Fenrir Greyback

As the crowd chanted Fenrir's name, Yuki cursed in a string of Japanese curse words that made Miguel look at her with confusion.

"What did you just say?" he asked.

"I said, 'Shit, this isn't good,'" Yuki replied with a deadpan expression.

"Sureeee," Miguel said, entirely unconvinced. "What's the problem, though? He's taken on bigger people than him before."

Yuki shook her head. "That's not the issue. The problem is that man is one of the most vicious werewolves I've ever fought against. His condition gives him abnormal strength and durability." Miguel nodded in understanding before eyeing Yuki with mock suspicion. "Are you a werewolf?" he asked.

Yuki responded by backhanding him, making him stumble back a bit.

"Ow!" he yelled. "I was just joking..." he grumbled.

"Harry is in trouble," Yuki stated with a serious expression.

"You don't think he can beat him?" Miguel asked.

"No," Yuki replied, her face grave.

They then looked back to the centre of the field and watched as Harry circled Fenrir with his fists up and his muscles coiled. Fenrir stood in the arena, his eyes locked onto Harry with a mix of lust, hunger, and anger. His malicious smile widened as he approached the boy, each step radiating menace. His yellowed eyes gleamed with a predatory delight, and his muscles tensed, ready to unleash his fury.

"Are you ready, boy?" he asked in his deep, guttural voice.

"I'd say I'm going to be gentle... but I never am," he shouted, his booming laugh echoing through the cavern.

Harry stood his ground, completely composed, his eyes never leaving Fenrir's. He waited, every muscle in his body coiled like a spring, ready to react. As Fenrir closed the distance, his movements were faster than Harry had anticipated. The werewolf's arm shot out to grab him, but Harry dodged the grasp, slipping just out of reach.

In a fluid motion, Harry countered with a left hook that landed right under Fenrir's ribs. The impact was solid, but Fenrir barely flinched. Harry quickly stepped back, staying just outside of Fenrir's reach.

Fenrir looked down at the spot where Harry had struck him, then back up at Harry, and laughed—a dark, sinister sound that sent chills down the spines of those watching. The crowd joined in, their jeers and laughter blending into a cacophony of noise.

"I do love prey with a bit of fight in them," Fenrir said, licking his fangs as he spoke.

Harry remained silent. He didn't care what Fenrir said, he wasn't afraid of him, if he died he died it wouldn't matter and he honestly didn't care if he did. Fenrir circled Harry, his eyes never losing that predatory gleam. Fenrir lunged again, this time with a feint to the left before swinging his right arm in a wide arc. Harry ducked under the swing, feeling the rush of air as the massive fist sailed over his head. He countered with a quick jab to Fenrir's liver, but the werewolf twisted away, his reflexes proving to be just as sharp as his strength.

"You're quick, I'll give you that," Fenrir growled, his voice dripping with malice. "But you're not going to last long."

Harry didn't respond, his focus entirely on the fight. He knew he was at a disadvantage, but he also knew that staying calm and composed was his best chance. He had to keep moving, keep dodging, and look for every opportunity to strike. Fenrir lunged again, his movements a blur. Harry sidestepped, delivering a swift kick to the back of Fenrir's knee. The werewolf staggered, but quickly regained his balance, turning with a snarl. Fenrir charged again, this time lowering his shoulder in an attempt to tackle Harry. Harry leapt to the side, narrowly avoiding the bull-like rush. He landed a quick succession of punches to Fenrir's ribs and back before darting out of reach once more.

Fenrir laughed again, a low, menacing sound. "You've got spirit, boy, but I think it's time I break you in."

The crowd's roars grew louder, their bloodlust palpable. They wanted to see a fight, a brutal, bloody spectacle. They wanted to see Harry torn limb from limb and then fucked and eaten by the werewolf. Fenrir ran forward, lunging at Harry with ferocious speed. Harry rolled away, narrowly avoiding the attack. In a fluid motion, he pushed himself off the ground with his hands, sending his feet into Fenrir's face. The blow only stunned Fenrir for a moment. The werewolf snarled and grabbed Harry's leg, his claws digging deep into Harry's flesh. With a guttural roar, Fenrir hurled Harry nearly twenty feet away.

