Leon, a boy who due to his father's illness suffers a great economic crisis, finds an opportunity in the new release of the century Freedom Unlimited, with his skills as a player he will open up within the game to be one of the best and will try to cure his sick father while struggling with all kinds of problems in his life and within the game
Friends, I started this story in the middle of my military service, so unfortunately I won't be too active, but I will continue it. Our protagonist León is a boy who has been suffering for many years in each of his family situations, which we hope he will overcome in the course of time. of the work give them a chance if it's not a bother
It's just beginning, but the story seems to have promise, let's hope it continues to improve, Leon seems like he will be an interesting character due to all the problems that the novel presents us with and seeing how he will overcome them little by little should be quite gratifying