The Hallows

"Come come now hurry along!" Alberto said as he pushed Harry along in front of him down the street of Diagon Alley.

"Why are you pushing me! I thought you said I should take it slow and enjoy the sights," Harry said as he turned his head, ever since they'd left Gringotts Alberto had said how amazing the shopping trip should be and how Harry should take time to experience its majesty and look at all of the different products the wizarding world had to offer.

"Hahahahaha did I say such a thing? Ah well trust me my boy there isn't that much to see, just a few things really," he said unconvincingly as Harry looked at him with a raised eyebrow "You know if you need to leave you can go I'm not five I can figure things out for-"

Harry looked around fully "He's already gone!?" He said as he turned around checking everywhere around him until he just stood there and huffed "What a dick." He said before he continued walking down the street. This place really was amazing and he intended to enjoy all of it, and now he could be like a normal person thanks to these new glasses. He had caught his reflection earlier and saw that his eye colour looked completely normal, well normal-ish... but Harry would take a brilliant shade of green than the colour he had before, way less attention that way. He came to a stop outside a shop where a load of kids his age and older had their noses pressed against the glass of a shop.

"Look! Look! It's the Nimbus 2000"

"Blimey that's the fastest broom they've made yet!!!"

"Five hundred Galleons! I guess I can kiss that goodbye,"

Harry just stood there looking at the broomstick "A flying broomstick is a bit on the nose isn't it," he said to himself. What he didn't expect was to hear the sound of a woman giggling next to him "Yes I do suppose a witch on a broomstick is quite on the nose." She replied. Harry turned around and saw a tall attractive woman with violet eyes and long silky black hair that cascaded down her back in soft curls.

"Is this your first time in Diagon Alley?" She asked questioningly and Harry nodded his head "It is all quite strange and amazing," he said as he looked around to the bustling streets once more.

The woman smiled "Where is your companion, muggle-born students are always accompanied by a member of staff to make sure they acquire everything they need for their first year." She explained.

Harry laughed nervously "Alberto had something he needed to do, I'm sure I can figure it out by myself." Harry said as he scratched the back of his head.

The woman looked at him curiously as she squinted her eyes "Alberto? I was not aware of a member of staff by-" However just before she finished she seemingly gained a look of realisation on her face before sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose "That idiot!" She whispered to herself, she then looked up to see Harry looking at her expectantly "It's nothing to worry about, how about I accompany you." She said with an inviting smile.

Harry chuckled "Thanks lady but I think I know better than to go wandering off with a strange woman." He said before walking off.

The woman's eyebrow started to twitch "Strange lady am I..." she said before rushing towards Harry, he could hear the clacking of her heels come up right behind him but by the time he turned it was too late, she had grabbed him by the arm and started walking off "Strange lady!!!!" She shouted at him as they walked.

"I'll have you know I am a member of staff at Hogwarts enjoying one of my few days off! Strange lady! The audacity! Especially coming from someone who'd so easily follow an old man called Alberto!" The woman continued to rant as she pulled Harry down the street 'Is everyone in this world crazy?' He thought to himself as he sighed.

The woman then turned around to him "What's your name anyway brat?" She asked as she slowed down slightly.

Harry huffed as he drew his wrist back and rubbed it "Harry Potter, now can you stop dragging me around?" He asked with annoyance.

The woman's eyes widened at the realisation of who the child was, she then looked at him closely which made Harry take a few steps back "Yes now that I look closely if the hair wasn't a dead giveaway for you being a Potter you look rather similar to James did at your age." she said as she slowly nodded her head.

"You knew my parents?" Harry asked, while he knew his Aunt and Uncle lied about what had happened to them he still didn't know that much about them. The woman nodded her head and stood up straight "I am Bellatrix Black, I knew your family quite well and as it happens I owe your father a great deal," she said as she gestured for Harry to follow her.

Harry looked at her curiously "Why would you owe my father anything?" He asked.

