Once upon a time, in the historic times of Wushu Guan, there lived a young warrior named Hibiki. Hibiki was born into the Ichigo clan, a proud and noble clan that had been embroiled in the terrible Wushu Guan war. As the fighting raged on, Hibiki's clan made the difficult decision to flee the Wushu Guan during the war. However, tragedy struck when Hibiki's parents were killed in the chaos. The little Hibiki was left behind, completely alone and unaware of the terrible events that had unfolded around him.

As he sat on the ground, crying and confused, a woman approached. She was the wife of Wu Long, she took pity on the young Hibiki, and she carried him back to her hideout. There, she introduced him to Moi and raised Hibiki as her own, teaching him the ways of the warrior. As Hibiki grew, he became a skilled and fearsome fighter, with a heart as strong as steel. But even as he learned to wield his twin sai, Hibiki never forgot the tragic events of his childhood. The memory of his parents' death drove him to want to become the greatest warrior in Wushu Guan and avenge his the death of his parents.

Once Hibiki had settled in at Sofia and Luke's hideout, the three of them took great care to stay hidden from the outside world. Sofia knew that the Hanzo, Sukuna, and Tokugawa clans would stop at nothing to find them, so they remained in the shadows. Sofia was the only one who dared to venture outside the hideout, always wearing a hood and cloak to conceal her identity.

It was a difficult life, but they all made the best of it, until one day, when Moi's pregnancy came to term. She gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. The baby's features were a reflection of his mother's, with dark hair and eyes, and the same birthmark spots on their backs. The atmosphere in the room was one of excitement and trepidation. Sofia and Moi had been waiting for this moment for what felt like an eternity, and now that it was finally here, they couldn't help but feel nervous. But as soon as they laid eyes on the little bundle of joy, their worries melted away. They gazed down at the newborn, who was crying and squirming in his mother's arms. The baby's birthmark on his back was just like his mother's.

As Sofia gazed down at her grandson, she was overcome with a flood of emotions. She had endured so much tragedy since the war broke out, and now, finally, she had something to be happy about. In that moment, all her past sorrows were replaced with pure joy. She held the baby close to her chest, breathing in his sweet scent and feeling his tiny fingers wrap around her own. As she looked at the baby, she saw the same look of elation from her son's Luke face. Hibiki could feel the love and happiness radiating from them, and he was deeply grateful for this new life, and he vowed to protect him from the dangers of the world.

As time went on, Sofia's health began to fail. She had long foreseen her own death in her dreams, and now it seemed that her time was drawing near. Though she could not see what would happen after her passing, she knew that it would bring great sorrow and upheaval to the people she loved. With her strength waning, Sofia called for Hibiki, and daughter-in-law, Moi. They gathered around her bedside, their faces full of concern.

"My dearest ones," Sofia began, her voice weak but steady. "I know that my days are numbered, but I want you to know that my love for you will never fade. Hibiki, I know you will grow strong, very strong. You must protect the baby like we did with you, he's precious to me and Moi. And Moi, I know Luke will be so proud of you, for having bear his son alive and in one piece. Thank you for that Moi, we of the Wu Long family are so proud of you,


With those final words, Sofia closed her eyes and passed away, Hibiki and Moi wept over her body, but they knew that they must carry on with the strength and courage that she had instilled in them.

As time went by, Hibiki and Moi faced many hardships in their daily struggle to survive. Hibiki, being only seven years old, was still learning to navigate the world outside the safety of their home, and Moi had to care for her baby. Despite these challenges, Hibiki's natural curiosity and tenacity began to shine through. He took on the responsibility of gathering supplies for their family, exploring the forest around their home in search of food and other resources. Even though he was young, Hibiki was determined to help his new family in any way he could.

It was during one of these foraging trips that Hibiki stumbled upon a hidden cave in the forest. As he entered the cave, he was struck by the cool, fresh air that flowed through the cavern. The walls were glistening with moisture, and stalactites and stalagmites jutted out from the ceiling and floor. The cave seemed like a magical, hidden world, and it instantly captured Hibiki's imagination. He couldn't help but wonder what secrets the cave might hold.

