

Back to the main matter,

Even using his rare grade technique he needed almost 1 hour to absorb the single crystal so in just 5 hours he was only able to absorb around 5 crystals. After that, he completely stopped absorbing the crystals.

First of all, he needed to go to the guardian association, and before anything, he already wanted to do something. He wanted to see what would happen when he increased the stats of his status.

Right now he already gets 5 status points. And the system also told him that he could place those 5 points in any of his stats. So after thinking he decided what to do.

"Name - David Kyler

Age - 18

Level - 1 (0/1000)

Guardian Grade - Mortal

Health - 200/200 [ Normal status]

Zen energy - 150/150

Bloodline - Human ( Mutated) 

Strength - 10 + 1

Agility - 10 + 1

Physique - 10 + 3

Defense - 11

Int (mental power, casting technique, and intelligence) - 10

[System remark:- Normal people of this world could have achieved 10 status points in every one of their stats.]

Status points - 00

Exp - 120 exp, 

Technique - 

Active technique - 

Gallen devour (Rare grade) ) ( 1/500 M exp)

Strom punch ( level - 3 ) ( Rare grade) ) (0/100k exp)

Strom Kick (level - 2) (Rare grade) (0/50k exp)

Super Dash ( level - 3) (Soldier grade) (20/10k exp)

Iron defense (level 3) (Soldier grade) (0/10k.)

Eagle eye (level - 3) ( soldier grade) (0/10k).)

Green shock (level - 2) (soldier grade) (3/5k).)

Core burst (level - 1) (Elite grade) (0/100k exp)

Passive technique - 

Strong Body ( Level - 3) (Rare grade) (0/100k) "

As you can see, he decided to increase both his strength and agility by one point, while putting the remaining status points into his physique. Instantly he began to feel a warm energy entering his body. For some time he stays like this while relaxing with that warm energy.

10 minutes later when he opened his eyes to see the situation of his body he realized he did not feel that much difference compared to before. Because of this, he is unable to tell the difference between his strength or agility compared to before and right now.

Compared to before, he is feeling much relaxed and feeling like some burden went away from his body and because of this, his body has become that relaxed. 

So, just by increasing 1 point, I won't be able to feel any kind of difference compared to before. But if I suddenly put a lot of points into stat, then I would be able to feel the difference.'

David thought that while he got up from the ground because this was the time to go to the guardian association. He can try to absorb the remaining Zen crystals after he comes back from the guardian association. 

Also if you are wondering why he doesn't send the avatar to the Guardian Association, then first of all the Guardian Association will check the ID card of any guardian who wants to buy from the Guardian shop. They wanted to see if that person had the capability to earn that much money or not.

As you know many people also earn money through illegal ways and naturally many guardians also do the same thing. So before you can buy anything from the Guardian shop you at least need to have the capability to do that and The Guardian shop will check your ID card to check the capability.

Naturally, his Avatar just recently became guardian so if suddenly he brings out that much money then it would be very suspicious for anyone. With that, there is a possibility that he won't be able to buy anything from the guardian shop until he has proven that all that money belongs to him. 

Because of this, David needed to go to the Guardian association in person and even though he just became a level one guardian, naturally when they checked his ID card, they would get to see how many missions he had completed until now, and with that naturally, he had the capability to earn that much money. In one word he will not have any problem.

But at the same time, David is already thinking about something and with that, he already opens the system once again and goes to the avatar option of the system. Once again he created the avatar.

Instantly, in front of him, Zero appears once again. Naturally Zero still has the mask and body armor with him. If you are wondering why he suddenly summoned Zero then it is because he wanted Zero to go to the guardian association alongside him. After going inside the guardian association naturally, he will also follow to the guardian shop to sell all the loot that he already decided to sell. 

With this, naturally Zero will have his first appearance in The Guardian shop and also this will ensure that Zero will be able to buy anything from the Guardian shop. Wasting no time, he and Zero already walk out of their house and directly begin to go toward the main road from that alleyway.

After coming to the main road they already begin to follow the direction where they would be able to find the guardian association after going inside of the inner Yaton city. At this time you can say David was feeling quite nostalgic. First of all, a few hours ago he came back from the inner city with complete disappointment.

At that time, he did not have any kind of hope to become a Guardian once again and was just waiting for the time of his death. But right now as you can tell the situation is different and he once again has the confidence to become powerful in this new and dangerous world.

He did not have to worry about that black virus that previously destroyed his body as it already got out of his body. But while thinking all of these David already thought of visiting the doctor Jonathan. First of all, dr. Jonathan was very good to him even though he lost hope of surviving. Most likely after getting no information about the black virus doctor Jonathan all the time stays busy to find out the real reason for the black virus.

Naturally, he already decided to visit the doctor Jonathan after finishing his work in the guardian association. Like this, 30 minutes later they had already reached the association. Naturally, before coming to that place, they could already see the whole place filled with people.

Many people were present there to get new missions or some of them came there to submit their missions. Just thinking all of this he was also thinking about the old David who also did the same thing alongside his teammates. But unfortunately in the end his teammates also did not contact him.

'Well, forget about them. I did not need a team right now. Later, if I could create more Avatars, then they would become my teammates while we would go inside the Dungeons to clean Monsters. Now come to think of it, this is good to think that I did not use any kind of Zen energy to summon Zero.'

David began to think all of this while he was going toward the guardian association. First of all, he already realized that he did not need to use any kind of Zen energy when he summoned Zero. Now that is a very good thing that he discovered and with that, he is already thinking that later when he would be able to create more avatars he would be able to call every one of them at the same time to go inside of the Dungeons.

Now both of them have already entered The Guardian association. Naturally after seeing everything inside of the guardian association, David doesn't know why but he is still feeling quite nostalgic. Most likely that is the feeling of the previous David that is still present in his body. 

Well, he did not think that much and directly went to the Guardian shop area. Fortunately, that area is quite weak and even if many guardians came there at once, all the receptionists would still be able to handle the situation without that much problem.

Sometime later both of them already came in front of a receptionist and at that time first Zero went in front of that person. Instantly he told the receptionist in his rough voice that he wanted to sell the loot. Naturally, the receptionist gave him a professional smile and told him to bring out all the things that he wanted to sell.

Zero, wasting no time already bringing out all the loot except the Zen crystals. Well, he decided to sell everything because he did not need those loots. So with that, he already brought out everything and placed them on the table in front of them.