Youve Got To Be F*cking Kidding Me...

29 days later

"They are so f*cked"

I said sarcastically as I already geared up in my power armor looked at the underground bunker's holographic tables 3D display that depicted the advancing towards the planet orc fleet.

"Thank the gods I managed to convince the admiral to deploy the marines to the planet"

General Maris said as he coordinated with his staff to perform last-minute deployment adjustments.

"They're not gonna help much though..."

I muttered under my breath with my eyes fixedon the holographic table.

It didn't take long before alarms started blaring throughout the entire bunker, its lighting changing to ominous red while the holographic projection zoomed in to depict the space battle that was about to begin.

"Well they certainly have balls of steel I'll give them that"

I couldn't help but exclaim as I looked at the orc fleet that had a f*cking titan and the elves garrison fleet whose flagship was a f*cking cruiser.

Even though the orcs ships were made by hollowing out an asteroid and strapping a bunch of thrusters, shield generators, and weapons on them they still had the three times the number advantage.

"I think their heads got kicked by donkeys then they were children, sir"

Wolf also fully geared up said sarcastically with an expressionless face.

Hearing his answer I shrugged my shoulders and wordlessly put on my fully-enclosed helmet and grabbed my plasma rifle's hand grip.

"This is Dracula, I hope you put on your diapers boys because that shield over our heads might not hold out for a week."

I transmitted my message to every marine as I walked out of the bunker with Wolf following behind me and joined a bunch of Elven infantry in their dug-out trenches that my engineers helped to dig out who only had an armored vest, a helmet, and laser rifles on them.

As I did the elven soldiers couldn't help but look up to us, our mere presence seemed to improve their morale instantly.

It was time for us to dig in, hold our ground, and hope that the orbital cannons could tip the scales in our favor.

The space battle started raging on above us, a chaotic dance of light and destruction as the elven garrison fleet engaged the orc fleet. 

The elven ships which were hundreds of years old didn't stand a chance, sure they managed to destroy a dozen of orc's asteroid warships but that was It.

My helmet was full of desperate chatter filled with distress signals.

It didn't take long before the orcs titan fired its titan-class laser that tore the elven flagship in half and vaporized a dozen of destroyers and frigates into atoms that were in its path.

I watched the cruiser get split apart, Its two halves started descending towards us as the planet's gravity took hold of it.

"Take cover!"

I roared into my division-wide radio channel as I squatted down and pressed myself against the trench, encouraging my soldiers to do the same.

The ground rumbled beneath us as the cruiser's two halves impacted the shield.

The protective barrier absorbed the brunt of the impact, but it was still a violent shockwave that rattled our position.

I looked up, I saw the orcs maneuvering their spaceships into orbital bombardment positions.

The elves anti-orbital cannons roared to life, launching devastating energy beams at the orc ships.

It was a thunderous battle in the skies above, a relentless exchange of firepower.

But the orcs didn't waste any time. They began firing their ship-mounted guns at the shield, lighting up the sky with bursts of energy. It was like a chaotic fireworks display.


I roared as I spotted the orc's fighters and bombers descending through the shield.

The elves' shield like any other planetary shield was designed to stop high-speed kinetic projectiles and energy beams, not these smaller strike craft.

As the strike craft passed through the shield, the elven defenders unleashed a barrage of anti-air missiles and flak cannons. It was a desperate attempt to defend against the incoming threat.

"Don't waste our missiles on the strike craft! Save them for the dropships!"

I barked out orders, knowing that the real danger lay in the dropships carrying orc troops.

I activated my telekinesis, focusing my power.

With a clenched right fist, I directed my psionic energy toward a squadron of patchwork bombers that were about to perform a bombing run over my position.

My telekinetic grip crushed them into tight balls, causing them to explode prematurely.

The explosion created a fiery spectacle in the sky, but it also took out the threat to our position. We couldn't afford to let the orcs establish a foothold on the planet's surface.

Finally, the hundreds of orc dropships carrying their troops descended through the shield. As soon as they passed the protective barrier, I knew it was time to act.

I grabbed the multipurpose missile launcher that we had brought with us for this very purpose.

It was a heavy piece of equipment, but I hoisted it onto my shoulder with ease, thanks to my Inhuman strength.

With the targeting reticle locked onto the nearest dropship in my HUD view, I didn't hesitate.

I squeezed the trigger, and the missile launcher roared to life. The projectile streaked through the sky, leaving a trail of smoke and fire in its wake as it homed in on its target.

I saw the dropship that from the size of it could carry an entire platoon of orcs explode in the sky.

I swiftly grabbed another missile from our limited supply, Inserted it into the missile launcher, and fired it, the launcher's recoil absorbed by my augmented physique.

Beside me, my marines followed suit, launching missiles at the incoming orc dropships.

The projectiles streaked across the sky, their fiery tails marking their deadly trajectory as they homed in on their targets.

As the last of our missiles streaked toward the orc dropships, It was clear that we had exhausted our initial supply of missiles, and the elves were rushing to activate our 3D printers to produce more.

We regrouped in the safety of the trenches, taking cover as the orc dropships descended and began unloading their troops.

The battlefield was chaotic, with the sounds of energy weapons, explosions, and battle cries filling the air.

I checked my rifle's cold fusion core, making sure it was fully charged and ready for action. We were in for a long and grueling fight, and I couldn't afford to let my guard down.

I quickly scanned the battlefield and after seeing the orcs that got marked with red markings by my AI clad only in armored vests and helmets, holding what looked like gunpowder-based weaponry that should have been obsolete at this point.

I set my rifle's camera sights directly connected to my HUD view and started firing, each shot hit its mark burning holes in the orc's chests and heads.

"You got to be f*cking kidding me..."

I couldn't help but mutter in disbelief as I saw an 8-foot-tall orc with a fist-sized sizzling hole in his chest continue running to the trenches while firing his fifty-caliber assault rifle, the orc only dropped down dead after one of my marines blasted a hole in his head.

The battlefield was a gruesome spectacle, a deadly dance of technology and sheer determination.

The orcs, despite being hit by plasma shots and sustaining horrific injuries, pressed on relentlessly.

It was clear that their regenerative abilities and sheer physical resilience made them formidable opponents.

The elves' laser rifles, which were advanced and deadly weapons by most standards, seemed to have limited effect on these massive orcs.

The shots were like mosquito bites to these hulking creatures, who paid little heed to their injuries as they continued their relentless charge.

The air was filled with the acrid smell of burning flesh and the sounds of gunfire and explosions.

The trenches we occupied became a battleground of life and death as we held the line against the relentless orc assault.

It was a brutal reminder of the grim realities of war in the cosmos, where advanced technology met the unyielding determination of a formidable foe.