Intrigued, Hibiki ventured deeper into the cave, following the path of the fresh air. As he moved further into the darkness, he noticed something glimmering in the corner of the cave. He cautiously approached the object, only to realize that it was a small, crystal-like object. It was as if the cave had presented him with a gift. Hibiki gently picked up the object and turned it over in his hands, examining it closely. He had never seen anything like it before, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe.

At that moment, Hibiki heard a low, rumbling sound coming from the depths of the cave. Startled, he dropped the crystal and turned to see what was making the noise. In the shadows, he could make out the shape of a large, slumbering creature. As it shifted in its sleep, the cave walls trembled, and dust and debris fell from the ceiling. Hibiki's heart raced as he realized he was in the presence of a beast that could easily crush him with one swipe of its paw. He knew he had to get out of the cave, and fast.

Trembling, Hibiki turned and ran towards the entrance of the cave. The slumbering beast stirred once more, letting out a deafening roar that reverberated through the cave. Hibiki sprinted towards the exit, but the beast was now fully awake, and it began to pursue him. Hibiki ran as fast as he could, his heart pounding in his chest. He could feel the hot breath of the beast on his back as it chased him, getting closer and closer with every step. Just as he reached the mouth of the cave, he tripped over a jagged rock and fell to the ground. The beast loomed over Hibiki, its massive form casting a shadow that seemed to engulf him. Hibiki closed his eyes, preparing for the worst. But instead of the crushing blow he expected, he heard a low, rumbling growl. He opened his eyes and saw the beast staring at him, its eyes fixed on the crystal he had dropped in his fall. The beast reached out a massive paw and gently picked up the crystal, bringing it close to its snout to examine it. Then, to Hibiki's amazement, the beast tucked the crystal into its fur and curled up to sleep once more.

Slowly, Hibiki rose slowly, bracing himself for the worst. But the beast still slept soundly, with the crystal nestled in its fur. A wave of relief washed over him. His fears had been unfounded. This cave was not a place of danger, but a sanctuary of wonder and mystery, full of treasures to discover. As he left, he knew he would one day return to explore the cave further and claim the crystal as his own. He strode back home quickly, having felt he spent a considerable amount of time outside.

As Hibiki prepared to leave home once more, a new opportunity arose. Perhaps, this time, he would finally be able to enter the mysterious cave and claim the crystal for his own. But, as fate would have it, his journey was thwarted once again. As he drew closer to the cave, he came upon a group of wulin interrogating its entrance. Hibiki tried to hide, but one of the wulin sensed his presence and quickly apprehended him. Trapped, Hibiki faced an uncertain fate.

Wulin 1, with a scowl on his face: "You! What are you doing here? This cave is off-limits to civilians!". They happened to think Hibiki was involved in the issue.

Hibiki, with fear in his eyes: "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know! I just wanted to explore the cave."

Wulin 2, narrowing his eyes: "Don't play dumb with us. We know you've been lurking around this area for days now. What's your real reason for being here?"

Hibiki, stuttering and trembling: "I-I swear, I'm not lying! I just happened to hear sounds coming from here so I came to take a look. Please, let me go!"

Wulin 1, leaning forward, his voice lowering to a growl: "Curiosity killed the cat, boy. You could be involved in something bigger than you know. Now, tell us what you're up to, or else." Hibiki, his voice quavering: "I-I don't know anything! Please, I'm just a kid. I don't know what's going on." Wulin 2, his brow furrowed: "Don't try to play innocent. We've heard strange noises coming from this cave, and we're certain you're involved, now speak up or you'll regret it. Hibiki, his voice barely a whisper: "I-I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just a kid. Please, believe me!"

Wulin 3, his expression stern and unyielding: "Kid, your excuses are getting old. We're not making any progress, so let me be clear: we wulins have a mandate to take measures on those who break the rules, and you've broken a major one by trespassing into this area. If you don't start giving us some real answers, we'll have no choice but to punish you."

Hibiki, his body trembling with fear: "I'm telling the truth! I'm just a kid, I don't know anything about any rules or any of that stuff. Please, just let-


The sound of knuckles cracking echoed throughout the cave as Wulin 3 drew back his fist and aimed it directly at Hibiki's stomach. The blow landed with a sickening thud, and Hibiki doubled over in pain, gasping for breath. Blood spilled from his mouth as he tried to catch his breath, and his vision began to blur.


