On the way back to the Fuijan village,

"Hey Kai, how was childhood like? Do you have a brother or sister? Do they look like you?Have you hair always been that curly? Anyways they're stunning? Anyone told you how cool you look, Kai!!" As Meili tried to engage in conversation with Kai, he seemed rather less enthusiastic to talk. Meili continued but it was like talking to a brick wall.

"Man, what's with the questions. Should I have ignored her from the start? This is so annoying!" Kai thought as his annoyance grew but he refused to say anything directly.


"Hey, Meili," he said. "I appreciate the conversation and all, but I'd rather keep it to a minimum, what do you think?"

"Oh, sure," she said, her voice faltering. "No problem." She felt disappointed that he didn't seem interested in chatting with her, but she didn't want to make things awkward.

Meili was thinking, "He's so cool. Why do I feel so nervous around him?" She didn't want to be too far away from him, even though he refused to talk with her.

Then, Fuse's voice broke the silence. "Hey guys, we're getting close to the Fuijan Village," she said.

The group looked up and noticed that the familiar buildings of the village were coming into view.

"Thank goodness," Meili said, a smile returning to her face. "We'll finally get to rest!"

On approaching to the village, they all took a first turn to infirmary. Lei showed up in front of the infirmary and caught glimpse of them approaching, she noticed Hibiki's squad approaching from their journey, and her gaze was immediately drawn to Meili, who seemed to be walking especially close to Kai. Lei was deep in thought, pondering the what went on between Meili and Kai. But she was suddenly brought back to the present by the sound of someone clearing their throat. She turned around and saw Fuse standing behind her, looking at her with a questioning expression.

"Is everything alright?" Fuse asked, her tone gentle but probing. "You seemed a bit lost in thought."

Lei hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. "Oh, uh, it's nothing, what do you wanna know anyways." she said, hoping to brush off her question. But she could tell that Fuse wasn't convinced. "Uh yeah, what about your friend there, she's seems to be getting along Kai way to much!"

"Well, I don't know about it" Fuse said before leaving the scene.

"Huh, how rude! Loser" Lei said, irritation in her voice.

Then a voice called out to her, "Hey Miss".

"What! Oh, Welcome back Si-Fu", Lei bowing her head, slightly embarrassed to not notice it was Si-Fu Hibiki.

"Uh, so where are the others . Anyone hurt?" Hibiki asked,

"Lei replied, 'Oh, about that, everyone in my squad is fine. No major injuries, just a few bruises and scratches. Mei's team made it out unscathed thanks to you. And part mission was accomplished!' Pride was evident in her voice."

"Well done!" Si-Fu Hibiki said, smiling. "But Si-Fu Kaede's team had a lot of casualties. Kaede and Jaggy are in the emergency center. It's taken a toll on the other members in the infirmary."

"What? That's not good!" Hibiki exclaimed. "How serious are their injuries?" Hibiki asked, his face showing deep concern.

"The healers say that Si-Fu Kaede is in stable but critical condition, and Jaggy is stable as well," Lei replied, her voice firm but slight lack of concern. "I wonder what could have caused their injuries. We can't afford to lose a Si-Fu on our first mission. It would damage a reputation we're trying to build."

Hibiki stared at her, his expression unknown . "Hmmm .?" he asked, his voice calm. "Is that so?"

Lei continued,

"You see, Si-Fu Hibiki, I want to be among the most competent martial artists. Starting the academy phase well will improve my chances of becoming the type of martial artist my grandfather wants me to be. I don't want to be stuck around those who are less competent than me." She said this with confidence and conviction.

" I want to train with people who are stronger than me, and that includes Kai Hanzo. I'm also glad you're here, and I have a small favor to ask."

"What's that," Hibiki asked, his expression curious.

Could you switch my team with Meili's? I'll join Kai in your team, and Meili will join Si-Fu Mei's. Pretty please?"

"You want me to switch your training group with Meili's, so that you can train with Kai and she can train with Si-Fu Mei?" Hibiki clarified, trying to make sure he had understood Lei correctly. "What makes you think this would be beneficial for you?"

Lei looked down at her feet, her face flushed with embarrassment. "I-I'm not sure how to explain it, but I feel like training with Kai would push me to become better. I admire him alot, and I want to learn from him."She said then a moment of silence aroused, "I hope that makes sense," she thought.

Hibiki's eyes softened as he spoke, his words full of wisdom and compassion. " Lei right?, it's admirable that you're so eager to learn from the best and expected of a lady of yourself based on your background, but I think you're overlooking something important." He paused, making sure he had her full attention. " Y'know, people say If you are planning for a year, you sow rice; if it's for a decade, you plant trees; and if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people."

"Huh," Lei's expression looking lost in confusion.

