
(Nurmengard Castle)


Creedence Barebone or as he preferred to go by Aurelius Dumbledore apparated back to the Hallows base of operation as he had just finished the task delegated to him to watch Harry Potter, there were many opportunities to take him but he was ordered to do nothing but watch. He knew he was being punished, because of his failure in Diagon Alley he wasn't as trusted as he was before, but what was he supposed to do when Dumbledore showed up, none of them stood a chance against the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

As Aurelius walked through the courtyard of the bleak castle he pulled up the collar of his coat as he shivered in the cold wind, no matter what time of year it was this castle was cold, no amount of heating runes could change it, many among their ranks had theories regarding it but Aurelius saw them as ridiculous. He snickered in amusement as he remembered one of the new recruits stating that this castle was stepped so much in death that it's halfway between this world and the next, while the first half of that statement was certainly true the other was mere poppycock.

"You're late Creedence."

Aurelius ignored the man who walked in step with him, but it didn't seem to stop him as he continued walking with him.

"You continue to disappoint him you know."

"He had such high hopes for you, a secret Dumbledore with powerful magic and yet look at what you became... nothing."

Aurelius continued to walk across the courtyard ignoring the man's words as he did but they did start to grate on him as they usually did and his magic started to flare around him as his anger bubbled beneath the surface.

"You are a mistake, why did you even bother returning, your weakness has gotten many loyal followers killed!"

"SHUT UP!" Aurelius shouted as he withdrew his wand from his sleeve sending an overpowered banishing spell at the man, however said man just smirked and a barrier formed around him absorbing the spell, he then unholstered his own wand before a crimson red spell started forming on the tip.

"Enough Abernathy!" A voice called out from the entrance to the main keep. Vinda Rosier stepped out her heels clacking against the stone of the courtyard.

"Stop behaving like children you're both old men," she said as she got between both men.

"I was just reminding the mistake of his place in our ranks," Abernathy said with a malevolent grin.

Aurelius tightened his grip around his wand as a much more malicious spell formed on its tip "Enough! You are both late and you know how he doesn't appreciate lateness," She stated which sobered up both men, with a smirk still on his face Abernathy let his wand fall back into his sleeve while Aurelius did the same. Both men along with Vinda walked into the castle and walked up the stairs finally approaching the top floor, Vinda knocked on the door and a few moments later it opened by itself.

Inside the room was a large and long table with numerous chairs around it, the rest of Grindelwald Acolytes sat around the table, and at the end of the table was Grindelwald himself, he stood with his arms behind his back facing away from the table as he looked out of the large window that was before him.

Next to Grindelwald stood a man that Aurelius hadn't seen before, he wore reddish-brown robes and had a turban around his head. As the door closed behind them Grindelwald turned around with a smile on his face, while he was the oldest amongst the people present he didn't look a day over thirty years old, the perks of his magical technique.

"Ah Aurelius, Abernathy, I'm glad Vinda was able to find you, I had thought perhaps you'd lost your way," Grindelwald said with a smile that made those at the table sit uneasily.

"I apologise, my Lord," Both Vinda and Abernathy said in tandem.

Aurelius did not say anything and took his seat at the end of the table away from the other acolytes, he stifled a grunt of pain as he felt his magic pulsing in his body as it usually did. His magic technique came with a few downsides and for most of his life, he suffered the pain of his magic almost bursting out of his body. Abernathy scowled at Aurelius at the disrespect he was showing to their Lord, he glared at the man as he took his seat with the rest of the acolytes.

"Now that we have all arrived, let us begin," Grindelwald stated as he took his seat, with the stranger taking the seat next to him.

"Zabini how goes the recruitment drive?" Grindelwald asked as he traced his fingers along the side of his wand running over the bumps.

"Well my lord, we have gotten fifty recruits this month alone." Bezoar Zabini replied with a grin on his face showing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Very good, but it is not enough, for what I have planned we will need many more men," Grindelwald stated.

"If I may ask my lord what is it you have planned, we have all been given various tasks but we know not what it all leads to." Henrietta Carrow asked.

"You dare question our lord, I should cut out your tongue!" Abernathy shouted as his wand flew out his sleeve into his grasp, he stood up intent on holding Carrow under the Cruciatus curse till she learned some respect. 