"Hmph, you could have just gone with this the easy way, kid," Wulin 1 said, his voice dripping with disdain. "Our captain doesn't like to be kept waiting."

Before Hibiki could even process what was happening, Wulin 3 struck another blow, this time to Hibiki's face. Blood spurted from his nose as he sank to the ground, his head spinning and his body wracked with pain. The wulins stood over him, leering and sneering as he writhed in agony.

"Please, stop!" Hibiki begged, his voice weak and trembling. "I'm just a kid. I don't know anything about your rules. Please, just let me go."

But the wulins were unmoved. "You should have thought of that before you broke the rules," Wulin 2 said coldly. "And now, you'll have to face the consequences."

The wulins continued to rain down blows on Hibiki, each one more vicious than the last. He tried to fight back, but he was no match for their strength and skill. His vision began to darken, and he felt himself slipping away. The last thing he heard was the sound of laughter, cruel and mocking, as he faded into unconsciousness.

When he finally came to, he was lying on a hard surface, his body aching and bruised. He opened his eyes and saw that he was in a small cell, the only light coming from a small window high up on the wall. The cell was empty except for a small cot on which he lay, and a bucket in the corner. The cell was made of heavy iron bars, and he could hear the sounds of other prisoners nearby.

Hibiki sat up slowly, his head spinning, and looked around. He didn't know where he was or how he had gotten there, but he knew one thing for sure: he was in serious trouble.

He tried to stand, but his legs gave out and he collapsed back onto the cot. Tears welled up uncontrollably in his eyes as he realized the gravity of his situation. He was trapped, and he had no idea how to get out.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. The cell door creaked open, and a tall, imposing figure entered. Hibiki recognized him immediately as the captain of the wulins, the one who had ordered his punishment.

"I see you're awake," the captain said, his voice deep and gravelly. "I have question for you now, and if I get a silly or no answer you'll be dead at the spot you are now.

Hibiki lied there unfazed, looking impaired and half to death. "So; the wulin continued, " Do you know a woman named Moi?" His tone and expression scowled.

Hibiki's breath caught in his throat, his face in total shock and worry. How could the captain know about Moi? Had she been captured too? Was she okay?, he thought to himself. He forced himself to speak, his voice unshaken and emotionless.

"I don't know anyone named Moi," he said trying to sound confident not to get caught lying.

The captain stared at him for a moment, his gaze piercing and unreadable. Then he let out a low chuckle, a cold and humorless sound. "Don't play games with me, boy," he said. "I know you're lying. You wouldn't be here if it weren't for Moi. She mentioned you're just a boy she met once but no connection between you know and your answer proves that."

The captain's eyes bore into Hibiki's, and he felt a chill run down his spine. The captain seemed to sense his fear, and a slow smile spread across his face. "You look worried," he said, his voice silky and dangerous. "Are you afraid of me?"

Hibiki took a deep breath, trying to appear calm. "No," he said, his voice steady. "I'm not afraid of you."

The captain's smile widened. "You're a brave one," he said. "But you shouldn't be so cocky. Anyways your off the hook, with your answer it seems you both don't have any connection."

Hibiki felt a little relief, "but wait, why ask me about her?". The wulin's voice was low and menacing as he answered, "Moi is the wife of Lord Rukh's brother, and she has been accused of treason for her to still be alive as he caused the death of all members of his clan both young and old including the disposal of all his family members. Lord Rukh wants her dead, and it has been done."

Hibiki listened to the captain's words in horror. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He couldn't believe that Moi had been killed, he was trying to figure out how it had happened. He started to think that maybe she had tried to help him after he was beaten unconscious and captured. Perhaps she had followed the sounds of the fight and ended up in the forest. But what had happened to her there? He felt a knot of anxiety forming in his stomach as he tried to make sense of it all. Hibiki had so many questions, but he knew the wulins wouldn't give him any answers. He was completely at their mercy, and he had no idea what to do. He tried to think rationally, but his thoughts kept circling back to Moi. "What had happened to her? Why had she been killed? Had she been trying to help me? He felt a wave of guilt wash over him. "Was her death me fault?"

