The Addams Family: The Final Part (Part Six)

As Momo's consciousness faded, he felt the relentless blows to his head pushing him into a dark and unending abyss. Each strike of Leo Addams was like a sledgehammer on his fragile body, and the pain became unbearable.

In that dark space, it was as though Momo was falling into the depths of oblivion, spiraling into an endless void. The world around him dissolved into nothingness, and he was engulfed in a profound darkness that seemed to stretch on forever.

But then, a glimmer of light pierced the darkness, a brilliant beacon that drew closer. As the light bathed Momo, he felt a presence, an otherworldly entity. A voice, powerful and gentle, echoed around him, claiming to be the voice of God.

The voice spoke to him, filling his mind with words of comfort and guidance. It spoke of a second chance, a new beginning, and the opportunity to rewrite his destiny. It asked Momo if he would like that second chance, if he was willing to embark on a new journey.