A New Year, A New Mystery

The new school year had dawned, bringing with it a sense of renewal and excitement. MoMo and Lilia walked to school together, the morning sun casting a warm glow over their journey. The second year promised new challenges and adventures, and they were eager to face them together.

As they strolled along the familiar path, their conversation flowed effortlessly through their shared sign language. MoMo had grown accustomed to this mode of communication, and Lilia had become proficient in understanding and responding to his gestures.

Their camaraderie was evident in the easy way they laughed and exchanged thoughts. They shared stories of their summer break, their aspirations for the year ahead, and the excitement of returning to their beloved music school.

Just as they approached the school gates, a sudden burst of energy from behind caught them by surprise. Rukia, with her characteristic boldness, ran towards them and leaped onto MoMo's back, her arms wrapping around him tightly.

MoMo, taken aback by this unexpected action, stumbled slightly but managed to maintain his balance. He turned to face Rukia, a quizzical expression in his eyes. He signed, "Why didn't you come to the exam?"

Rukia, her lips curled into a mischievous smile, responded with exaggerated gestures, her voice husky, "Oh, MoMo, that's a secret."

MoMo raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. Rukia's behavior was often unpredictable, but this was a mystery he couldn't ignore. He signed, "Tell me later?"

Rukia nodded, her eyes sparkling with intrigue, and gave a playful wink. Then, she hopped off MoMo's back and joined them as they continued their walk to school.

As they approached the school grounds, a gathering of students caught their attention. It was a commotion surrounding a newcomer who had transferred to the school as a second-year student. The foreign student had a striking appearance, with chiseled features and a charismatic aura that drew all eyes to him.

The girls in the crowd were particularly animated, their voices filled with excitement and admiration. They giggled and squealed as they jostled to catch a glimpse of the newcomer. His arrival had clearly made quite an impression on the student body.

MoMo, Lilia, and Rukia exchanged curious glances. They had heard rumors about a transfer student, but they hadn't expected such a frenzied reception. Who was this mysterious newcomer, and what had brought him to their music school?