Harry hit the ground hard, pain radiating through his body as he rolled across the stone floor. He stifled a shout of pain and instead pushed himself up, he was far from done. Fenrir stood in front of him, his hands covered in Harry's blood. The werewolf licked the blood off his claws, moaning as he savoured the taste. "You taste good, boy," Fenrir said, his voice dripping with malice. "Better than anything I've ever tasted before." The crowd roared with bloodlust and excitement, their cheers echoing through the cavern. Harry steadied himself, blood trickling down his leg where Fenrir's claws had torn into his flesh. He watched Fenrir carefully, waiting for an opening.

Fenrir lunged again, and Harry met him head-on. He drove a powerful heel thrust kick directly into Fenrir's midsection, his heel connecting solidly. The impact sent a shockwave up Harry's leg, but Fenrir merely grunted and continued his advance. Harry followed up with a swift sidekick to Fenrir's chin, snapping the werewolf's head to the side. Fenrir's laugh echoed through the arena, a sound that made Harry's blood start to boil. Undeterred, Harry ducked under a wild swing and launched a roundhouse kick to the side of Fenrir's neck. The blow was precise and powerful, enough to stagger a normal opponent, but Fenrir barely flinched. Instead, he grabbed Harry by the arm, his claws digging in as he tossed the boy across the arena with ease.

"He's just playing with him..." Miguel said with a grim expression on his face.

"Skill can only take you so far... even I struggled to beat him without my Cursed Energy," Yuki said her expression equally as grim. She considered the likelihood of getting shot if she jumped into the arena. She looked up to the balcony and saw how engrossed the guards were in a fight, her expression grew darker. There was no way they'd let anyone stop the fight. 'Fuck...'

Harry crashed into the ground, his body skidding across the rough stone floor. He could hear the crowd's roar, their excitement palpable as they watched the brutal exchange. Harry pushed himself up again, his body throbbing in pain. Fenrir was already upon him, his claws slashing through the air. Harry ducked and weaved, avoiding the worst of the strikes, but a few still managed to connect, leaving bloody trails across his skin. Seizing an opening, Harry jumped up and drove his knee up into Fenrir's throat. The werewolf choked for a moment, but then he laughed, a dark, menacing sound that seemed to fill the entire cavern. "You're putting up a good fight, boy," Fenrir taunted, licking his lips. "But it's not enough."

Harry tried to press his advantage, landing a series of rapid punches to Fenrir's ribs and face. But no matter how hard Harry hit, Fenrir seemed to absorb the blows, his laughter growing louder with each successful strike. In a blur of motion, Fenrir retaliated. He grabbed Harry by the shoulder and lifted him off the ground, tossing him like a ragdoll. Harry hit the ground hard, the air driven from his lungs. He barely had time to roll out of the way as Fenrir's claws slashed down, tearing into the stone where his head had just been. Harry scrambled to his feet, only to be met with another powerful blow that sent him sprawling. Fenrir was relentless, his attacks brutal and unending. Harry pushed himself up once more, his body battered and bleeding. Fenrir lunged again, and Harry met him with a desperate, powerful punch to the jaw. Fenrir's head snapped back, but he recovered almost instantly.

Harry crossed his arms together just in time to block a punch from Fenrir, he felt the bones in his arm start to crack under the force and he was launched back across the arena, the stone scraping across his skin as he did. Harry felt his arms scream in pain when he used them to push himself up. He grit his teeth as he looked up the Fenrir, the man doesn't look at all phased by anything Harry did, he looked down to the ground watching his blood drip onto the stone floor.

He was Angry.

He was Angry at Fenrir.

He was Angry at Grindelwald.

He was Angry at The Knights Templar.

He was Angry at Dumbledore.

He was Angry at Hannah...

But most of all he was Angry at himself, at his weakness, he felt helpless, useless, weak.

'You are weak...'

