Character Cursed Techniques.

I decided to make this page just for people who want to know the specifics of abilities. Though I'll not be putting their full abilities down until they are revealed in the stories, unless of course I've just used an ability from JJK. Most of them are sort of original though. However I will include the names of the abilities just to cause a little speculation.

Harry Potter:

Twelve Stars Summoning:

Can summon Twelve Shikigami based off the different star signs.

Aries: Specialises in forming barriers

Taurus: A power type summon.

Gemini: ???

Capricorn: ???

Aquarius: ???

Virgo: ???

Saggitarrius: ???

Scorpio: ???

Pisces: ???

Leo: ???

Cancer: ???

Reversed Cursed Effect: Bypasses the need for a summon and allows the user to use Summons abilities (I couldn't think of an opposite effect better than this)

Domain Expansion: Libera

Limitless: In conjunction with the six eyes it allows the user to bring the concept of infinity into real life.

Infinity: A barrier surrounds the user, any attack directed towards them will be slowed by half infinitely, never reaching its target.

Blue: By running magic through neutral limitless it brings the impossibility of negative distance into reality. This forces surrounding space to try and fill the void, creating the appearance of a magnet-like effect.

Fast movement: The user can use the magnetic style effect of blue to travel short distances almost instantaneously.

Red: using reversed cursed energy, the effect normally generated by blue is reversed. A repelling effect is instead generated.

Teleportation: By compressing the space between two points the user can travel instantaneously.

Hollow Technique Purple: A fusion of both Red and Blue. It represents motion and reversal, a fusion of convergence and divergence that collides both infinites to generate an imaginary mass. The effect takes the target out of reality, instantly erasing everything the technique hits without exception.

Domain Expansion: Infinite Void.

The Domain Expansion of Limitless, which traps the target inside the concept of infinity. While inside the domain, the target is inundated with an endless stream of information, overloading their brains and leaving them in a catatonic state.

Albus Dumbledore

Through The Looking Glass: ???

Reversed Cursed Effect: ???

Domain Expansion: Akashic Records: Library At The End.

Bellatrix Black:

Black Abyss: A dark cloud made of magic can leave a users body and absorb magic, stamina or life force. Alternatively it can be done through skincontact.

Reversed Cursed Effect: ???

Domain Expansion: Dead End

Taking the form of the Black Family castle, the rate at which she can absorb an opponents magic dramatically increases, and she is able to use it on multiple opponents.

Lord Voldemort:

Whispering Death:

Death Barrier: A barrier of death forms around the user decaying anything that comes into contact with it.

Decay: Anything the user touches is broken down and turned into nothing.

Spell Decay: a User is able to apply a decaying effect to any spells he users giving them a delayed lethal attribute.

Reversed Cursed Effect: User is able to restore any part of the body that is broken or cut off. Allows the user to restore himself as long as his brain is in tact. (Does not work when he's in soul form)

Domain Expansion: Endless Void

Weasley Family:

Sticky Situations: User is able to attach two things together, though advanced users are able to attach more things. The strongest users are even able to attach conceptual existences.

Stage 1: User is able to attach a smaller object to a larger one.

Stage 2: User is able to attach objects of a similar mass to each other.

Stage 3: User is able to attach Liquids, gasses and Solids to each other.

Stage 4: ???

Reversed Cursed Effect : ???

Domain Expansion: The Ties That Bind

Hermione Granger:

Mastermind: ???

Reversed Technique Effect: ???

Domain Expansion: ???

Gellart Grindalwald:

The Flames of Rebirth: ???

Revered Cursed Effect: ???

Domain Expansion: ???

Nymphadora Tonks:

Metamorphic: A common ability in the Black family, the user is able to manipulate their body to take various organic shapes and forms.

Partial Expansion: User can make parts of their body bigger, though the bigger they are the more magic it costs.

Animal shifting: Through practice the user can shift into animals though it is incredibly difficult. Though animagi can achieve a similar feat they are limited to only one form.

Reversed Cursed Technqiue: ???

Domain Expansion: Idol Transfiguration

Luna Lovegood:

Pure Imagination: ???

Reversed Cursed Effect: ???

Domain Expansion: A World Of Our Own (Barrierless Domain)

Cedric Diggery:

Boundless: ???

Reversed Cursed Effect: ???

Domain Expansion: Beyond the Horizon

Susan Bones:

Ratio: Look it up , I barely understand it.

Spell Ratio: Can apply her technique to spells, both her own and her opponents.

Reversed Curse Effect: ???

Domain Expansion: Critical Sphere of Pain

Neville Longbottom:

Heavenly Restriction: In exchange for most of the magic in his body, the user is blessed with a body much more resilient and strong than a regular body.

Runic Inscryption: ???

So yeah I cba to do anymore but I'll update it as chapters get posted. Hope to see if any of you can guess some of the techniques.