London Underground

"Explosion!" Harry shouted as he pointed the want at a can he'd lined up, the can was reduced to scrap as a moderate-sized explosion occurred. Harry couldn't help but laugh as he looked at the shards that had fallen into the grass. Truth be told he felt quite childish when shouting words aloud like that, but weirdly enough when he did the size of the explosion increased rather than when he didn't. He wasn't quite sure why this was and without Beth or whatever her name was, he doubted he'd be able to figure it out anytime soon.

He put the wand in his back pocket before heading back home, he'd been coming here a lot the past couple of weeks and he'd been having the most fun he'd had in his entire life. That's not even mentioning the fun he had with the invisibility cloak he'd taken off of Beth. But if he had to choose then it would be the wand he liked the most, he had been using it to kill monsters, and it was quite satisfying watching them blow up, though the bigger ones often took 2-3 hits before dying.

He couldn't wait to figure out what kind of other things he could do with this wand, he'd only seen Beth use her energy in a few different patterns though when he had tried to use the other two they didn't have much effect on the environment leading him to believe that they might be reserved for people. He couldn't help but wonder who Beth was, she wasn't the girl she showed herself as, Harry could see her bones start to grow and change before she disappeared making her think she was disguised 'I wonder if I could do that' he thought to himself as he started to walk home.

'Pfffft yeah right I can't even dye my hair' he thought with a chuckle as he walked through the park, he tucked his wand in his waist and pulled his shirt over it, he couldn't imagine his Aunt and Uncle would be happy to see such a thing though in recent weeks he'd started caring less and less about what they thought. He turned onto Privet Drive and before he even went into his house he heard Dudley wailing like a baby, while this was usually music to his ears it meant that his aunt and uncle would be extra attentive to him.

Harry walked inside covering the smirk he had with his stone-faced facade "The Letter said we aren't together anymore!!!" Dudley wailed as Aunt Petunia hugged him tightly stroking his blonde hair "What an awful woman breaking my baby boy's heart like that, I will be calling her mother believe you me!" Petunia said matter-of-factly.

"Don't worry son, women love Dursley men you'll have another girl come along just like that" he said as he snapped his fingers. Harry shook his head but decided to read the letter in Dudley's hand, sadly he didn't have anything to compare it to so whether it was written by Beth or not was a mystery. The letter was quite mature for someone who was 13 making Harry suspect that Beth was a grown-up 'Weirdo" he thought to himself as imagined the stuff they'd done in private, he closed the door to the house hoping they'd ignore him.


Harry sighed and walked into the front room and stood opposite his uncle with his arms folded "What did I tell you about wearing a blindfold boy! It's freakish and I'll not have it" his Uncle shouted as he smacked his fat palm on the side table. Harry sighed "I haven't had a chance to go to London yet as Dudley took my glasses, remember Uncle?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

Vernon muttered something but then looked at his son and smiled "How about it eh son? A trip to London? I'm sure you and your friends could meet quite a few ladies there, and if not I'm sure there are plenty of arcades to visit" Vernon said trying to cheer his son up.

Dudley looked up and nodded his head "I want money for food and a new computer game too!" He shouted

"Of course my little angel, you can have whatever you want" Petunia said as she kissed the top of his head and wrapped her arms around him, though her arms were too short to fully wrap around the large mass that was Dudley. Harry just felt nauseous looking at the scene and decided to go to bed.


As Harry, Dudley, and his rowdy companions arrived in London, Vernon's gruff instructions to Harry reverberated in his ears, the forceful jab of his meaty finger hitting his chest. "You better behave and look after Dudley," he grumbled before striding off with Petunia, leaving Harry to his mundane task of overseeing his cousin.

The first thing they did when they entered the shopping centre that they stood outside of was go to the arcade, all of them except Harry that was, he immediately went to the opticians and bought some tinted glasses. The moment he slid on the blacked-out glasses, the strain on his eyes lessened considerably, providing a small respite. Deciding to purchase an extra pair for emergencies, he stowed them away, his demeanour revealing a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the day ahead.

Dudley's boisterous gang clamoured excitedly toward the arcade, their laughter echoing through the crowded corridors. Indifferent to their antics, Harry trailed behind, his steps heavy with a mixture of boredom and detachment. The group's cruel activities unfolded in front of him like a tedious play, each scene more disheartening than the last.

His disinterested gaze swept over the chaos they wrought, their raucous laughter punctuated by the sound of shoving and jeering as they targeted smaller, more timid children, their callousness on full display. Harry's indifference deepened as he observed their antics, the line between amusement and cruelty blurred in their actions.

