Miss Mei began with the eight basic movements, called Bā Bù, which are the foundation of all movement in Kung Fu. Each movement has a specific name and purpose, and they are combined to create more complex movements and techniques. Miss Mei demonstrated each of the eight steps for the students, and then had them practice them one by one. While the movements were graceful and powerful, many of the students found them challenging to master.

The eight basic movements of Kung Fu are:

Peng (ward-off), which deflects an opponent's force.

Lu (roll back), which absorbs an opponent's force

Ji (press), which directs an opponent's force away from you.

An (push), which pushes an opponent away from you.

Tsai (pluck), which controls an opponent's arm or weapon.

Lieh (split), which seizes an opportunity to attack.

Chou (elbow strike), which attacks an opponent's weak spot.

Kao (shoulder strike), which forces an opponent off balance.

Together, these eight movements form the foundation of Kung Fu, and can be used in combination to create an infinite number of techniques and applications. The next step is to transform these techniques and movements into characteristics.

So as the other students continued to practice on dummies, Meili found Lu to be the most challenging of the eight basic movements, and she struggled to perfect it.

"While all of the eight basic movements of Kung Fu are challenging to master, the one that is most often considered the hardest is the "Lu" movement. This movement requires a high degree of flexibility and body control, and must be performed with precise timing and coordination. It also requires a deep understanding of the body's structure and energy flow, making it the most technically demanding of the eight movements," said Miss Mei .

Some other students haven't even gotten the first one , the likes of , fuse and Jaggy.

Jaggy was lazy when it comes to physical combat and movements, he was clearly struggling with the basic movements, his body uncoordinated and his timing off. He kept getting frustrated and started to get angry, his movements becoming more sloppy. The more frustrated he got, the worse he performed.

Fuse was having a similar problem, her movements hesitant and lacking in power. It was clear that both of them were struggling with the physical aspect of Kung Fu, and were finding it difficult to control their bodies.

Kagawa was just over doing it with his body mass and strength. He was trying too hard to use brute force to perform the movements, and it was not working. He got past the Peng movement but he's lack of flexibility and coordination was making it impossible for him to perform Lu correctly, and he was getting increasingly frustrated.

"Damn it!" Kagawa yelled, slamming his fist into the dummy. He turned to the Si-Fu , who was watching him closely. "This is impossible!" He exclaimed, clearly getting angrier.

The Si-Fu shook his head, a look of disappointment on his face. "You are not using the correct technique." She said, his voice firm but calm.

Meanwhile, Meili continued to practice Lu, determined to perfect it. She was sweating and her muscles were starting to ache, but she kept going.

So Miss Mei gave kagawa some extra tips to master the lu movement , "You are trying to force your way through the movements, instead of flowing with them." The Si-Fu explained, his voice even and measured. "You must learn to relax your body and mind, to let the movements come naturally. Only then will you be able to perform them correctly." Kagawa stared at the Si-Fu , his anger slowly turning to confusion. "I don't understand. How am I supposed to relax when I'm trying to perform these difficult movements?" He asked, clearly frustrated. The Si-Fu took a deep breath, and then spoke again, his words slow and deliberate. "Close your eyes." Kagawa hesitated for a moment, but then decided to follow the Si-Fu 's instructions. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

"Now, focus on your breathing." The Si-Fu said, his voice soothing and calming. "Feel the air entering and leaving your body."

Kagawa concentrated on his breath, feeling the air moving in and out of his lungs. He began to feel a sense of stillness and peace, a sense of calmness and focus. "Now, feel your body." The Si-Fu said, his voice still soft and steady. "Feel your arms, your legs, your spine, your muscles. Feel the connection between them, the way they are all working together."

Kagawa focused on his body, feeling the way his limbs were connected, the way they moved in unison. He started to feel a sense of unity, of his whole body working as one.