Bellatrix just smiled wistfully "It's not very interesting just a matter of contracts and boring stuff like that" she replied, though Harry couldn't help but look at her with a certain degree of suspicion 'If she owed my father a great deal why am I only meeting her for the first time now?' He couldn't help but wonder to himself.

Bellatrix then looped her arm inside Harry's and led him in a different direction "Come now, every budding wizard needs a wand." She said as she led him down the street to an old-looking shop called 'Ollivanders'. At this point Bellatrix turned to him and leaned down slightly "Ollivander is a hit eccentric so don't be too surprised," she whispered as they walked inside. A tinkling bell rang somewhere in the depths of the shop as they stepped inside. It was a tiny place, empty except for a single spindly chair, Bellatrix sat on the chair and crossed her legs as a look of annoyance came across her face.

Harry walked to the front counter, behind it were rows and rows of shelves that all had packages and draws on them, some of them moved by themselves from shelf to shelf and there was even a ladder that was roaming around. Harry found himself reaching for his glasses so that he could see it all but as he did someone grabbed his hand making him jump.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Young Potter."

"People get terribly envious when they see such beauty and power"

An old man was standing next to him, his wide, pale eyes shining like moons and a small smile on his wrinkled face "Erm Hello?," Harry said dumbly as he felt his brain melt down slightly. The old man let go of him before walking past him crouching down and opening a small door that was on the counter 'Was that always there?' Harry thought to himself as he scrunched his eyebrows.

"I've been expecting you Harry Potter," the old man said as he jumped up between a stack of bookshelves before putting on a pair of his glasses. Harry looked confused once more at the man's words "Expecting me?" He asked simply.

The old man turned to him once more and smiled brightly "Why yes! It is not every day a man gets to present a budding god their first wand!" He said excitedly.

He then rushes back to the counter "Think about it! In twenty years once you've saved or destroyed the world, they'll all remember it was Mr Ollivander who gave you your first wand!" He said as he tried to paint a picture for his audience.

"Garrick for the love of Merlin please shut up and get on with it!" Bellatrix shouted from her seat.

Ollivander looked at her with a scrutinising eye "Walnut with a dragon heartstring core, 12 3/4 long. Unyielding and surprisingly bitchy," he said as he turned his nose up at Bellatrix who was giving him a rude gesture.

"Now let us get to it and get your wand, Mr Potter, It seems only yesterday your mother was in here herself, buying her first wand. Ten and a quarter inches long, swishy, made of willow. Nice wand for charm work." He stated as he sighed wistfully before climbing up a roaming ladder being taken around a corner.

"Your father, on the other hand, favoured a mahogany wand. Eleven inches. Pliable. A little more power and is excellent for transfiguration. Well, to be quite frank your father was an absurdly powerful wizard in all aspects of basic spell work, had he had access to the Potter family magic maybe the war would've ended differently" He continued as he came around the corner on the ladder with a package in his hand. He then jumped off the ladder once again walking over to Harry getting so close to him that their noses were almost touching, his pale silvery eyes looked to his forehead he then pointed his finger to the lightning bolt scar that Harry had always had on his head "I'm sorry to say I sold the wand that did it," he said softly. "Thirteen and a half inches. Yew. Powerful wand, very powerful, and in the wrong hands ... Well, if I'd known what that wand was going out into the world to do ..." Harry could see the guilt that weighed heavily on him though to be quite honest he just wanted to get his wand and leave.

"But past is the past and you sure did give You-Know-Who a good seeing to, now let us see if this wand is right for you," he said, He pulled a long tape measure with silver markings out of his pocket. "Which is your wand arm?" He asked as he looked up from Harry's arm. Harry shrugged "Either, doesn't matter really," he stated.

"Ah, how splendid!" He measured Harry from shoulder to finger, then wrist to elbow, shoulder to floor, knee to armpit and round his head. As he measured, he said, "Every Ollivander wand has a core of a powerful magical substance, Mr Potter. We use unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feathers and the heartstrings of dragons. No two Ollivander wands are the same, just as no two unicorns, dragons or phoenixes are quite the same. And of course, you will never get such good results with another wizard's wand." However he then looked deeply into Harry's eyes "However sometimes there are exceptions, and while it'll never work as well for you, I doubt there is a wand in our world that you will not be able to use with those eyes of yours," he said as he measured the area from eye to eye.