Leaning against a wall, Harry's expression remained impassive, his mind drifting to the questions he had that remained unanswered 'Who was Beth' 'What was this stick' 'Who am I'. Amidst the clamour of the arcade, he felt an insurmountable disconnect from the mundane reality unfolding before him.

As Dudley and his friends exchanged whispers, their smirks betraying a shared secret, Dudley's heavy footsteps approached Harry. "We're gonna get the tube," he announced with a hint of mischief, gesturing to his friend Gordon. "He says there's this great place to pick up girls."

Harry's sigh, laden with resignation, escaped him as he attempted to remind Dudley of Vernon's directive to stay within the shopping centre. "But Vernon..." Harry began, only to be cut off by Dudley's dismissive retort. "I don't care. We're going," Dudley declared.

As Harry trailed behind them, a growing sense of annoyance tugged at him, fueled by the temptation to ditch Dudley and his friends and make his way back home. Descending the escalator, they arrived at the strangely deserted platform, an air of unease settling over Harry like a dark cloud.

"Maybe we should go back," Harry suggested, scanning the dimly lit tunnel with a furrowed brow, his unease palpable. Before he could elaborate, Dudley's gruff voice cut through the tension. "Shut up, Harry," he snapped, punctuating his words with a forceful shove that sent Harry reeling slightly.

Glaring at Dudley, Harry straightened himself, a surge of frustration. "No, really, something's not right here," Harry persisted. Dudley, his patience wearing thin, shot Harry a venomous look. "Quit being a wimp, just stay quiet and follow us," he spat, his tone laced with a mixture of superiority and contempt.

Undeterred, Harry's jaw tightened as he mustered the courage to stand his ground. "I don't think it's safe, Dudley," he asserted. Dudley's expression twisted into a sneer, his patience evaporating completely. "I said shut it!" he barked, his hand tensing as if ready to deliver another shove.

Harry now understood what the problem was "Dudley we need to leave right now!" He said as he grabbed his cousin by the arm, he knew he'd have to be a little forceful cause there was no way his cousin would listen to him. And just as expected his cousin shrugged him off "Get off!!!" He shouted, it was hard to get a grip on him because his fat was so soft it was like trying to grab jelly.

Harry's eyes widened 'Shit' he tripped Dudley up and ducked as well, a gust of air blew through the tunnels. Harry could hear a high-pitched whining sound and what sounded like meat slapping against the floor. Harry looked up and his eyes widened, Dudley's friends who hadn't ducked had all had their upper halves sliced off. Harry had to hold in the urge to throw up as he and Dudley were covered in blood "Dudley let's go!" He said as he stood up trying to drag his near-catatonic cousin out of the platform.

He didn't know how the monster had managed to get so close without him realising, but at the moment it didn't matter as much as he hated Dudley he didn't want him to die. He let his energy flow through his body and he picked up Dudley and threw him on his shoulder before trying to rush out of the platform 'Shit' Harry cursed as he realised he wouldn't make it, so he threw Dudley down the corridor and out of the platform while jumping back at the same time to avoid another attack.

Harry saw the shallow gashes that were being left along the platform, he'd never encountered a monster capable of launching what looked like pressurised blades of wind before. The creature emerged from the darkness of the tunnel, it looked like a large caterpillar that was a brownish-grey colour, it had slits in its body as well as holes. Its face was fat and squished inwards but it had large purple lips that looked pursed, quite disgusting to look at.


The Monster sent razor-sharp gusts of wind whistling past him. Harry ducked and weaved, his back pressed against the chilly wall, as he struggled to avoid the slicing currents. His breaths came in ragged bursts, the oppressive force of the wind limiting his options.

Harry lunged forward, attempting to get closer to the creature. He reached out, his fingers grazing the pulsing core, a surge of raw energy coursing through him as he readied for a strike. But before he could land a blow, a fierce gust erupted from the monster's centre, slamming Harry into the ceiling with a bone-jarring impact.

Stunned and disoriented, Harry shook his head, trying to clear his vision as he lay sprawled on the ground. Summoning his inner strength, Harry got up and launched a series of energy-charged strikes at the raging entity. Yet, despite the force behind his attacks, the creature seemed barely affected, its form undulating and pulsating with an otherworldly resilience. Harry gritted his teeth 'I wish I'd brought that wand, could've used it right about now' he thought to himself.