'You were warned but you didn't listen.'

'Merlin told you what would happen.'

'Dumbledore, Bellatrix, you didn't listen to any of them.'


'You deserve to die.'

Harry was snapped out of his thoughts as the sounds of Fenrir's claws scrapping across the walls echoed out through the arena. Harry grunted as he stood up deciding to shift to a more defensive stance. Fenrir lunged at him with claws outstretched, aiming for Harry's throat. Harry sidestepped the attack and grabbed Fenrir's extended arm, using his momentum to execute a shoulder throw. Fenrir's massive body hit the ground, but he rolled and sprang back up almost immediately.

Harry barely had time to react as Fenrir's claws slashed across his chest, tearing through flesh and muscle. Blood spattered on the stone floor, and Harry gritted his teeth against the pain. He grabbed Fenrir's arm again, this time twisting it behind his back and applying a wrist lock. Fenrir snarled and used his free hand to grab Harry by the hair, lifting him off the ground and slamming him down with bone-crushing force.

What is he doing!" Miguel shouted from the crowd, that arm lock was stupid he put himself right in his grasp.

Yuki frowned as she looked at Harry. "He's given up... he knows he can't win," she said as his fists tightened. She needed to make a plan, Yaga wouldn't be happy if she let him die, especially since he was convinced he was their only way out of there.

"Miguel I need you to make a distraction for the guards, so I can get Harry out of there," Yuki said to him though her eyes never left the fight.

Miguel laughed nervously. "You want me to distract those gun-wielding supremacists?" He asked. "No thanks I think I'll stay and watch."

Yuki grabbed his arm "This isn't a joke, Harry is going to die and he's our best chance to get out of this shithole."

Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose before growling "Fine, tell me when," he said.

Back to the fight, Harry rolled away, gasping for breath. He pushed himself up and aimed a roundhouse kick at Fenrir's head. The werewolf blocked it with his forearm and retaliated with a punch to Harry's ribs, the impact sending a jolt of agony through his body as he felt the bones crack. Harry stumbled but managed to stay on his feet. Fenrir charged again, and Harry ducked under a swipe aimed at his face. He seized the opportunity to perform a hip throw, using his weight and leverage to send Fenrir crashing to the ground. Harry immediately followed up with a knee strike to Fenrir's stomach and an elbow to his face. Blood sprayed from Fenrir's nose, but the werewolf only laughed and pushed Harry away with a powerful kick.

Harry landed hard, the breath knocked out of him. Fenrir was on him in an instant, slashing at his legs. Harry cried out as claws ripped through his thigh, blood gushing from the wound. Desperate, he grabbed Fenrir's arm and twisted, attempting an arm lock. Fenrir roared in pain but used his other hand to grab Harry by the throat, lifting him and slamming him into the ground repeatedly. Each impact sent waves of pain through Harry's battered body. He felt a sharp pain in his shoulder as it dislocated, rendering his left arm useless. He gasped for air, trying to clear his vision as Fenrir loomed over him, claws dripping with blood.

'Just give up.'

When Fenrir lunged again, Harry sidestepped and delivered a quick jab to his kidney, followed by a knee to the groin. Fenrir grunted but retaliated with a backhanded slap that sent Harry sprawling.

'You can't win.'

On the ground, Harry swept his leg in a low kick, knocking Fenrir off balance. He scrambled up and delivered a series of rapid punches to Fenrir's midsection and face, but the werewolf's body seemed impervious to most of the blows. Fenrir caught one of Harry's punches and twisted his arm, causing Harry to scream in pain as his wrist snapped.

'You're weak.'

With his body screaming in agony, Harry switched to using his legs more. He delivered a brutal sidekick to Fenrir's knee, making it buckle slightly. He followed up with a spinning back kick to Fenrir's head, but the werewolf caught his leg and flung him across the arena. Harry crashed into the stone wall, feeling the air rush out of his lungs.

'You can let go.'