He then dropped the tape measure on the ground "BUT! We must find one perfectly suitable for you," he said as he climbed the ladder and started searching through boxes and throwing boxes behind him onto the floor before grabbing one and sliding the ladder towards Harry he then threw the box onto the counter in front of him "Try this one. Beechwood and dragon heartstring. Nine inches. Nice and flexible. Just take it and give it a wave."

Harry took the wand and waved it around a bit, but Mr Ollivander snatched it out of his hand almost at once. "Maple and phoenix feather. Seven inches. Quite whippy. Try-" Harry tried, but he had hardly raised the wand when it, too, was snatched back by Mr Ollivander. "No, no, here, Holly and Phoenix feather, eleven inches. Go on, go on, try it out."

Ollivander then grabbed the wand out of his hand before tossing it behind him and stroking his chin, Bellatrix was positively cackling behind Harry "Has one of the great Ollivanders, Makers of fine Wands since 382 BC failed a customer, oh how scandalous," she said while covering her mouth laughing. Ollivander ignored her however and was still deep in thought, he then climbed back on his ladder and zoomed off down the rows of wands straight towards the back of the shop which seemed to stretch further down than Harry thought. Harry raised an eyebrow as he heard the sounds of banging and rustling, and a few minutes later Ollivander came back around with a package that looked positively ancient.

He blew the dust off of the old box "This wand was made by my ancestor over one thousand years ago. Elder wood, twelve inches."

"What about the core?" Harry asked curiously as he watched Ollivander open the box. Ollivander started to laugh a bit manically at Harry's question "That I'm afraid I don't know, you see this form of wand making was outlawed not long after this particular wand was made." He explained.

Harry inspected the wand carefully "What was so bad about it that it was outlawed?" he asked.

Ollivander leaned closer "The core... is a soul," he whispered making Harry's breath hitch slightly "Like... a human soul?" He asked and Ollivander shrugged "My ancestor did not record the soul of whom or what it was that was used, but you'll find that these types of wands will not work for just anyone... even you. There needs to be a prior connection, which is why this type of wand-making was used by pure-blood families, what stronger connection could a person have than family," he explained.

Harry reached for the wand and picked it up and he immediately felt warmth spread through him in a way he'd never experienced before, a shockwave of magic that shattered the glass and pushed everyone off of their feet emanated from the wand before a golden glow from the tip of the wand started to light up the different runic symbols that were carved into the Elder wood. Harry could feel a deep connection form between the wand and him it was indescribable, the wand he'd used before this couldn't even compare to what he felt right now "Marvellous, simply marvellous!" Ollivander said as he clapped his hands.

Harry was breathless as he looked at the wand in his hand, it had snakes coiled around the handle with their heads acting as some sort of guard it was beautiful, Harry didn't know how long he was looking but he soon realised where he was and looked up "How much do I owe you?" Harry asked still in awe.

"Seven galleons though I'll take ten if you'd like the wand holster and accompanying wand cleaning kit," he said and Harry nodded taking his pouch out and dropping ten galleons onto the counter. Ollivander ducked under the counter and placed the wand holster and cleaner on the counter which Harry took "It was nice to serve you, Mr Potter, please come by again if you need a second wand or a custom one," Ollivander stated with a smile.

"Please don't encourage him to do things that are illegal," Bellatrix said with a huff as she grabbed Harry by the shoulder and started to lead him out ignoring the cackling from Ollivander.

Bellatrix looked at Harry and smirked "Are you happy with your new wand by any chance?" She asked with amusement, Harry snapped out of it before looking up at her "There is just something about this wand..." he said to her, he then felt himself reaching for his glasses, something that slightly confused Bellatrix. He took them off and his crystalline blue eyes were revealed, he could see it now, the connection between his soul and the one in the wand, he could also feel how eager the wand was to serve him. But it did bring a greater question to Harry's mind 'Who's soul was in here and how does it link to mine a thousand years later." he thought.