However, the creature's retaliation intensified, its frenzied assault growing more erratic and aggressive. Sharp blades of wind sliced through the air, leaving crimson trails across Harry's skin as he attempted to dodge and deflect the relentless onslaught. The stinging pain of the lacerations merged with the bone-deep ache from previous impacts.

As the gusts of wind picked up, they began to toss Harry around like a mere rag doll, his body flung from one end of the tunnel to the other with alarming force. With each impact, his breaths grew more laboured, the air knocked out of his lungs as he struggled to find solid footing amidst the relentless tumult. His surroundings blurred into a dizzying whirl as he fought to maintain a grasp on his consciousness, he landed on the platform with a splat landing in the blood and remains of Dudley's friends.

He pushed himself up onto his knees he couldn't help but start laughing, if anyone had seen him they might have thought he was crazy but to Harry this whole situation was almost comedic "This first interesting thing to happen to me in years and it'll also be my last, AHAHHAHAHHAHHAHA" he laughed out as he stood on his feet.

*It needn't be the end*

Harry stopped laughing as he heard a strange voice, he started to think that maybe he was knocked around too much, but he was about to die so he didn't have much to lose 'I don't think I have much say in the matter'

*Call me and I will always answer*

Harry frowned 'But I don't know your name' he replied as he stood there waiting for the monster to deal the finishing blow.

*Listen to your heart for that is where we are kept*

Harry almost scoffed at the voice, there was no way any of this was real. At least that's what he'd like to say but it wasn't that long ago he was talking to snakes and sheep, not to mention Beth or the strange abilities he had. So he listened to his heart and the world around him seemed to go silent, with only the beating of his heart echoing through his head. His arms seemingly moved by themselves as he formed a triangle with them.

"Star of the Ram, Charge of the Bold, Aries, arise and guard my hold."

"Twelve Stars Summoning Technique: Aries"

A bright flash of light illuminated the station and just as another wind blade came to slice Harry in half it was blocked by a transparent gold barrier that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Harry who had closed his eyes opened them to see a large ram that went up to his waist, it was completely white and had horns that were currently glowing gold. Harry didn't know how but it was as if something was flooding his brain with information related to this new ability, however, none of that mattered now, he looked at the monster with a smirk and muttered one word.


The Ram deactivated the barrier and Aries thundered ahead, its powerful momentum colliding with the large mass of the creature, the impact sending shockwaves reverberating throughout the narrow confines of the underground passage. The monster writhed and convulsed under the relentless force, its gusting winds whipping and thrashing against Aries, attempting to repel the Ram's formidable advance.

The clash of the two forces created a frenzied whirlwind of chaos, the relentless battering of Aries met by the creature's howling gales. The air crackled with raw energy as the two titans engaged in a fierce struggle, each jarring collision sending tremors coursing through the walls, the very foundation of the tunnel quivering under the strain.

As Aries charged forward again its massive horns collided with the swirling mass of the creature, the impact sent the monster reeling backwards, its form tossed around like a ragged doll in the wake of Aries' relentless assault. Despite the creature's attempts to repel the Ram's attack, Aries' force proved too formidable, its powerful horns digging into the creature, each thrust pushing the monster further and further back.

However, the creature managed to summon a surge of energy, coalescing it into a formidable blade of wind that sliced through the air with a deafening roar. The blade struck Aries with a vicious force, sending the Ram staggering backwards and slicing through its hide. Harry supposed that even Aries wasn't on the level of the monster, though from the information he'd received, it made sense as Aries seemed to be tailored to protection.

Harry formed a hand sign and dismissed Aries as it looked like it wouldn't be putting up much more of a fight, the summon turned into light and flew back into Harry's body, he'd managed to recover a bit and decided it was time to leg it. As Harry raced towards the exit avoiding the gashes of wind the creature did something he wasn't expecting. It blew a gust of wind off the ground and launched itself through the air, it ended up landing in front of Harry and blocking his way.

Harry skidded and fell to the ground trying to back up as the creature's large mouth sucked in the air. Harry raised his arms to cover himself as the gust of wind was shot towards him.


Harry heard someone shout and just like before a barrier was in place that blocked the gust of wind that would've shredded him, Harry looked up and saw a beautiful girl with short pink hair, she looked down at him with a smile and winked "Hiya I'm Tonks, you managed to survive this long against a semi-grade 1 cursed spirit? That's pretty cool, especially for someone who isn't even a firstie" she said with a wild grin on her face.