Fenrir approached slowly, savouring the moment. Harry struggled to his feet, using the wall for support. His vision blurred from the blood running down his face. He forced himself to stand, knowing he couldn't give up. Fenrir lunged again, and Harry ducked, using his good arm to grab Fenrir's neck and pull him down into a chokehold.

'Close your eyes... it'll be over soon'

Fenrir roared and easily broke free, slamming Harry to the ground once more. Harry's head hit the stone floor, and he felt darkness closing in. He fought to stay conscious, his body a wreck of broken bones and torn flesh. The crowd was going positively crazy as this fight was by far the best of the night, seeing Harry getting mauled by still standing up was insane.

"You're weak boy, just like everyone else," Fenrir said slashing his hand against the ground and ridding his claws of blood. "And like everyone, you'll die and fill my belly for tonight..."

"Perhaps I'll satisfy my other needs on those girls you've been hanging around..."

Harry looked up at Fenrir who smiled and tapped his nose "You think you can hide them from me, I'll find them, I can smell one in the crowd right now... I'm going to fuck them bloody with your blood still on my hands."

Fenrir loved breaking people, he loved the look of hopelessness on their faces as they realised their situation. He could smell the fear coming from the boy, it was turning him on.

'You've failed again...'

'First Hannah... now Ciri and Yennefer.'

"It's a shame you were too weak to do anything," Fenrir chuckled.

'Too weak...' words Harry had been thinking about often. He was supposed to be strong, but what did that even mean... Abernathy was stronger than him but Harry managed to defeat him. Harry wasn't sure, all he knew was that he was weak.

'Now they'll both die because I'm too weak... I did all this to try and save them and yet now they'll both die.'

'Is that how you want things to end,' an unfamiliar voice echoed throughout his head.

'Of course not...' Harry replied almost instinctively.

'Then change it...'

'I can't... I'm too weak.'

He heard a deep rumbling laughter come from inside himself, it pissed him off. The voice seemed to realise that as it stopped 'Forgive me... but I do find it amusing that a first-year student who was capable of defeating a wizard powerful enough to be an acolyte of Grindelwald thinks he's too weak.'

'I couldn't save Hannah.'


'What do you mean maybe.'

'Understand this Harry Potter... there is no one who has ever been like you nor will there ever be again...'

'This is against the rules... but let me show you...'


Fenrir stalked towards Harry, who lay on the floor seemingly broken. He licked his lips in anticipation of his meal. However, he paused as Harry started to let out a loud laugh that echoed throughout the cavern. The laughter was manic, almost insane. But Harry slowly pushed himself to his feet.

"You must be more broken than I thought," Fenrir sneered.

Harry's laughter intensified, his eyes wild with a crazed glint. "I get it... I finally get it," Harry said loudly. The audience had quietened when he started to laugh and listened with rapt attention to what he said.

"Get what?" Fenrir growled, unhappy at the lack of fear in him.

"They all pushed me to work hard... I didn't listen."

"They knew... before even I knew myself."

"What are you spouting on about!" Fenrir shouted.

Harry looked up at Fenrir, ripping his blindfold from his face, his crystal blue eyes being revealed to everyone. "I am the strongest..."

The crowd burst into laughter, as did Fenrir, as they looked at the pathetic form of Harry who was battered and bloody proclaiming he was the strongest. Apolline Delacour, who watched from atop Boulder's shoulder, looked at Harry with visible sadness. She wanted to get involved as well, but she wouldn't risk herself for the boy.

"You? The strongest, then I wonder what that makes me," Fenrir barked out with a laugh.

"I never understood before how much of a genius I am, it's like I've been going through life using half my brain, Hannah was right, I am a prodigy... no more than that, I am The Prodigy..." Harry continued to say as he laughed.

Soon the laughter died down and turned into annoyance, especially with Fenrir, who approached Harry. "My stomach is rumbling, it's time to end it."