"Now, open your eyes." The Si-Fu said, and Kagawa obeyed. "Now try again, this time with your eyes open."Kagawa began to perform the movement again, this time with his eyes open. He focused on his breath, on his body, and on the movement itself. And to his surprise, it was easier. He was moving with more grace, more fluidity, more control. He felt like he was one with the movement, not fighting against it. He felt a sense of freedom, of power.

"That's it." The Si-Fu said, a look of approval on his face. "You are beginning to understand."

The other students caught on to what Si-Fu Miss Mei was saying and did it as well . Then it became easier to everyone and they were able to master Lu movements .The class continued practicing, their movements becoming smoother and more controlled. And as they practiced, they began to feel the energy within their bodies, the energy that connected them to the universe. They felt a sense of connection to the world around them, a feeling of oneness. And as the class practiced, the Si-Fu smiled, knowing that they were about to learn the true meaning of Kung Fu. The class continued on in this way, learning new movements and new techniques, all while learning to connect their bodies and mind.

As the Si-Fu watched as the students were getting a hand of all the movements. She took a glance at kai and was left stunned. Kai was already able to transform his techniques into the kung Fu characteristics. She saw him performing the "Tiger characteristics", she was shocked because that isn't an easy feat for student his age to master without experience in the dojo. The Si-Fu stood there, watching Kai as he performed the Tiger characteristics with ease. He moved with such fluidity and grace, his movements a blur as he executed each one. It was like he had been doing this for years, rather than just a few months.

The other students watched in awe, their eyes wide as they watched the boy execute each movement with perfection. They could all tell that Kai was a special student, someone who had a gift for the martial arts.

The Si-Fu could not hide her shock and surprise."Kai," the Si-Fu said, her voice hushed. "How long have you been practicing this?"

Kai looked at the Si-Fu , his eyes calm and steady. "For quite some time, don't really know," he said, his voice soft but sure. "I've always been drawn to the martial arts, since the day a masked Kung Fu warrior gave me his book." He said sarcastically. The Si-Fu raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in her expression. "A masked Kung Fu warrior, you say?" she said. "That sounds Interesting ."

Kai then got annoyed that his Si-Fu was laying emphasis on him. " perhaps that's a story for another time." He said with a stern look

The Si-Fu chuckled, her eyes sparkling with interest. "A story for another time, indeed," she said.

"Now," the Si-Fu said, turning her attention back to the class and found out most of them were able to master the Bā Bú movements . "Let's move on to the next set of techniques." She walked to the front of the class, and the students stood up, eager to learn.

But as the Si-Fu began to demonstrate the next set of techniques, Kai's mind wandered back to the masked warrior. The man had appeared out of nowhere, and gave him a book of Kung Fu techniques he was able to master in a short period of time. He began to think it had been destined him to meet the masked warrior, like the universe had conspired to bring them together.

Moving on , as Miss Mei was about to demonstrate how to transform their bā bú movements into characteristics. "Now that you've mastered the bā bú movements," Miss Mei began, her voice confident and clear, "you're ready to take the next step: embodying the unique characteristics of the animals associated with these movements. Think about the qualities of the crane, the snake, the tiger, the dragon, and the monkey. I embody the crane, which is known for its tall, graceful, and accurate movements. It may not be strong, but it is evasive and skilled at evasion, making it perfect for increasing your stealth abilities.

She began to demonstrate the characteristics, and the students watched, their eyes wide. As they watched her, they could feel the accuracy in her concentration, and they began to visualize themselves as cranes. Suddenly, a voice rang out from the back of the class. "I don't think I can do this," said jaggy, his voice full of doubt. "I'm not a crane, I'm just me. I don't feel like I can change into something else."

Miss Mei looked at him, her expression soft but firm. "It is not about changing who you are," she said. "It is about finding the strength that is already within you, and channeling it through the movements. "We are all different, with different strengths and weaknesses. But we all have the potential to achieve great things. You just need to tap into that potential and let it guide you," she continued. "The key is to let go of your doubts and focus on the moment, on the breath, and concentrate on being stable. Stand completely still, and feel the power within you." "No worries, ma'am," said Jaggy, his voice still tinged with doubt. "I'll give it my best shot. I've got the blood of the Tokugawa clan running through my veins, so I won't give up easily." Jaggy tried to sound confident, but his words betrayed his uncertainty.

