With a slow and deliberate motion, the hooded figure reached into his cloak, producing a tattered old map. The edges were singed, the parchment thin and fragile, but the markings were clear enough to make out the details.

"This," he said, spreading the map across the table, "is the key to unlocking the Dragon's Rage. It reveals the location of a secret chamber, hidden deep within the mountains."

The other men leaned in, their eyes ravenous as they examined the map.

"The journey will be perilous," the hooded figure warned, his tone dark and foreboding. "We will have to navigate treacherous terrain, face dangers untold, and conquer ancient traps that have lain dormant for centuries."

"But if we succeed," he continued, his voice rising with intensity, "we will possess a weapon that will allow us to strike at the very core of the Emperor's power. We will be legends."

The men nodded in agreement, their resolve hardening with each word.

"And we must be swift," the hooded figure said, his voice urgent.

Meanwhile at the boys' base,

"Zzzz"—Fuse snored loudly, sprawled out on Kai's bed.

Kai grumbled, "Hey, I didn't say you could crash in my room. Isn't there a rule against this kind of thing?"

Meili smirked, taking in Kai's personal space, "Your room is just so *interesting*, Kai. Full of…color, you know?"

Kai shot back, his eyebrows arching, "You two are seriously pushing it. Can you both just get out?"

Fuse grumbled, but her eyes stayed firmly shut as she wrapped herself deeper in the blankets.

"Oh, come on, Kai. Can't we hang around here a little bit longer," Koko's voice cut in.

"Huh you too! Who gave you permission to let in guests huh, Kagawa?" Kai shouted

"Apologies, sir, but I was rather bored staying here alone while y'all went for your training and whatever," Kagawa said with a small bow. "And with our Si-Fu still away, I thought it would be fine to have some company."

"Company? You made it sound like you invited the entire village to a tea party," Kai retorted. "Seriously, you gotta wake up and find something better to do, that includes you too Kagawa's company."

Koko raised her hands in mock surrender. "Okay, okay, we get it. But you know, we just got back from a close death mission and we don't have our Si-Fu around at the moment to supervise us, we oughta relax a lil bit .

"You should be ashamed!" Kai's voice grew sharp with anger. "You speak of resting when your teammates nearly lost their lives. What exactly did you contribute during the mission? Your comrades almost paid the ultimate price and here you are, idle and unmoved by their sacrifice."

"H-hey Kai, you shouldn't shout...", Meili said trying to soften the mood but was cut short immediately by Koko.

Koko's expression hardened, her hands balling into fists. "I won't apologize for wanting to catch my breath after a harrowing mission. And don't act as if you were the only one's risking lives out there. You can be as harsh as you want, but I know my worth on this team."

Kai's jaw tensed, his eyes narrowed in frustration. "Then prove it. Prove that you deserve to be part of a team, Koko."

With a determined look, Koko shot back, "I'll prove it, Kai. And you'll eat ...your ...words."

"We'll see about that," Kai growled, turning away from Koko leaving the room to who knows where.

"Y-yeah we'll all see," Koko retorted, her voice defiant and a bit too loud.

"Wow Koko, that was so cool. I never saw you as a type to stand up for hers... Well I mean say stuff like that," Meili said.

Koko's face softened slightly at Meili's comment, but the determination in her eyes remained. "Y'know, I might seem like someone who doesn't give a thing or two about important stuff but I'm not gonna let anyone push me around, or tell me what I can or can't do" she said, her voice firm. "Not anymore."

Meili nodded, a slight grin tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Kai can be a real pain sometimes,a huge one at that. But deep down, I feel he just wants the best for each and every one of us."

"Well true or not, I'm still gonna make him eat back to things he said to me," Koko replied, determination In her voice.

Fuse, now fully awake, chimed in, "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I could use a snack after all that excitement."

"I suppose that's true," Meili conceded, her attention turning to the rumble of her stomach. "A little something to munch on wouldn't be so bad."

Fuse rubbed her hands together mischievously. "I have an idea! Let's sneak into the Si-Fu's monastery or whatever and get some of that delicious stuff we saw in the kitchens private stash. They've also got all sorts of goodies in there too, I'm sure."

Meili and Koko, however, were not as keen on the idea. "No way," Meili replied, shaking her head.