Fenrir lunged at Harry, who dodged with a quick sidestep and sent a right cross straight to Fenrir's jaw. The punch was hard, a lot harder than what Fenrir had experienced before. It hit him so hard that he lost balance and fell on the floor, making the crowd go quiet. When Fenrir looked up at Harry, he saw that the fist he had been hit with was still extended, and the skin across Harry's knuckles had been torn off. A person can only hit someone so hard before they hurt themselves; it would be foolish for any fighter to sacrifice their hands just to hit someone harder. But Harry did just that.

Harry had a huge grin on his face as he looked down at Fenrir. "Huh, did you drop something on the ground? What're you doing down there?" he mocked.

Fenrir clawed the ground as he stood back up, his face hurting from the blow but the pain only fueled his rage. He snarled, "That was a mistake, boy. Now you will pay."

Fenrir shoulder-barged Harry right into a stone wall, the impact sending shockwaves of pain through Harry's already battered body. Harry barely had time to dodge a lunge from Fenrir, parrying a punch that smashed into the wall instead. Using the brief respite, Harry stepped back and, ran up the wall backwards. He used Fenrir's body as leverage, hooking his arm around Fenrir's neck as he flipped over him. The momentum carried Fenrir into a flip, and he landed hard on his face.

Harry laughed manically as he saw Fenrir growl in frustration. Fenrir smashed the ground with his fists before charging at Harry on all fours. Harry ran towards him, sliding underneath as Fenrir lunged. The werewolf got back up quickly, and they engaged in a brutal fistfight. Harry redirected one of Fenrir's powerful punches to his dislocated shoulder. The force snapped it back into place with a painful pop, and Harry yelled, "Thanks!" Using his now-functional arm, he slammed his fist into Fenrir's nose with all his might. The blow was powerful enough to crack Fenrir's nose, but Harry felt his own knuckles crack under the strain. Fenrir staggered back, blood streaming from his nose.

Fenrir's eyes glowed with feral rage as he charged at Harry, claws outstretched and teeth bared. Harry, his vision enhanced by the Six Eyes, saw every movement in sharp clarity. He ducked under a wild swipe, feeling the wind of the claws just miss his face and responded with a high-speed kick to Fenrir's midsection. The force of the kick sent Fenrir stumbling back, but Harry's leg throbbed from the impact.

Fenrir roared, lunging forward with a series of savage punches and kicks. Harry blocked a punch with his forearm, feeling the bones creak under the pressure, then retaliated with a rapid combination of strikes. His fist connected with Fenrir's jaw, followed by an upward knee strike to the ribs. Fenrir grunted in pain but continued his onslaught, raking his claws across Harry's chest. Blood splattered, but Harry ignored the pain, driving an elbow into Fenrir's throat.

"You're gonna have to do better than that!" Harry laughed manically, blood dripping from his wounds.

Fenrir growled, his eyes filled with murder. He swung his claws in a wide arc, and Harry narrowly avoided it by pivoting on his heel, delivering a spinning back kick to Fenrir's side. The werewolf was sent crashing into the ground, but he quickly rolled back to his feet, his mouth twisted into a snarl. Harry used the brief moment to launch into a series of powerful kicks, his legs moving like pistons as he targeted Fenrir's torso and legs. Fenrir blocked some of the kicks with his arms, but each impact reverberated through his body. He roared in frustration and tackled Harry, his claws digging into Harry's sides. Harry gritted his teeth against the pain and grabbed Fenrir's head, slamming it down onto his knee. Fenrir's nose cracked, blood pouring out, but he retaliated with a bite to Harry's shoulder. Harry screamed but didn't let go, using his other arm to deliver a hammer fist to the back of Fenrir's head.

Fenrir released his bite and punched Harry in the ribs, sending him stumbling back. Harry's vision blurred from the pain, but he focused, seeing Fenrir's next move with eerie precision. As Fenrir lunged, Harry sidestepped and grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back and driving his knee into Fenrir's spine. The werewolf howled in pain, but with a surge of strength, he threw Harry over his shoulder and into the ground. Harry landed hard, his body screaming in agony, but he rolled to his feet, wiping blood from his mouth. He laughed, a crazed, defiant sound that echoed through the arena. "Is that all you got, big guy?"

