The Maestros of Rutward

The student council at Rutward Music Academy, a revered ensemble of musicians, each member wielding an aura of authority that resonated through the halls. Eight individuals, united by their exceptional talent and commitment to the art of music, formed the pillars of leadership within the academy.

1. **Lei:**

 - A violin virtuoso with an enchanting presence. Lei's playing transcended the boundaries of sound, evoking emotions that seemed to dance in harmony with each note. As the council's representative of string instruments, Lei's elegance mirrored the fluidity of her melodies.

2. **Leo (female):**

 - The commanding force among the student council, Leo's mastery extended beyond the notes. Her authoritative presence, coupled with a keen understanding of musical theory, made her a formidable leader. A pianist of unparalleled skill, Leo's fingers danced across the keys like a maestro orchestrating a grand symphony.

3. **Roi:**