The Blue Ivy - Part Ten

The Crone estate had been a hotbed of drama and intrigue, and the presence of Liz's brother, the man with the shark tattoo, had cast a shadow of danger over the household. The characters found themselves entangled in a web of complexity and uncertainty, as they navigated the aftermath of the scandal on "The Blue Ivy."

One midnight, as the moon cast a pale glow over the estate, a sinister scene unfolded. Liz was seen in a dimly lit corridor, her face contorted in pain and terror. Her brother, Gai, was ruthlessly beating her, his punches landing with ruthless precision.

The violence was relentless, and the muffled screams of pain and fear were drowned out by the deafening silence of the sleeping mansion. Gai showed no mercy, his anger and determination evident in every blow.

As he continued to brutalize Liz, he delivered a chilling message. "You should never forget our objective," he hissed between punches. "You must find a way to get closer to Momo, and you will do whatever it takes to achieve our goal."

Liz, battered and broken, could do nothing but scream in agony. The violence she endured was a grim reminder of the sinister agenda that had been set in motion.

The chapter ended on a note of suspense, as the implications of Gai's brutal actions hung in the air. The characters on the Crone estate were now caught in a dangerous game, where the boundaries between right and wrong had blurred, and the objectives remained shrouded in mystery.