"Calm yourself, Abernathy!" Grindelwald shouted, with a wave of his hand and a small application of wandless magic Abernathy was back down in his chair with his wand finding its way back to its holster. Abernathy was once again awed by the magic being displayed and quickly bowed his head "I apologise, my lord," he said quickly.

"It is alright my friend but remember these are Grindalwald Acolytes, not Abernathy, had I wished to punish her I would have done so myself," Grindalwald said sternly.

"Of course my lord," Abernathy said obediently.

"I am not one to hurt another wizard unless my hand is forced, and besides she is right to ask the question for the past six months you've been working hard it's about time you know what the plan is," Grindalwald stated as he looked around the table at his Acolytes.

"As you know the last Potter has inherited the Six Eyes, Dumbledore tried to hide this from us but thanks to our very own Lyra Black we managed to find him and confirm this a few months back," Grindalwald said with a smile as he looked to the youngest acolyte at the table.

Barely sixteen years old Lyra sat there feeling slightly nervous under the watchful eye of Grindelwald but she sat up straight and remained graceful as was expected of someone from her house.

Alister Macduff let out a deep rough laugh "The lass couldn't even capture him when he was defenceless!" He said as he mocked her.

Lyra could've taken him but her surprise at how he moved and how he so quickly closed the gap took her off guard, she scowled at the older man as her fingers twitched to grasp her wand.

"Now now Macduff a person with the six eyes is no ordinary opponent, imagine a wizard capable of performing any spell he sees, they have perfect magical control going down to the smallest particle of magic, and if he were ever to learn Legilimancy then it's safe to say your secrets would be laid bare to him if you do not have sufficient shields," Grindalwald explained which cut off the man's laughter.

"Are we no longer going after the Potter boy?" Rosier asked.

"No the plan hasn't changed, those eyes will be what is needed to finally tip the scales of this Cold War," Grindelwald stated.

"Harry Potter is at Hogwarts now, he is beyond our reach..." Aurelius said from the other end of the table causing all the acolytes to look at him.

For a moment Grindelwald did not say a word and instead leaned back in his seat "We shall attack Hogwarts." He stated much to the shock of those around the tables.

Aurelius couldn't help but laugh "That is madness, we could attack Hogwarts for five years and get no closer to getting through its protections," he said, Abernathy and a few of the others gave Aurelius a venomous stare at the audacity of questioning their lord.

"Have you lost faith in me Creedence? Has your heart hardened to the cause?" Grindelwald asked as he leaned forward putting his elbows on the table.

"I am as dedicated to the new world as anyone at this table..." he replied in a low voice.

"Good then you'll know I have prepared for an eventuality such as this, which brings me to our guest here," Grindelwald said as he gestured to the man in the seat next to him.

"H-H-Hello I a-am Q-Quirinus Quirrell," he said rather pathetically as he held his hands to his chest, he was a sickly pale that bordered on yellow and he looked like he was halfway to death already.

"'Ow will this wee man get us inside Hagworts?" Macduff asked as he looked at the man sceptically.

"Quirrell here is the Professor of Defence against the dark arts at Hogwarts and knows of various passageways long forgotten," Grindelwald stated.

"Not just that but he also has another advantage," Grindelwald said as he gestured to Quirrell who nodded before he fell back in his chair his eyes shifting from their normal colour to reptilian-like slits that were a deep red, his skin also turned a pale white and his fingernails grew.

"Allow me to introduce you to our newest ally, Lord Voldemort," Grindelwald said as he introduced the man next to him.

"Any more questions?"


As Hagrid's massive paw slammed against the door to the castle Harry and the other students waited with bated breath as they were about to enter this wonderful place and start their new lives as wizards. Though that excitement soon died down as no one opened the door, it got to the point where Hagrid turned and smiled nervously at the group of first years he'd led to this door.

"Sure it won't be long now," he said nervously as he pointed to the door, as he did the massive doors opened revealing a tall black-haired witch with emerald robes and a very stern expression on her face "Honestly Hagrid I keep telling you not to take them through the lake," She said as she shook her head.

The huge man rumbled the courtyard with his laughter "Can' understand why, 's a bloody marvellous sight!" He said loudly.

