Mysterious drug spreader

The teenage boy gave a small nod before droThepping Arya Dipa off at his neighbor's house. He said goodbye to his mother before leaving. 

The mother, who had finished being examined by Nalini, gave her permission while giving a message. "Tell your uncle that I'm better." 

"Yes, ma'am."

Apparently, the neighbor's house was a close relative of theirs. The boy then rode off quickly, followed by Arya Dipa and his entourage. They tethered their horses not far from the house. 

Nalini, who had finished her treatment, joined them. She walked some distance away from Arya Dipa and approached Wira Usada. Nalini did not want her closeness to the Lokapala prince to prejudice the others.

Arya Dipa understood this time. She allowed Nalini to walk a little further, understanding that the girl was still shy. Still, he kept looking around to make sure she was with him.