Well S*it !

"Pfft... well If It makes you feel better I top you by ten thousand years"

V's eyes widened in surprise, and a hint of amusement crossed her face.

"Ten thousand years, huh? Well, you've certainly got me beat in the abstinence department, Drac. You must have some incredible willpower."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her response.

"It wasn't about willpower, trust me. It was more about circumstances and lack of opportunities."

"Same here, not even my races males can withstand my physical prowess, and my race is considered first with the orcs coming second of course an orc would wipe the floor with a hundred-year-old vampire, truthfully I was beginning to consider finding myself an orc, thank the gods I met you"

We both shared a laugh, the tension in the room dissipating. It seemed that even after our intense physical encounter, there was still room for humor and camaraderie.

As we lay there, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment.

It had been a long time since I had connected with someone on any level, let alone in such an intimate way.

V was a fascinating and enigmatic individual, and I was curious to learn more about her.

"So, V, tell me more about yourself,"

I asked, propping myself up on one elbow and looking at her with genuine interest.

"How did you end up on this cruise ship, and what's your story in this galaxy?"

"Would you believe me If I said that I'm the progenitor of my species?"

V took a deep breath and began her tale.

"My species, the Vampirans, are actually parasites, this body isn't mine but that of an Elvan colonist that I infected and took over one hundred thousand years ago"

After saying this V averted her gaze horrified to see my expression of disgust, and I couldn't blame her after all normally any sentient being would be horrified at this revalation but contrary to her expectations my reaction was completely different.

"Do you think I care that you are a parasite inhabiting a host, V?"

I asked with a smirk as I gently grasped her chin and turned her to face me.

V's eyes widened in surprise as she met my gaze.

My expression held a mixture of amusement and indifference. I continued,

"You see, V, I've been around for a very long time, and I've encountered all sorts of beings and entities. Your nature, while unconventional, doesn't define who you are as a person."

I leaned in closer, my voice low and intimate.

"What matters to me is the person you've become, your experiences and the choices you make. We're all shaped by our circumstances, and you're no exception. So, don't worry about your past."

My words seemed to ease her worries, and a faint smile appeared on her lips.

"Thank you, Drac. That means a lot."

I nodded and leaned in for a soft, lingering kiss, sealing our connection in the depths of the cosmos.

"So let's hear the rest of it?"

I asked after parting our lips with a string of saliva still connecting our mouths.

V's eyes sparkled with a newfound warmth as she leaned closer, her lips just a breath away from mine.

"Well, where did I leave off?"

She mused, her voice low and sultry.

"You mentioned that your species, the Vampirans, inhabited the planet colonized by the elves for millions of years,"

I said after reading her surface thoughts which went unouticed by V, my fingers gently tracing patterns on her bare skin.

"Ah, yes,"

She continued.

"We were there long before the elves arrived. Our kind thrived on that planet, coexisting with the native flora and fauna in a symbiotic relationship. We had a connection with the planet itself, a deep and primal bond."

V's eyes grew distant, lost in her memories.

"But everything changed when the elves came. They brought with them advanced technology and terraforming methods. They transformed the planet to suit their needs, disrupting the delicate balance we had maintained for eons."

A hint of sadness crept into her voice.

"As the planet's ecosystem collapsed, we had to adapt or perish. That's when I, one of our kind's ancestors, took the drastic step of infecting an Elvan colonist's body to ensure our survival. It was a desperate move, and it changed everything."

"We silently infected most of them the only reason why we didn't infect everyone was that we needed a food source and took back our planet, after that we continued to play a charade for hundreds of years until the elves finally noticed that something wasn't right"

"Let me guess they weren't all that happy about it so they came with torches and pitchforks"

I said with a sarcastic voice.

V nodded with a hint of melancholy in her eyes.

"Yes, you could say that. When they discovered the truth, the elves were understandably horrified. They tried to eradicate us, and it resulted in a long and brutal war. Many lives were lost on both sides, but in the end, we won, well it's more like the galactic council intertwined"

"Anyways fast forward one hundred thousand years, the Absorbers Of Akkanar are one of the strongest interstellar empires in the galaxy"

"As for me, I am a retired empress who spends her days on cruise ships and sightseeing, being an empress is way too taxing"

V said as she escaped my embrace and rolled onto her back.

I couldn't help but be amused by V's casual mention of her status as a retired empress, especially considering the passionate night we had just shared. It was a stark contrast to her current carefree demeanor.

"So, V, the retired empress, what's next on your sightseeing list?"

I asked, leaning in closer and tracing a finger along her arm.

She grinned mischievously.

"Well, I've heard there's a stunning nebula nearby that's said to be breathtaking. Would you care to join me on this cosmic adventure?"

I couldn't resist her playful invitation.

"I'd be honored to accompany you, V."

"But say do you want to go for another round?"

I asked while pointing at my cocked and loaded rifle.

"Pfft... Do you even need to ask?"

V said as she jumped onto me and gave me a passionate French kiss, after that followed another f*cking marathon that I was certainly never going to forget for the rest of my life.


I woke up, only this time no vampires was playing with my standing at attention trooper, I looked around only to see a note.

I'm sorry Drac but some things that need my attention happened back home, If fate wills It we will meet again, V.

The letter ended with a black lipstick mark, for a moment I just sat there looking at the letter only to lay down back on the bed.

"Well shit she dumped me after all"

I couldn't help but mutter to myself because I seemed to have the bad luck of getting dumped each time, after a wild night, only for an electric schock to rack my brain.

"Urghhh...I got careless..."

I muttered to myself while massaging my temples as my AI that always kept a digital backup uploaded my memorries.

It seemed like V actually hypnotized me into sleeping and erased the memory of It, although she wasn't psionic It seemed like her race had already started developing telepatic abilities.

It seems like I should be more careful, well it's more like my psionic power Is still at Its infancy.

So It's not surprising that I got hypnotized.

Anyways, shit happens I got laid and that's all that matters, If we meet again in the future then hooray for me if not oh well, there's a galaxy full of women as long as they have t*ts and a hole its game on.

I thought as I found my boxers and put them on, and after that left the room only to be greeted by two fully geared-up marines dutifully guarding the doors.

"Don't even say a word"

I barked at the marines as I started walking to the cruise ship's hangars where one of our dropships was parked.

Sensing my bad mood my marines didn't even dare think about it in their minds.

As I sat down on one of the crash seats in the dropship that could carry an entire platoon of marines.

I ordered Einherjars AI to hack into the cruise ship's security cameras, I quickly found the recording of V entering her private yacht spaceship which had a gothic look to it, and left the hangar through the restored back into working condition blue energy barrier.

"I'm giving you're mind a thorough scrub the next time we meet V"

I muttered to myself, as I closed my eyes trying to reign in my possessive nature, sadly not only I was a trigger-happy psycho who had no problem in killing anyone I deemed as an enemy but I also was a super possessive person.

And V was already my In my mind so gods help the one who dares to lay his hands on her, I'm gonna rip him to f*cking pieces.

I thought as the dropship lifted off from the ground and flew to Enherjars bottom hangar also protected by a blue energy barrier just before both Einherjar and the cruise ship entered hyperspace.