"It is not only the strength of your body that matters, but also the strength of your mind and spirit. Don't forget that everyone, no matter how strong or skilled they are, is still learning and growing. Every student at the Academy is still learning and growing, including Kai. He may be strong and skilled, but he still has much to learn. Just like you and he knows that too. So you shouldn't talk down on anyone especially the one's in your division, I know of a certain someone who might surprise you."

Hibiki's words seemey convincing, but Lei wasn't fully convinced and let her own view lead her. She tried putting the conversation on a close so she put on a fake expression and said to Hibiki in a quiet voice, "Y-yeah, I understand. I didn't mean to disrespect anyone, I just wanted to improve as quickly as possible." ''I know,'' Hibiki replied, his tone gentle and understanding."

"Oh hey Lei, I see you and your team came back safely, That's Great." Meili said, jumping in with a huge smile on her face, so how about the rest of your team."

"I have nothing to say to you pipsqueak!" Lei responded, her tone cold.

Meili's smile faltered as she heard the coldness in Lei's tone. She tried to remain upbeat despite the tension in the air. "I see, well I'm just glad you're all back safe. So, did anything interesting happen during your mission?"

"It's none of your business!" Lei snapped, her anger rising. "You couldn't possibly understand what we went through."

"Common Lei, No need to be so hostile," Si-Fu interrupted trying to calm the tension, his voice wavering slightly. "You guy's should try get along later, now we have to head on to the infirmary to check up on the rest."

Lei glared at Meili, but Si-Fu's calm tone seemed to have some effect. "Fine," she said, her voice still harsh. "But I don't have to be nice to her."

"That's not what I'm asking," Si-Fu said, his tone firm but patient. "I'm just asking you to be civil especially around higher ranks. Can you do that?"

Lei crossed her arms and huffed. "I suppose so," she said, but her expression was still stony.

Si-Fu nodded, satisfied that he had gotten through to her, at least a little bit. "Thank you.Now, everyone to the infirmary?" Si-Fu asked, gesturing awkwardly to the building in the distance.

Lei nodded, though she still looked unhappy. "Let's just get this over with," she muttered.

As they walked, Lei glanced over at Meili, who seemed to be deep in thought. Lei wondered what was going through her head. Either way, Lei couldn't bring herself to care. She was just glad she got the upper hand in exchange against Meili. As they entered the infirmary, Si-Fu approached the medic on duty. "We need to have everyone checked out," he said. "Can you take a look at them? Most importantly how's Kaede doing?"

The healer nodded, setting aside the medicines she was working on. "Of course, Master Hibiki" she said, her tone professional but friendly. "Everyone, please have a seat over there and I'll come by to examine you one at a time."

Kagawa, Koko, Lian, Ryou including Si-Fu Mei were already seated in a corner of the infirmary, surprisingly sad faces.

Hibiki walked over to Miss Mei,

"How are you doing? The scratch healing well?" Hibiki asked,

Miss Mei was surprised that he noticed the wound at first then gave a weak smile. "Better than it was, at least," she said. "Still hurts like a son of a gun though."

Hibiki asked about Kaede's condition, and Mei replied: "I know you must have heard from Lei, but I can confirm that both Kaede and Jaggy are in a critical state. Jaggy seems to be stable, but Kaede is still unconscious. I can't say for sure what their condition will be in the future.' Mei's voice was gentle and concerned."



A voice breaking out from the emergency room, "What?!" Mei exclaimed, her voice filled with shock and relief. She rushed over to the emergency room door, trying to peer inside. "Is it true? Is she really awake?"

A healer emerged from the room, wiping sweat from his brow. "It's true," he said, his voice weary but triumphant. "We managed to stabilize her, and she regained consciousness. She's still weak and disoriented, but she's talking and seems to be out of danger."

As Mei turned to take a look at Kaede, she found that her view was blocked by the crowd of students including Hibiki, all gathered around Kaede's bed except from Lei who's eyes were still wandering to see if Kai would make it to the infirmary.

"Hey!" Mei called out, her voice a mix of frustration and amusement. "You're all blocking my view! I want to see her too!"

Fuse turned to see me Meili still lost in thoughts and felt a little concerned,

Meili had been feeling isolated ever since Lei had brushed her off. She had been trying to convince herself that she didn't care what anyone thought, but deep down she knew that wasn't true. She longed to be accepted and respected by her fellow students, and Lei's rejection had stung more than she wanted to admit.

As she watched the others crowd around Kaede's bed, Meili felt a mix of emotions: happiness, sadness, and anger. But most of all, she felt a deep sense of longing to be part of the, to be included and valued by her peers. She knew that her training was important, but so was her connection to the people around her. And right now, she felt like she was missing out on something special.

As she stood there, feeling more alone than ever, she heard someone call out her name.

"Meili, come over here!"