Miss Mei moved on to the next set of characteristics, and the students followed her lead. As they practiced, Meili began to realize how much she still had to learn about Kung Fu. At the same time, she noticed that Lei was picking up the movements more quickly than she was. Lei's face was a mask of frustration, not only from what had happened in class, but also from her own inner turmoil. Lei was frustrated with herself for not being able to control her emotions around Kai. She felt as if she was losing control of the situation. Lei channeled her frustration and anger into her practice, focusing her energy on each movement with laser-like precision.

Jaggy was still struggling to master the movements, and his frustration was starting to get the better of him. He turned to Kagawa for help, but Kagawa refused in a haughty manner. This only made Jaggy more angry, and he lashed out at Kagawa. "You think you're better than me just because I asked for help? You're arrogant and self-centered!" Jaggy's face was red with rage, and his words were slurred with emotion. "Just you wait and see, when I've mastered my special abilities, you fatsoes in the Wang chun clan will be no match for me!".

"Don't ever call me that again!" Kagawa snapped, his face contorted with anger. Jaggy just smirked and said, "Or what?" before launching a punch at Kagawa. Before the blow could land, Kai jumped in and grabbed Jaggy's arm, halting the attack. "Enough!" Kai said, his voice firm and commanding. "Jaggy, you've been all over the place during this training session. Maybe you need to cool off for a while." Jaggy stood still, his face frozen in surprise. The other students were speechless, their eyes wide with shock. The room was silent, the tension palpable.

Jaggy shrugged

"I'm not sure we're getting anywhere with this session," Meili said, her voice tinged with concern. "Maybe a short break would do us all some good. What do you think, Miss Mei?"

Miss Mei nodded her agreement. "I think that's a good idea. We can regroup and get back to it in ten minutes. It might help everyone to clear their heads."

There was a murmur of assent from the students, and they all began to disperse to get a drink or take a short walk.

As the students left the training room, Jaggy hung back, his gaze fixed on the floor. He felt a rush of shame and anger, embarrassed by his outburst and furious with himself for losing control. The sound of the door closing behind the last student jolted him out of his thoughts, and he looked up to see Miss Mei standing in front of him. "Jaggy, can we talk?" she asked. Jaggy hesitated for a moment, but eventually nodded. He followed Miss Mei to a quiet corner of the room, where they sat down on a couple of mats. "Jaggy, I know this is hard for you," Miss Mei began, her voice gentle and empathetic. "You're feeling frustrated and upset, and it's showing in your training. But I want you to know that it's okay to feel that way. The important thing is to channel those feelings in a positive way, and not let them hold you back."

Jaggy responded "it's not that , deep inside not particularly interested in this warrior stuff." Miss Mei was then shocked "I thought you came here to harness your skills and became a wonderful leader for your tribe " she said her face full with surprise. "It's not that I'm not interested in warrior training," Jaggy clarified. "It's just that I'm not doing this for the reasons everyone thinks. I'm not here because I want to be a great warrior. I'm here because I want to make my parents proud. Everyone in my clan looks down on me for not having any particular talents, and I want to show them that they're wrong. I know this might not be the most noble motivation, but it's the truth."

Miss Mei took a moment to digest what he had said. "Jaggy, I understand how you feel." "But I want you to know that you don't have to prove yourself to anyone but yourself," Miss Mei continued. "You have the right to choose what you want to do and that includes choosing your own path. And am sure your parents would respect you for that, remember a wrong decision now could define your entire future. "The world we live in is defined by ideals and purpose," Miss Mei explained. "Some people are driven by the expectations of others, but that's not the only path. You can choose a different path, one that's authentic to who you are. I know it's scary to step away from the status quo, but it's also liberating. Just remember that whatever you choose, you're still worthy and valuable, regardless of what anyone else says. She said calm and firm also giving jaggy a big huge smile.