"I'm afraid we'll have to pass," Koko said, brushing off Fuse's suggestion. "See ya later, Kagawa."

"Aw c'mon you guys, it could be so much fun" fuse kept at it as they left the room to their respective dorms.


Meili stirred from sleep, the morning sun filtering through her window and casting a warm glow across the room. She rose slowly, stretching her arms and legs as she took in the tranquility of the morning.

Fuse, Koko, Lian, Lei, Kagawa, and Jaggy were also waking up in their respective rooms, each one readying themselves for the day's training. The girls tied their hair into neat topknots, they'll donned their traditional garments, and picked up the necessary equipments of their choice needed for training.

Meili, Kai, and Fuse gathered at the dojo, where they were greeted by the enigmatic Si-Fu Hibiki. He stood at the center of the training grounds, his face hidden behind a veil of shadows cast by his broad-brimmed hat.

"Students," he said, his voice carrying across the dojo. "Today we will be working on your defensive techniques. Remember, a true warrior can protect as well as attack."

"Woah that's interesting, he went straight into business for once," Kai said with a sly grin.

Fuse's eyes widened, her lips curling into a mischievous grin. "I know, right? Si-Fu Hibiki is usually pretty cryptic. Maybe someone lit a fire under his butt this morning."

Meili, nodding in agreement. "Haha, and he's also early for once. Let's make the most of this opportunity. We'll be ahead of the other groups in no time."

"Hmm," Si-Fu Hibiki became intrigued by her comments, "Very well, let's begin! "

With the excitement buzzing in the air, the trio readied themselves for the training session. Si-Fu Hibiki instructed them to form a triangle formation, with Kai at the front and Meili and Fuse at his flanks.

"The key to a strong defense is synchrony and awareness," Si-Fu Hibiki began. "When you are attacked, you must be able to predict your enemy's movements and react accordingly. Now, Meili, imagine an assailant is charging towards you from the left. How would you defend yourself?"

Meili's face hardened, her stance firm and focused.

As if sensing the attack, Meili quickly stepped forward, shifting her body to the right and parrying the imaginary blow with her blade. Si-Fu Hibiki nodded in approval, his expression stony but impressed.

"I see, you seem to handle the blade well," Si-Fu Hibiki observed, his eyes sharp and scrutinizing as he watched Meili deflect the imaginary blow. "Tell me, Meili. Do you believe you excel most with blades, or are you also proficient in other weaponry?"

Meili, still maintaining her stance, answered with confidence, "I'm skilled with many weapons, Si-Fu. But I do feel a strong connection to blades."

"Very good," Si-Fu Hibiki replied, his voice carrying a hint of admiration. "Such an understanding of the weapon is a powerful asset. Remember, a true warrior is adaptable and proficient in many forms. Now, let's test your reflexes."

Meili, eager to prove herself, tightened her grip on her blades. Si-Fu Hibiki nodded, indicating for her to shift her attention to Fuse.

"Fuse, I want you to attack Meili from behind."

Fuse responded with a wide grin, clearly relishing the challenge.

The air crackled with tension as Fuse slipped behind Meili, her movements lithe and silent.

Suddenly, she lunged forward, her blade aiming for Meili's back. But just as quickly, Meili spun around, her own blades flashing in a deft defense that warded off Fuse's strike.

"Excellent," Si-Fu Hibiki intoned, his voice barely above a whisper. "Your reflexes are sharp, Meili. But the true test is staying on guard for multiple attacks from different directions."

Kai, sensing he was being left out, spoke up in frustration. "Hey, I'm alive, aren't I? Or am I just being ignored here?"

Si-Fu Hibiki's stoic demeanor softened into an almost-smile. "No, Kai, you are very much alive," he assured him. "I have something special planned for today's training that will involve all of you."

"Oh?" Kai replied, wasn't taken away by Hibiki's demeanor . "And what would that be, Hibiki?"

"You gotta relax knuckle head," Fuse's voice chimed in

Before Si-Fu Hibiki could answer, Meili interjected, her expression curious but hesitant. "Si-Fu, if I may ask, what brought on this sudden focus on my reflexes? Do you believe I'm lacking in that area?"

Si-Fu Hibiki regarded her with a contemplative gaze. "No, Meili, not at all."