Harry didn't even need to turn to see Bellatrix, the look of sheer horror on her face as she stared at Harry's eyes. Not many people more about Potter's family secrets or innate gifts that sometimes appeared in her bloodline, but being as close to the Potter family as she was she did know many, and what she was looking at right now terrified her "Harry put your glasses back on!" She said quickly grabbing them from him and forcing them back onto his face "What's your problem?" He said with an annoyed look on his face.

Bellatrix turned him around and grabbed him by the shoulders "Listen to me Harry you must never show your eyes in public until you can defend yourself you'll be a walking target for people!" Harry looked at her incredulously but before he could respond the familiar sounds of cracks could be heard echoing out through the streets.

"Bombarda Maxima!"

"Bombarda Maxima!"

"Bombarda Maxima!"

"Bombarda Maxima!"

"Bombarda Maxima!"

"Bombarda Maxima!"


Harry was blown off his feet as the whole street seemingly exploded before he could channel any magic through his body he hit his head against the wall and passed out.


Harry felt his ears ringing as he woke up, his vision for the first time in his life was blurry but he'd sum that up to the glasses. He pushed himself up from the wall he was leaning against and limped forward, the screams of men and women rang through his head as stores were on fire and people dulled throughout the street. He looked around and saw Bellatrix engaging in a duel with two people her wand whipping around as it shot red streaks of light at both of her opponents.

One one the men shot a sickly-looking purple spell at her which she deftly caught with the tip of her wand and redirected at the other man who did not have enough time to shield himself "AGGGGHHHH" the man screamed as his chest seemed to inflate before bursting open splattering the ground with blood. The other man screamed as he started throwing spells with reckless abandon at Bellatrix who Harry noticed had taken off her heels, she spun on her foot before conjuring a magical whip and grabbing the man's foot and yanking him off balance before sending an overpowered expulso which launched him into the wall knocking him out.

Harry could see that Bellatrix was injured as she had blood staining her clothes and face. She walked over to the man she had knocked out and touched his neck, a dark cloud seemed to emerge from her hand and spread across the man. Harry saw all of her injuries fade away, she even looked a bit younger than he thought.

"Well if it isn't Bellatrix Black herself, my my if I'm not mistaken usage of your Magic Technique was outlawed by the ministry, how naughty of you," An older man said as he walked down the street he had shoulder-length salt and pepper hair and a strong jaw.

Bellatrix scowled as she stood up and looked at the man "Credence, I see Grindelwald still has you running errands for him, seems things never change," she said smirking at him. The man grits his teeth in anger as his wand flashes to his hand from his sleeve "Where is the Potter boy, we know he is here," he said impatiently.

Bellatrix held her wand up "I positively have no idea what you're talking about," she said as the tip of her wand started to glow "I was hoping you'd say that." Credence said as his own wand began to blow, he yelled as he fired a stream of lightning which Bellatrix shielded herself from, though Credence channelled more power into it which started to crack the shield. Bellatrix transfigured the ground to stop the lightning before transfiguring it again to send spikes of the earth at Credence.

Credence vanished them before sending an overpowered Bombarda at Bellatrix which sent her off her feet. Though before she hit the ground she transfigured it and turned it into something soft and bouncy, when she hit it she bounced off of it and back onto her feet also inadvertently avoiding another one of Credence's spells. They then fired a spell at the same time clashing with each other, it was clear to Harry that Credence was overpowering Bellatrix as his spell surged and overtook hers. But at the last second Bellatrix directed her spell upwards and sent Credence's spell to the sky, she then sent an overpowered bone breaker that made contact with his hand "AHH" Credence shouted as he felt his hand shatter.

Bellatrix stood there with a smug expression on her face "Just because you have as much power as a Dumbledore it doesn't mean you know how to use it," she said as she cackled.