Meili turned to see Hibiki motioning for her to join the group gathered around Kaede. She hesitated for a moment, but then took a deep breath and made her way over to them.

"Hey, Meili," Kaede called out, her voice weak but cheerful. "It's good to see you back in one piece." She smiled, though it was clear that she was still in pain from her injuries. "It's been a tough few days, huh?"

Meili felt a wave of emotion wash over her. She hadn't expected Kaede to be so friendly haven't not made direct contact before. But Kaede's smile was so warm and genuine that Meili couldn't help but return it.

"Yeah, it's been pretty wild," she replied, trying to keep her voice light.

Suddenly, Meili felt a nudge on her shoulder. She turned to see that Hibiki was looking at her, a knowing smile on her face. Hibiki leaned in close and whispered, "You don't have to try so hard to make everyone closer to you, you're part of the group, Meili. And you always will be."

Hearing these words from Hibiki filled Meili with comfort and relief. She felt that she belonged, and was grateful for the support of her friends. At the same time, she was determined to make Lei recognize and appreciate her for who she is. As the group continued their conversation, Meili relaxed and felt at peace, knowing she was exactly where she was meant to be.

However, Kai stood in a different location, staring at a compartment called the "cradle of birth". This is where newly born babies are kept.

As he stood there, he began to reminisce about his dreadful childhood. Kai had always wondered about his parents and what happened to them, but those answers had remained a mystery. It was something that still plagued his mind with unanswered questions and burning anger.

He always wished he could do something about it or at least get the answers he needed. So Kai stood there in silence, rage coursing through his veins.

As he stood in silence, rage flowing through his veins, Kai closed his eyes and slowly let out a long breath. It came out as a soft "sssssshhhhhh" that seemed to release some of the tension in his body. He stood there for a moment, allowing the stillness to wash over him. He took another deep breath and exhaled slowly, the sound of the air escaping his lungs like a gentle breeze blowing through the trees.

"How long are you gonna keep stalking me?!" Kai asked noticing the mysterious figures that had been keeping eye on him (chap. 2)

The mysterious figure stepped out of the shadows and into the light. "Until you stop looking for answers you can't find," the figure replied in a raspy voice. "You're chasing ghosts, Kai, and it's not going to end well for you."

Kai's eyes narrowed. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice low and dangerous. "And how do you know my name?"

The figure's laughter was like broken glass, grating and cold. "The only answer you seek is one you can get from me and me alone," he said, their voice fading away like a dying echo. "Come join us Kai and we can give you truly desire and at a pace you would prefer."

"Again who are you, and how do you know my name?" Kai voice getting more fierce, putting up a fighting stance.

"Oh, how rude of me. I'm Kisaki" the figure replied, a hint of warning in his voice. "And I know your name because I've been watching you. I've been watching you for a long time, Kai. I've seen what you've lost, and what you seek including what's you're capable of in getting what you want."

As the figure spoke, Kai felt a cold chill run down his spine. He didn't like the way this was going. He didn't like the power in presence this figure seemed to have over him. "What do you want from?" he demanded again,

"I know you seek power Kai, Yeah power, but what for? Is just too protect yourself really. You have no care whatsoever of your comrades, mysterious figure said sounding a little cocky

"I don't have time for your silly games, If you know me you know I have nothing else in this world I truly want to protect. All I have are my goals and I don't find it comforting to be discussing that with the likes of you," Kai replied with rapid strength and determination In his voice.

"Your passion is admirable, but I'm afraid your ignorance is clouding your judgment," the figure said in a calm, even tone. "But you achieve anything hanging around here, trust me on that."

Kai took a deep breath and tried to calm and speechless.

"And what more, I have the truth behind your birth including the death of your parents!"


Kai face was in disbelief

"haha, It seems I caught attention now!" The mysterious figure said with a slight chuckle

"Shut it!! What proof do you have to say they are dead", kai replied his voice in rage and disbelief.

"Ah ah ah, you are so dumb. Why do you think they haven't come to get you nonetheless you even know them. Anyways you don't get any answers from me unless you agree to join me and by that I want you to leave the school of iron fist and the life you have here! The figure's voice unwavering.

"Hmm I see, nevermind about that. It just your tactic in trying to let my guard down. Not working, I think I'll be taking my leave from this neverending conversation." Kai said as he turned to take his leave

"So that's your choice Kai, the figure said, its voice emotionless. But I know you'll later realize how a mistake it would be declining my request and when that time comes, I'll always be open to a positive answer from you and when you do, your goal of becoming supreme leader of Wushu Guan would be a clear possibility! We'll meet soon enough Kai Hanzo!

Kai started to walk away, but something in the figure's words stuck with him. He couldn't shake the feeling that the figure was right - that he couldn't achieve his goals on his own. He turned back, and the figure was gone.

As he stood there, he wondered who actually Kisaki was and what he's intentions were!