Si-Fu Hibiki maintained his steady, thoughtful gaze. "On the contrary, Meili, I'm very impressed with your reflexes. At such a young age, they are remarkably quick and pure. It seems the Zino clan has once again raised an impressive martial artist. Perhaps there is even more potential within you yet to be unlocked."

As Si-Fu Hibiki spoke, Kai's expression shifted slightly, a shadow of envy crossing his features as he watched Meili receive such high praise.

"Meili," Si-Fu Hibiki said, his tone contemplative and probing, "you strike me as someone who yearns to grow, to become stronger, to explore the limits of your capabilities. And yet, I can't help but wonder, what motivates you to strive to become a Wushu Guan Warrior? Is it merely to protect the city and its people, or do you have a deeper, more personal goal in mind?"

Meili's face flushed slightly, her eyes darting around as she struggled to find the right words.

"I've always been fascinated by the Wushu Guan Warriors, Si-Fu," Meili began, her voice hesitant and unsure. "Their skill, their honor, their dedication to protecting the people... It's something I admire deeply. But beyond that... I'm not really sure what I want, beyond becoming a skilled warrior."

Si-Fu Hibiki remained quiet for a moment, his eyes fixed on Meili with an intensity that made her fidget in place. "Perhaps that is the first thing you should consider.

With lightening speed, Si-Fu Hibiki snatched Meili's blade and flung it across the dojo, sending it hurtling towards the startled Kai.

The surprise attack was met with a swift and deft defense from Kai, his sword intercepting the incoming blade with a resounding clang. His shock transformed into a proud grin, as he realized that he had successfully thwarted the unexpected strike.

"H-hey," he replied, his competitive spirit aroused, "if you wished to test my skills, all you needed to do was ask.

With a smug smile, Si-Fu Hibiki remarked, "Hmph, I knew you would deflect that blade. Besides, I was just trying to get you to relax a bit. You looked like a sore loser with that frown on your face."

His gaze turned serious as he continued, "Don't be looking all grouchy all the time. Your teammates are your comrades, and they may be responsible for your very survival in the heat of battle. Turn any jealousy into healthy competition. A true rival not only pushes you to excel but also helps you grow stronger. The three of you have the potential to become powerful rivals."

"Well whatever, I didn't come out here just to be told what I already know about myself." Kai interrupted, with an annoyed tone.

"Well, regardless of what you know about yourself, I'd suggest staying on your toes," Si-Fu Hibiki replied, his tone laced with a hint of humor. "I wouldn't want you to be caught off guard by the next blade I throw your way."

Kai scoffed, but his face betrayed a slight smirk. "I'll be ready for anything you throw my way, Si-Fu," he retorted, "multiple blades or otherwise."

Kai's comment sparked a hint of amusement on Si-Fu Hibiki's face as the day's training continued with intensity, the trainees pushing themselves to their limits and beyond. But as the sun began to set, they knew their true work had only just begun.

That night, the three trainees retired to their respective rooms, still wrestling with Si-Fu Hibiki's questions. Meili, her mind ablaze with thoughts and memories, sat cross-legged on the floor, her gaze fixed on the flickering candle before her.

"What does it mean to be a Wushu Guan Warrior ?" she repeated in her mind, her brow furrowed in concentration.

That same night, the hooded figure and his companions recently mentioned before with their sense of purpose driven by greed and ambition, set forth from the dark tavern and into the night. The shadows of the forest seemed to lengthen and twist around them as they made their way deeper into the mountains. For hours, they marched in silence, guided only by the faint light of the moon and the tattered map in the hooded figure's possession.

The air grew colder as they ascended, the chill seeping into their bones as the tree line gave way to jagged peaks and frost-covered rock.

The moon's pale glow illuminated the path before them as the terrain grew increasingly treacherous. The wind whipped through the mountains, carrying with it whispers of ancient legends and warnings of dangers untold.

Suddenly, the hooded figure came to an abrupt halt, his companions close behind. "We're close," he said in a low, grave voice. "The entrance should be somewhere near here."

The men exchanged wary glances, the chill in the air now replaced by a tense anticipation as they scanned their surroundings.

With the map's guidance and their determination fueling them onward, the group delved deeper into the shadows, their steps cautious and quiet. The silence was interrupted only by the crunch of snow beneath their feet and the distant howl of the wind.