Hibiki's thoughts were broken by the sound of footsteps approaching. He looked up and saw the wulins standing before him, their faces expressionless. One of them stepped forward and spoke, his voice cold and lifeless. "We're done with you for now," he said. "You'll remain here until we decide how to proceed. Do you understand?"

Hibiki nodded, unable to find words. His thoughts were in turmoil, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of what had happened. He couldn't shake the feeling that Moi's death was somehow his fault, and he felt a heavy weight of guilt bearing down on him. He couldn't shake the feeling that he should have done something to prevent this tragedy. If only he had been more careful, or more aware of his surroundings. But it was too late now.

As the night crept in, Hibiki remained lost in his thoughts. Suddenly, the sound of a knock on the door of his cell jolted him from his reverie. His eyes widened as he saw a tall, hooded figure standing in the doorway. The figure entered the room, it's face concealed beneath a deep hood. It's voice was low and commanding. "Come with me," they said.

Hibiki felt a jolt of fear. He wasn't sure what this person wanted, but he had a feeling it wasn't anything good. He stood up slowly, his legs feeling weak. "Where are you taking me?" Hibiki stammered, but the figure remained silent. As it walked on, Hibiki noticed bodies strewn across the ground. Some were dead, their bodies contorted in unnatural positions. A chill ran down his spine as he realized that these were the guards who had been in charge of his cell. He turned to the hooded figure, fear in his eyes. "Did you...did you do this?" he asked, his voice trembling.

Suddenly, the hooded figure spoke, it's voice deep and commanding. "Hibiki!" It said. "Don't worry about a thing. I'll answer all your questions once we're out of here."

"O-okay," Hibiki said, his voice trembling with fear. He followed the figure out of the prison, his heart pounding in his chest. As they got outside, the figure grabbed his arm and began running at a speed Hibiki had never experienced before. It leapt from tree to tree, swinging effortlessly through the air. Hibiki could only hold on for dear life, unable to process what was going on.

As the figure came to a stop, it unceremoniously tossed Hibiki to the ground


"Oof!" he gasped as he hit the ground, the wind knocked out of him. "You could've been a little more gentle," he said, rubbing his back as he sat up. "What do you want with me, and who are you?"

The figure gave a nonchalant shrug. "As for who I am...well, let's just say I'm someone who has a knack for recognizing the potential of strong warriors."

Hibiki's eyes widened. "What? You think I'm strong?"

"Absolutely," the figure replied. "It's just that you haven't realized your potential yet. You may consider yourself to be juvenile and incompetent, but that's okay. I'm going to help you realize your true power.

"The reason I'm helping you is because I have my own goals," the figure continued. "I plan to take over this land, and I'll need a strong warrior like you to help me do it. So what do you say? Will you agree to join me, or would you rather take your chances on your own? and by that I mean you wind up dead here and now!"

Hibiki's head was spinning. He wasn't sure what to make of this mysterious figure and the offer. On the one hand, they had helped him escape from his cell. On the other hand, he was wary of his intentions.

Hibiki thought patiently, "How sure are you about your goals, is it a guarantee that if I'm to join forces with you, I become strong and you become ruler? Just asking "

The figure considered Hibiki's words for a moment. "I can't make any promises," they said. "But I will say this: I'm offering you a chance to become stronger than you ever imagined. The choice is yours."

Hibiki thought about what the figure had said. He knew that he was in a dangerous situation, and he wasn't sure what to do. "Should I trust this guy, if I don't he'll kill me. Wait what about Moi and the baby. Ugh!" Hibiki thought

Hibiki felt torn. He didn't know what to do. On the one hand, he knew that trusting the figure was risky. But on the other hand, he knew he was going to die if he refused and basically he doesn't have a choice. But he also has no idea what's happening to Moi and her son, and he was worried about them. He needed to make a decision, but he didn't know what to do.

"Uh, this is taking to long." The mysterious figure said and as Hibiki was trying to decide what to do, the figure suddenly moved with lightning-fast speed and struck him on the neck. Hibiki collapsed, unconscious, as the figure picked him up and carried him away.