Credence growled before his magic started to surround him and more specifically his hand, cracking could be heard as his bones started to place themselves back together and fix themselves "Enough games, it's time to finish this," he said as he put his hand on his heart.

'Magic Technique: Cursed Manifestation'

Credence's body seemed to be immersed in a cloud of black fog before it exploded outwards and he became this smoke monster with a circular mouth and spinning teeth with long spindly arms. Harry felt himself walking backwards until he hit the wall, he was breathing heavily as fear invaded his body, he didn't know how Bellatrix could stand so calmly in his presence "I suppose you are right, I would like to enjoy the rest of my day off," she said before pushing her elbows out and holding her wand with both hands, the wand facing downwards.

'Domain Expansion: Dead End'

Harry saw a black bubble engulf both of them and he immediately took off his glasses. Inside the bubble were Bellatrix and Credence who seemed to be in the throne room of a castle made of black stone "Welcome to the Black Family castle," Bellatrix said as she took a seat on the throne.

"It's a shame they sent you Credence and not someone who could cast their own Domain," She said with a smug smile. However, she quickly lost her smile when she realised that Credence was laughing, though it sounded pretty eery coming from his cursed form.

"Stupid girl... I don't need to cast a domain... I AM MY DOMAIN!" He said as his form started to increase in size, Bellatrix's eyes widened and she quickly withdrew her wand and cast an oversized shield to defend herself from him. She didn't know how she hadn't noticed before but now she did, her attacks weren't automatically hitting him 'Well that's fine!' She thought to herself as black vapour emitted from her body and sunk through the shield before latching onto Credence who was slowly cracking the shield Bellatrix had cast.

Bellatrix's shield suddenly broke and she was slapped to the stairs of her throne by Credence. She scowled once more and formed more black vapour before using her wand to transfigure it into a hand and grabbing Credence by the neck and slamming him into the walls, her injuries healed as she sucked the magic and life force from him, though before she could press her advantage there was the sound of glass shattering and suddenly her domain collapsed.

"Now, now Bellatrix no need to bully my nephew,"

Harry didn't even see Alberto appear which confused him slightly "Stay out of this Dumbledore!" Credence shouted as the fog that made up his body seemingly got denser and denser. Though he then seemed to have a moment of realisation when he saw Dumbledore draw his wand out, the fog shrunk before forming the man again "Tell Grindelwald and the rest of his Hallows that Harry Potter is off limits!" Dumbledore said in a booming voice.

Credence just scowled before spitting on the ground in from of him "Let's go," he said before turning around.


They were all gone and Harry breathed a sigh of relief "Ah Harry my boy how're you holding up!" Dumbledore said with a grin as he approached him and clapped him on the back. He had to duck as he avoided a spell shot at him from Bellatrix who walked up to him "Albus you imbecile what was so important that you had to-"


Bellatrix's mouth widened "Anyway Harry let's leave before the Aurors get here, I hate answering questions, sound good, okay let's go!" He said before quickly grabbing Harry and apparating out of there just before Bellatrix started screaming.

Harry dropped to the ground and heaved as he felt his stomach try to empty its contents, they were back in front of his house "Don't forget to wear your glasses, Harry, some things are better off hidden for now," Dumbledore said as he went to leave.

Harry got to his feet "Wait! Who were those people, what was that magic, who is Albus and have you been drinking?" Harry asked as all these questions were burning in his mind.

Dumbledore looked at him "Bye." He said before apparating and disappearing from Privet Drive.

"What a dick..."

(AN: So another chapter done, a few different concepts were introduced. Harry's wand has a specific soul that'll be explored later. Also history played out a little differently as Grindelwald was not defeated and managed to escape from Dumbledore in their duel. He is now the leader of a smaller group called the Hallows and he's now focused on getting powerful enough to beat Dumbledore and take over the magical world blah blah blah also credence is alive cause he just is. anyway he wants Harry's eyes as imagine the ritualistic value they'd have. Also Bellatrix lestrange is not here only Bellatrix Black. Hope you enjoyed the chapter im introducing new things as I find book 1 to be boring)

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