At last, they came to a sheer cliff face, the rock worn and weathered by the centuries. The hooded figure stopped and raised his hand, a subtle gesture that halted the others in their tracks. He studied the cliff face for a long moment before turning to them, his voice low and urgent.

"The entrance is hidden in the rock," he whispered.

With reverence and respect, the hooded figure approached the cliff face, running his gloved hand along its cold, unforgiving surface. As his fingers traced the stone, they found a series of depressions, hidden to the untrained eye. With a series of swift, precise movements, the figure pressed a sequence of these depressions, the hidden mechanism revealed to his practiced eye.

Slowly, almost imperceptibly, the mountain seemed to shift, the rock parting to reveal a dark, narrow passageway leading into the heart of the mountain.

The companions exchanged a look, their eyes gleaming with anticipation and apprehension in equal measure. The hooded figure stepped forward, his cloak billowing in the chill breeze, and disappeared into the mouth of the mountain. The others followed close behind, the darkness swallowing them whole.

The passage descended into the heart of the mountain, its walls lined with ancient carvings and glyphs that seemed to writhe in the flickering light of their torches. The air grew colder still, and their breath fogged the air before them.

As they ventured deeper, the air grew heavy with a sense of unease.

The passage grew narrower, forcing the companions to proceed single file, their footsteps echoing in the darkness. The hooded figure stopped abruptly, a hiss of warning escaping his lips. A low, growling sound reverberated through the cavern, its origin obscured by the shadows.

The companions froze, their hands tight on the hilts of their weapons, ready to defend themselves against the unknown. As their eyes adjusted to the gloom, a shape emerged from the darkness, its eyes glinting with a feral hunger.

The shape took form, revealing itself as a massive, fearsome wolf-like creature. Its fur was matted and ragged, its teeth bared in a snarl. It was unlike any creature the companions had encountered before, its presence radiating a primal malevolence.

The hooded figure took a step forward, his hand raising in a gesture of calm. "Stay your weapons, friends," he said, his voice steady. "Let us not provoke this beast, for we know not its strength or ferocity."

The companions nodded, their weapons remaining at the ready but not raised. The hooded figure slowly approached the creature, his movements deliberate and cautious. As he neared, the wolf-like beast seemed to calm, its hackles lowering and its growl fading.

"What manner of creature are you?" the hooded figure asked, his voice a whispered murmur. "And what brings you to this place?"

The creature's response was not one of language, but a low, guttural growl that seemed to emanate from the very depths of the mountain itself.

For a long moment, the hooded figure and the creature stood facing one another, their eyes locked in a silent conversation that defied understanding. Then, almost imperceptibly, the creature's posture seemed to shift, its hackles lowering further and its growling subsiding.

It was as if some unspoken agreement had been reached between the two, an understanding that only they could comprehend. The hooded figure slowly turned back to his companions, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"The creature has agreed to guide us," the hooded figure said, his voice carrying a hint of wonder. "It will show us the way to the chamber we seek, but we must follow it closely. Do not anger it, for it is not our enemy, but a guardian of this mountain's secrets."

The companions nodded in understanding, their eyes fixed on the creature as it turned and began to pad further into the darkness. They followed closely behind, their footsteps echoing in the narrow confines of the passage.

The creature led the group deeper into the depths of the mountain, its path winding through treacherous, narrow passageways and into cavernous chambers that seemed to stretch on for eternity. The companions followed in silence, their nerves frayed by the dark and the unnerving stillness of the mountain's depths.

As they delved further, the air grew colder, the chill seeping into their bones as the light of their torches dimmed. The creature, seemingly unfazed, pressed onward, its eyes scanning the darkness for signs of danger.

Suddenly, the creature halted in its tracks, its ears pricked and its fur bristling. A low, ominous sound reverberated through the darkness, a sound that seemed to resonate with an ancient, primal power.

The companions exchanged glances, their hearts racing as the creature let out a low, warning growl. The sound seemed to echo back at them from the very walls of the cavern, filling the air with a foreboding dread.

Then, a voice rang out, its words heavy and slow with an otherworldly echo: "You are not welcome in this place.

In the darkness, a malevolent being rose from the shadows, its form floating eerily just above the heads of the companions. Though human in appearance, its height was slightly above average, but its presence was commanding, commanding the attention of all those nearby as if it were a majestic statue brought to life. Its gaze radiated with a piercing intensity, akin to the mountain's fury made manifest.