"Concentrate Tonks" a boy who was next to her said, they were both dressed in these weird fancy robes, the man was short but quite broad and had a head of ginger hair "Ahh come on Charlie you gotta admit it's pretty impressive," Tonks said as she shoved him with one arm.

Charlie turned and looked at her fiercely "A previously extinct dragon has been found in the Alps and has been brought to the Romanian reserve, Nigel managed to get some photos for me but if I don't meet him at the leaky cauldron soon he'll go home, can you guess what would happen next?" He asked

Tonks sighed and shook her head "I'd kill myself and then kill you!!!" He shouted slightly teary-eyed. Tonks nodded but then looked at him in confusion "Wait what?" But before she could continue cracks started to form in her shield and they both focused on the monster before them, they looked at each other and nodded as if silently communicating their plan.

Tonks grabbed Harry by the collar and released the shield, then jumped back while Charlie rushed forward towards the cursed spirit. Tonks placed Harry out of the fighting "Stay back here, I need someone to tell me how great my arse looks when I fight" she said with a wink before rushing forward.

Charlie let his wand fall out of his hand as he ran and started firing spells at the creature to draw its attention. The Cursed Spirit shrieked and started sucking in air through the various holes in its body, Charlie smiled at this 'So it uses wind... this will be easy' he thought to himself as he put his wand behind his ear.

The Cursed Spirit finished sucking in all the air and was about to fire it all at Charlie. Charlie held his hands in front of him and then spat on both of them before slapping them together "Sticky Situation: Form 3" he whispered, instead of the wind being shot out of the Cursed Spirit's body it was halted at the entrance of each hole. This was the Weasley family technique, it allowed them to stick things together though the limits of this ability were not clear.

"Tonks!" Charlie shouted as he started to sweat, holding his magical technique on something as light and fast as wind was difficult, Tonks ran past him "Righto!" She said as she held her wand out.

"Confringo!" She shouted and a bolt of fire was sent at the Cursed Spirit into one of the large holes that was expanded due to the air trying to escape. The bolt slipped inside and expanded due to the oxygen feeding the fire and the cursed spirit burst into flames. Tonks threw up a shield to protect them while Charlie released his technique and took in a deep breath "Hurry up and finish it off, I want to leave" he said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Tonks snorted and mock saluted him before dismissing her shield and firing a powerful Reducto at the Cursed Spirits head exploding it into dust. She then put her wand away and started stretching "I remember in the third year I was excited about doing patrols, now it's all such a chore" she said with a huff.

Charlie nodded in agreement as he walked towards the dead bodies of Dudley's friends "Poor muggles, probably were alive for about 30 seconds after" he said as he shook his head. He then pointed his wand at them and vanished their bodies, as well as the blood "I already obliviated the fat one in the corridor, what shall we do with him" Charlie asked as he gestured his wand towards Harry.

Harry tensed and even though he was in quite a bit of pain he got ready to run sending his energy into his legs "Don't but a prick Charlie, and if you didn't notice he's a wizard himself, how do ya think he survived this long" Tonks said as she shoved him out the way.

She walked over to Harry with a smile and knelt in front of him "Hiya what's your name?" She asked bluntly.

Harry narrowed his eyes at her "Dudley Dursley" he said without hesitation, the last time he met someone waving a wand around it was aimed at him so he wouldn't take any chances.

Tonks snorted "You'll definitely fit in with a name like that, anyway how old are you, Dudley?" She asked.

"Twelve, nearly thirteen" he replied still ready to bolt at any second.

She smiled even brighter "Guess I'll be seeing you soon then" she said before standing up and walking back to Charlie, she did flick her wand at him and he found himself clear of all the blood "I'm sure you can get yourself and that fat boy home yeah?" Tonks asked but turned around before Harry could answer.


Like Beth, they both seemed to disappear into a crack in the air that sealed itself immediately after. Harry let himself fall to the ground he felt exhausted, so much had happened in such a short amount of time he was content to fall asleep on the platform. But he remembered he had to deal with his cousin so he got up and limped into the corridor finding that his cousin was gone. Focusing his eyes he could see that his cousin had already left the station with a smile on his face as if nothing had happened, Harry just let himself fall to the ground 'I wonder what she meant by see you soon' he thought to himself.

(AN: Tbh it's kinda difficult writing the beginning, I always found the philosophers stone to be pretty boring, especially the beginning of it, so I'm trying to make it a bit more exciting for ya, though I feel like I'm failing spectacularly at that 😂 anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also for those who are worrying Harry does have Limitless but due to certain events at Halloween it hasn't awakened yet)

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