Jaggy was silent for a moment, his brow furrowed in thought. Then he spoke. "I'll... think about it". He said still feeling some doubts. Miss Mei nodded, her expression thoughtful and patient. She knew that it was a big decision, and she didn't want to push Jaggy into making a choice he wasn't ready for. "That's perfectly okay," she said. "You don't have to decide right now. Take your time, and do what feels right for you. And remember, you can always change your mind later on if you want to."

Jaggy felt a sense of relief, knowing that Miss Mei wasn't pressuring him to make a decision. He took a deep breath and gave her a small smile. "Thanks," he said.

While Miss Mei and Jaggy were talking, Meili and Fuse were having their own discussion on the side. They were discussing what had happened before the break, specifically between Kagawa and Jaggy. Meili and Fuse wanted to make sure that everything was okay between the two of them. Before that Kagawa turned to Kai and said, "I appreciate the gesture, but I can handle myself. I don't need you to step in and rescue me. I'm capable of fighting my own battles." kai regarded him coldly. "okay, whatever you say," he replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

kagawa ignored him and headed over to meili and fuse. as he approached, he noticed that meili was giving him a strange look.

"Meili, what's up?" he asked, a little unsettled by her expression. "why are you looking at me like that?". Meili stared daggers at Kagawa. "How could you say that to him, Kagawa?" she exclaimed. "He was just trying to help you! It's not like you were doing so great on your own." She shook her head in disbelief. "I can't believe you would be so ungrateful!"

Kagawa folded his arms and huffed. "It's not like I asked him to save me. I was handling the situation just fine on my own." Ryou rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you were handling it real well," he said sarcastically. "You were totally about to be turned into a pancake!". "Oh, Ryou!" Meili said with a laugh. "You're not helping the situation. In fact, you're making it worse!" Kagawa gave Ryou a glare. "Watch it, or I might reconsider that whole 'being in a forgiving mood' thing!" He cracked a smile to show that he was only half-joking. Ryou grinned back. "Heh, do you think you can take me on?!" , "Let's go!" Kagawa challenged, his eyes burning with competitive fire.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Koko chanted, jumping up and down in excitement. "Now, now, let's not get too carried away," Lian said in a nervous voice, trying to calm Koko down "Oh, c'mon, Lian," Koko whined. "I'm just trying to add a little excitement to the place, you know?" Yes, but maybe there are other ways to do that without inciting a full-on brawl," Lian said with a sigh.

Kagawa and Ryou were about to start fighting when Lei's voice cut through the air like a knife. "Enough!" she yelled. Everyone turned to stare at her in surprise. Lei rarely raised her voice, so this outburst was unexpected. "Can't you all quit it with the idiocy and just chill out for a moment?" she asked, her voice dripping with exasperation. In response to Lei's outburst, Kagawa and Ryou lowered their fists and looked at each other sheepishly. They both knew they'd been acting like idiots, and Lei's scolding had put them in their place."Uh…sorry," Kagawa mumbled, not quite sure what else to say. Ryou shifted his weight from one foot to the other, looking uncomfortable. "Yeah, my bad," he muttered. The awkward silence that followed was broken by Koko, who piped up with a mischievous grin. "Aw, you guys are no fun!

Meili was still standing off to the side, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open in shock. She hadn't expected Lei to be the one to put an end to the fight, and she was a little star struck by how commanding Lei had been in that moment

Kai, on the other hand, seemed completely unfazed by the whole situation. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, a bored expression on his face. It was almost as if he'd seen this sort of thing a million times before.

Fuse was standing next to Meili, looking amused by the whole scene.

Then from a balcony above Mr. Hibiki watched the unfolding scene without anyone noticing, a sly grin on his face. "These are the warriors I'll be dealing with, huh?" he mused, his voice dripping with amusement. "This is gonna be interesting, He already analyzed the traits and behavior of each of the students."And Kai, can't wait to catch up with you. Thank goodness your doing ok".