As it moved closer to the companions, its movements were silent, almost predatory, each step oozing a sense of menace and power that seemed to fill the very air around it.

The companions stood their ground, their weapons raised and their eyes fixed on the monstrous being before them. They knew that to turn and flee now would be to court certain death, but to face such a creature was a task beyond all mortal ken.

The hooded figure stepped forward, his voice firm and fearless. "We seek only the Dragon's Rage," he said, his words ringing clear in the darkness. "We mean no harm to you or to this mountain."

The mountain-creature snarled, its eyes fixed on the hooded figure.

The hooded figure remained unflinching, his voice resonating with the power of ancient truths.

"The weapon we seek," he said, his words like steel forged in the heart of the mountain, "was once wielded by a mighty warrior, it belongs to our kind not yours. It is our wish to return the weapon to its rightful place, to restore it to the legend from which it came."

It loomed over the companions, then, without warning, it lashed out with a series of rocks hurling towards the hooded figure and his companions.

The companions scattered, diving for cover as the creature's attack fell just short of its mark. The hooded figure rolled to his feet, his eyes flashing with rage as he raised his weapon in defiance.

The mysterious being's presence commanded silence from the companions, who watched with a combination of awe and fear as it hovered before them. Its voice, when it spoke again, was low and resonant, like the booming echo of the mountains themselves.

"You dare enter this place with such foolish ambition," it growled. "The Dragon's Rage is not meant for mortal hands. It belongs to a time and power far beyond your understanding."

The companions shifted uneasily, their eyes darting from the creature to each other, uncertain how to respond.

"You seek a weapon that is not yours to wield," the creature hissed, its eyes burning into the companions' souls. "Your presence here is an affront to the power of this mountain, and you will pay the price for your arrogance."

The companions stiffened, their hands tightening on their weapons as they prepared for an attack. But the creature's next words were not those of violence.

"I offer you a choice," it said, its voice suddenly calm and measured. "Turn back now, and your lives will be spared.

The hooded figure, their leader, stepped forward, his weapon still held at the ready. "We will not turn back," he said, his voice firm. "We have come too far to retreat now. We seek the Dragon's Rage, and we will not be denied."

The creature narrowed its eyes, its expression one of disapproval and disdain. "So be it," it said, its voice echoing with power. "You will meet your end here, in the heart of the mountain."

The creature has a wide range of fearsome abilities at its disposal, and the companions stand alone against it in the heart of the mountain. The odds are stacked heavily against them, but with courage and cunning, they may yet find a way to survive.

As the companions stood in the face of the creature's power, their weapons at the ready, the air seemed to grow still and silent, as if even the mountain itself held its breath.

The creature let out a low, malevolent chuckle, its voice echoing off the cavern walls. "You are brave, but your bravery will be your undoing," it said, its eyes glowing with a fiery intensity.

"You will never leave this place. Your bones will join those of the others who dared to defy the mountain's power."

In a heartbeat, the creature struck. With a single sweep of its arm, the cavern walls exploded in a hail of rock and ice, shattering weapons and scattering the companions. In that instant of chaos, the creature was upon them, its clawed hands raking through armor and flesh alike, leaving bloody gashes in their wake.

Screams of pain and terror filled the air, mingling with the cacophony of stone and steel. But the fight was short-lived, the companions' efforts to defend themselves ultimately futile against the creature's power.

As the echoes of the battle faded, the cavern was silent once more, the only sound the slow drip of blood on stone. The companions lay strewn across the ground, their bodies broken and still, their weapons discarded or destroyed.

The creature stood amidst the carnage, its gaze sweeping across the fallen bodies with a cold, dispassionate detachment. It stepped over their broken forms, its movements graceful and unhurried, its eyes fixed on the hooded figure who had once led them.

"And now," it growled, its voice resonating with power, "you will join your friends in death."

The creature paused, its gaze fixed on the bloodied footprints leading away from the carnage. Its lips curled into a cruel smile, amusement sparkling in its eyes.

"Run, little one," it murmured, its voice barely audible above the silence. "Flee back to the world you know, for the mountain holds no mercy. I will let you live, that you may tell the tale of what befell your companions here today."

And with that, the creature turned away, its form merging with the darkness once more as it vanished into the depths of the mountain.