Fenrir growled before moving forward. He kicked at Harry's legs, trying to break his balance, but Harry leapt into the air, delivering a double-footed kick to Fenrir's chest that sent the werewolf sprawling, then using his remaining strength he jumped up and slammed his knee down on the werewolf's chest. He began to punch Fenrir relentlessly, each blow delivered with a force that shattered his own bones. His knuckles split open, skin tearing as he pounded Fenrir's face into a bloody mess. The crowd watched in horror and awe as Harry's hands turned into mush, bones breaking under the strain, while Fenrir's face became increasingly disfigured with each strike.

When Fenrir finally went still, Harry paused, breathing heavily. Blood dripped from his ruined hands, his body trembling from the exertion. He made the mistake of letting his guard down. In an instant, Fenrir's eyes snapped open and he grabbed Harry's arm, using his strength to flip their positions. Fenrir's knee slammed down onto Harry's chest, pinning him with a crushing force.

"You're going to die now!" Fenrir shouted, his voice filled with fury and bloodlust. He began pulling at Harry's arm, the muscles and tendons stretching to their limits. Harry screamed in agony as his flesh began to tear. With a sickening rip, Fenrir tore Harry's arm off, the crowd roaring in bloodthirsty excitement.

Fenrir kicked Harry with savage force, denting his ribs and sending him crashing into the stone wall.

"Fuck!" Miguel shouted.

"Distraction now!" Yuki shouted as she pushed him.

Harry pushed himself up against the wall with his remaining hand, his whole body was broken, and his blood streamed out of his shoulder pooling onto the floor. He looked at Fenrir who held his arm up to the crowd before bringing it back down to his mouth and taking a big bite out of it.

Harry chuckled "I hope you choke on it..." he said with a hoarse voice. Despite not speaking loudly Fenrir still heard him and he turned to look at Harry, his face was a mess and he had multiple purple blotches across his body and a noticeable limp.

"As I said before... like everyone else," Fenrir growled as he started walking towards Harry.

Harry with great difficulty pushed himself up against the wall, he wasn't going to give up, he'd never do that again. He decided to look inward, he had magic, he could feel it despite the collar. 'The magic is mine and it will answer me...' Harry thought to himself as he started walking forward. His whole body screamed with pain, every step he took cracked his bones more, and he could feel bits of bone shards digging into every muscle. Despite that, he moved forward again, and again, and a few moments later he started to walk faster and then jog.

If he could feel his magic he could use it. Fenrir grinned as he saw Harry running towards him in a final desperate attempt to beat him. Fenrir stands still waiting for whatever attack Harry will try to deliver thinking it'll be weak.


Fenrir quickly realised something was different, he saw the spark of red electricity dance over Harry's body, it was only for a second but it made his instincts scream out at him. However, he dismissed it "You're done for!" He shouted as he crouched ready to rip his damn head off.

Harry closed now and felt something happen inside of him, a warmth engulfing his body as red electricity danced across his body. He threw a punch at Fenrir but the werewolf caught it with a savage grin. Power flooded Harry's body and he found all the pain from his wounds left and to his surprise, his left arm started reforming; in less than a second it was back, not questioning it, he drew his fist back his arm still flooding with power and he slammed his fist into Fenrirs head with such force that his fist broke through his skull and caved his head in launching the werewolf to the wall.

The whole crowd quietened as they saw Harry whose wounds had all disappeared. Harry looked down at himself unable to figure out what had happened.

"Bring that boy to me right now!" A voice echoed out from the balcony above them.

However, before anyone could do anything Yuki jumped down into the arena. "Time to go!" She shouted as she grabbed him. 

"Open fire!"

The whole cavern erupted into chaos as the guards began shooting at the people beneath them, but their main target was Yuki who had Harry on her shoulders. However, they luckily managed to get into the crowd where they were able to disappear.

(AN: A pretty long fight and a bit edgy, but I still think Harry had a few unresolved issues. Who was that voice that talked to Harry? What did they show him. How did he manage to heal himself, I'll give you a hint it's not RCT. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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