The tall witch's face remained stern as she looked up at the half-giant "Indeed it may be but the sorting is about to begin and these children are late!" She reprimanded.

Hagrid stopped his laughing and paused "Sorry 'bout that Professor McGonagall, I jus' wan'ed ta give em the ol' Hogwarts experience." Hagrid said apologetically.

The woman ended up sighing as her stern expression softened a bit at the man's hood intentions "Thank you, Hagrid. I'll take it from here." She said as gave the giant a small smile.

She pulled the doors wide open revealing the entrance hall, Harry couldn't help but stare in awe 'This is a real castle...' he thought to himself as he looked at how humongous it was. He reckoned that the whole of the Dursley's house could fit in the entrance hall alone 'Heh I bet Vernon would hate that,' he thought to himself as he was ushered in with the rest of the students. He noticed that Hermione seemed to be sticking closer to him than was necessary, he narrowed it down to her not liking large crowds, though he could see her eyes looking around in wonder trying to take everything in as quickly as possible.

As they stepped inside Harry saw the large marble staircase facing them that led to the upper floors "Hurry now first years," Professor McGonagal said as she strode in front of them her boots clacking against the stone floor of the halls.

"As much as I would like to give you your welcoming speech, the banquet is about to begin, so I will narrow it down to what you should expect once you are in there" She said as she led the first years to a small room off the main entrance.

"Before the feasting, you will all be sorted into your houses, the sorting is one of the most important traditions at Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room." She said as she looked out across the children.

"The bonds you make in your first and second year are important, once you reach your third year you will be exorcising cursed spirits, so it is rather important you have the trust of your house as it can mean the difference between life and death," she said sternly.

"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. All named after the esteemed founders of Hogwarts and have a rich and noble history." She continued.

"Now are there any questions?" She asked.

Harry put his hand up

"Yes, Mr Potter?" She said as she pointed at Harry.

"Why do you have so many cursed spirits roaming around." He said bluntly as he pointed up.

All of the children looked up, most of them screamed while some didn't react at all. Hermione was one to scream and she grabbed onto Harry's arm incredibly tightly and started to shake.

"Calm down!" Professor McGonagall shouted as she pointed the wand at the tip of her throat amplifying her voice. The first years all went quiet as their ears hurt a little from the loud voice, clearing her throat McGonagall stood up straight and elegantly once again.

"What you see are Wizards who were killed without the use of magic and so they turned into Cursed Spirits, however, you needn't worry as a runic matrix in the castle gives them back their memories and personality, they were all dedicated to Hogwarts in their life so they will not harm you," McGonagall explained.

The first years sighed in relief, though it was mostly the Muggle-borns and Halfbloods who had been scared as the Pureblood children knew of the Cursed spirits which had been dubbed ghosts in their pacified state beforehand.

"Now if you will, please follow me inside," McGonagall asked and with the flick of her wand the doors to the great hall opened behind her.


All the first years had been ushered into their seats in the centre of the great hall where they would sit until they were all sorted. Harry found the great hall to be quite splendid, the floating candles and the large groups of people but most of all the ceiling which Hermione had informed him was enchanted to look like the sky. For a moment Harry pulled his glasses down and saw the ceiling for what it was, he was amazed at the intricate runic patterns that all seemed to swirl together and connect in such a beautiful way.

Ron had tried to catch Harry's attention multiple times while they were sitting down but Harry ignored him each time as he didn't want to engage with someone who thought the way they were sorted into houses was by wrestling a troll "What house do you want to be in?" Hermione whispered to him.

Harry shrugged his shoulders "It doesn't matter does it?" He asked.

"What! Of course it does mate! You don't want to end up part of those slimy snakes in Slytherin, I heard all dark wizards including You-Know-Who came from Slytherin." Ron said incredulously as he leaned across the table.

While Hermione seemed to take him at his word due to what he already experienced Harry couldn't help but doubt him 'All wizards from Slytherin go dark? Why would they let that house still exist?' He thought to himself as he watched the red-headed boy launch into a rant about the different houses.

"Gryffindor is the only one to go for mate, you don't want to be a bookworm or even worse a puff!" Ron said

"It's home of the brave and courageous, everyone in my family has been a Gryffindor and so will I," he said as he pointed to himself.

Neville who was next to them having not said a word the entire time chuckled at the redhead's antics, he picked up one of the knives that were set out in front of them all and with a flick of his fingers he launched it straight at Ron cutting the hair from the left-hand side of his face. The boy shrieked as he fell out of his seat causing the people that saw to laugh at him.

"Such a brave boy little Weasley," Neville said much to the anger of Ron who quickly got up from the ground reaching for his wand.

"I'll show you! You filthy squib!" Ron growled out as he pointed his wand at Neville who just sat there with a bored expression on his face.

"RONALD WEASLEY!" Professor McGonagall shouted out making the boy straighten up as if it was his mother calling him.

The sounds of her heels clacking against the floor sounded out as she approached him "You've not even been sorted yet and I find myself ready to take house points away from you!" She said as she flicked her wand which disarmed the boy and spun him around before forcing him back into the chair.

"Seems this is a new record as I cannot take house points away I will have to give you a detention on your first day no less, I shall see you after the feast," Professor McGonagall said before walking away.

Ron just sat there with a red face as he crossed his arms in silent anger. Harry stifled his laughter before looking down towards the front of the great hall where a chair was placed with a hat on top, then much to his surprise the hat started to sing.

'Oh, you may not think I'm pretty But don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me. You can keep your bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat And I can cap them all. There's nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can't see, So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be. You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart; You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil; Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind; Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends. So put me on! Don't be afraid! And don't get in a flap! You're in safe hands (though I have none).

For I'm a Thinking Cap!'

Everyone in the hall started to applaud with the exception of Neville and Harry, though for different reasons. While Neville thought to whole thing was boring and didn't want to listen, Harry found himself in disbelief that wizards had such power with magic and what they did with it was make a hat talk. The hat bowed to all of the tables before going very still once again.

Professor McGonagall now stepped forward holding a long roll of parchment. "When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted," she said.

"Abbott, Hannah!"

A pink-faced girl with blonde pigtails stumbled out of line, put on the hat, which fell right down over her eyes, and sat down. A moment later – 'HUFFLEPUFF!' shouted the hat.

The table on the right cheered and clapped as Hannah went to sit down at the Hufflepuff table. Harry saw one of the cursed spirits that infested the castle floating above the table as it waved at Hannah who joined their table, Harry supposed that it wasn't much of a cursed spirit as it just looked like a fat man in robes, ugly but not as ugly as a cursed spirit.

"Bones, Susan!"

A beautiful girl with curly red hair nervously walked up to the seat where she sat down on the chair and the hat was lifted onto her head. Harry had to admit he liked girls with red hair, he hoped that was just a normal preference though and not some weird Oedipus complex at work.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" shouted the hat again, and Susan scuttled off to sit next to Hannah. And that's how it continued for a while with Professor McGonagall calling names and the first years walking up and being sorted into their houses.

"Granger, Hermione!"

Hermione tentatively stood up from her seat and she walked down the aisle towards the front of the hall, she felt nervous that everyone was watching her but also excited that she was about to be sorted into her house. As the hat was placed on her head she felt a shiver run down her spine, and it felt like something was wiggling around inside her mind.

'Oh, you can sense me inside you, very talented I see,'

Hermione almost jumped when she heard the voice speak out, she rapidly ran through various possibilities and quickly figured out how the hat's magic worked.

'Very talented indeed, Ravenclaw would suit you well...'

'But you're also brave, amazingly brave,'

'I'm not brave...' Hermione replied.

'You exorcised two cursed spirits after watching them eat your parents, and you had only just awoke your magic, if Godwin Gryffindor were here he would take you as his apprentice,'

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat shouted, and the Gryffindor table all cheered as Hermione walked down and took a seat with them next to Lavender Brown, a girl who had been sorted before Hermione. Ron was among the few who groaned at her being sorted into his beloved house. Students kept going up one after the other, though Harry wasn't keeping track as most of them he didn't know, nor did he care.

"Longbottom, Neville!"

Neville stood up from his seat and confidently walked down to the stool, Harry could hear comments being thrown his way that couldn't be anything other than derogatory, they mostly came from the Slytherin table but quite a few also came from Gryffindor and Ravenclaw as well. Neville sat down on the seat and the hat was placed upon his head, as soon as the fabric of the hat touched his head the hat shouted out.


Gasps were heard in the hall as Neville stood up from his seat and walked over to the Slytherin table, the looks of pure hatred he was being subjected to confused Harry making him wonder what he had done. And once again children funnelled in through the aisles as they were called up and then sent to their respective houses, Harry almost fell asleep as he leaned his elbow on the table and placed his head in his hands.

"Potter, Harry"

'Finally,' he thought to himself as he stood up and walked down the aisle, he could hear people whispering in the hall, mostly positive things such as how handsome he was or about his hair but some were negative, mostly from the Slytherin table again. Harry walked up the few steps before sitting down in the seat, Professor McGonagall placed the hat on his head and he felt something weird in his mind, like something was trying to get inside.

'Are you trying to read my mind?' Harry asked with slight amusement.

'Trying is quite a generous term, I must ask you to remove your Occlumency shields so I can best sort you,' What he assumed was the hat asked him.

'I have no idea what Occlumency is,' Harry replied.

'I see... the glasses hid them well but you must have the Six Eyes, it has been a long time since one had walked through these halls,' the hat stated.

'Slytherin would not do for you as you will be great no matter what house you are in,'

'Ravenclaw is much the same, once you train your eyes more I believe you could read every book in the library at once,'

'It is between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, the Home of the Brave and the Home of the Loyal,'

'Is there a bias towards any of the houses?' Harry asked.

'The Gryffindor children are seen to be foolish and tie with Slytherin for the most bullies, while the Hufflepuff children are seen as weak and often called leftovers.' The Hat replied.

'Put me in Hufflepuff, that should cause a bit of drama for a while,' he told the Hat.


The entire hall went silent as Harry sat there on the chair, everyone had been expecting the boy who lived to be sorted into Gryffindor so for him to be sorted into the least-liked house after Slytherin was quite an upset. Though Dumbledore who sat with the teachers at the long table couldn't help but chuckle. Then abruptly the Hufflepuff table erupted into cheers as they clapped for Harry, said boy got off the stool and walked down the aisle to take his seat at his house's table.

Seeing space next to Hannah and Susan he sat next to them and gave them a warm smile which made them nervously smile back. The sorting continued until the last boy was called up a 'Blaise Zabini' who was sorted into Slytherin. After this Dumbledore stopped up and addressed the hall.

"Welcome!" he said.

"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"

"Thank you!"

He said before sitting back down, then all of a sudden food started appearing on the table and people started tucking in and grabbing the nearest tray. Harry had made small talk with Hannah and to a lesser extent Susan, the red-headed girl seemed to be nervous in his presence which was a shame as he'd like her to know her a bit better, though that had nothing to do with how soft and curly hair red hair was or the fact she was packing quite hefty assets for a thirteen-year-old 'Speaking of hefty assets,' Harry thought.

"Wotcher Harry! It's good to see you picked the right House!" Tonks said as she sat down in front of him.

"Hey Tonks, I was hoping you were joking when you said I'd see you again," he said playfully as he smirked at her.

"Well too bad, I'm gonna be your prefect this year and if this school has any sense your head girl next year," she said while sticking her tongue out at him.

Harry raised an eyebrow "They made you a prefect? I guess Dumbledore is a  bit mad so it makes sense," He said, he then quickly had to dodge a glob of mashed potatoes that Tonks flicked his way. Harry laughed as she missed though his gaze ended up drifting to the teacher's table where a man with shoulder-length black hair and a large hooked nose was staring at him. Harry grabbed his head as a shooting pain ran through it "Harry are you feeling okay?" Both Tonks and Hannah asked while Susan looked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine..." he said taking a last look at the scowling man and turning back to the table.

'What was that all about...'

(AN: This chapter ran on longer than I planned, truth is I find this all incredibly boring but I have to stick to canon for this before I can start diverging. I did add a few surprises that I hope you liked. Neville being in Slytherin makes sense to me because he probably has the biggest ambition out of everyone in the school. I put Harry in Hufflepuff cause I don't really see many fics doing it, plus Susan and Tonks are there... need I explain more?)

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