Prepare for what?

 I was ready to move on to the next stage of my life

Yesterday was a surprise, i talked to my brother Vitli about some things 

he agreed to convince my father to let me go with Vyre to Salia

I never really talk to my father for some reasons, he thinks I'm a failure because I didn't choose the diplomatic career that our family has, and my mother thinks the same...

but surprisingly he agreed on the matter

Vyre is already waiting for me in front of the gate with the horses


(Vyre) are you ready son?

(Averon) never been more ready

(Vyre) first, we have to stop at the east city of Prismos, army is waiting for us there

(Averon) sure uhhh... who is going to be there with us?

(Vyre) Some officials that the city of Prismos is offering to help us

we hit the road, it took almost three days to get to the city of Prismos

the city looks absolutely stunning it has pillars everywhere and shrines of gods

here you can see to the top of the city is like Planet sized building

there resides the current second Grand Master of arcane 

astrology is the main focus of the academy

Prismos is the second most important city in the Eryme empire

the army of Vyre is waiting outside of the city 

I could see thousands of people getting ready for the war

Vyre said General Asbros was waiting for us inside the city

as I would go into the city people would start to notice me 

so I put my red cape over my head so that people won't recognize me

(Vyre) the right choice, if fewer people know about you're location the better

(Averon) would be great to visit some of these places, I was here before but as a child, I couldn't go by myself

(Vyre) you have plenty of time, we could go back when we take Salia back

(Averon) now I'm more sure of it, it should be easy looking at this army

(Vyre) That's not the issue here, battle with that ex-general of Trizia is going to be tough with so many legions.... what is Asbros thinking...

we go into a tavern full of officials and Soldiers

(Vyre) it would good if you waited here at the entrance, remember you don't make appearances for now

(Averon) Oh come on, at least let me hear you what are your plans

(Vyre) Fine....but don't butt in, you hear me?

(Averon) Sure thing!

Vyre goes to the table that about six people sit on

General Asbros is one of them but which one?

(Vyre) how long has it been dear general

out of five comes out this little guy with sprinkles all over his body 

armor too, with a small dagger behind his back

(Asbros) High marshal Vyre himself, well aren't you people going to salute him, STAND UP AND SALUTE YOU MAGGOTS!

almost all in the tavern stood up hearing the name of High Marshal

(Vyre) well now, we don't need pleasantries, how's the plan going general

(Asbros) well as you can see eighteen thousand soldiers are ready and waiting outside of the city

(Vyre) but don't you think this much Legion is not needed to take Salia back

(Asbros) I have an informant inside of Salia, they said about fifty thousand people are going to help out General Hilus, he took control of the provincial city of Salia Solobi, it seems like he wasn't helping Salians, it was his plan to take control of the province without having to involve Trizian empire, he basically infiltrated our borders as the ex-general so we won't blame trizians, isn't it funny

(Vyre) this makes more sense what did the fake king of the Salia Say, I'm sure he was surprised

(Asbros) they say he's gathering the army to take Solobi back, so yeah it's a tricky situation.... Basically, we lost a quarter of our territory just like that, it's chaos...I sent message to the Vilachian family to the west, they said they would move their army from the north to take control east side of the Salia, the city of Kritski that's where King Gurgi and his army reside, while we will have to deal with Hilus in Solobi

(Vyre) What about Prismos officials, they told me about some kind of help...

(Asbros) yes, they sent two Grand masters, "sixth" and "eleventh"

(Vyre) that should be enough, where are they?

(Asbros) they are already at the border of Salia with the rest of the officials

(Vyre) oh here we go, I'm not listening to them, just so you know, we act our own way...

(Asbros) could not said better Marshal

(Vyre) all right, MOVE OUT PEOPLE!!! 

Vyre Wrapped everyone at the front gate and planned the strategy with the rest of the legion

in an hour we were already on the move, I could hear as the soldiers marched the earth would move with us too

In the next two days we were at the border of Salia, The Sixth and eleventh grand masters were already doing some arcane inc, so could track down the enemy but for some reason they seemed bothered

as our legion comes through, I see some guy standing on the hill looking right at us

I blink my eyes and see him closer, he's wearing black torned clothes

(GUARD) who is that?

the man jumped straight at the guard, killing him with his knife


(Hilus) glad you still can recognize me Vyre...

he ascends to the air, using light inc. out of the sun comes a light beam that blinds legion


using fire and light inc he blasts the army with mighty power destroying a majority of the camp

Vyre, Asbros, and some strong commanders of the legion jump straight to the Hilus, trying to pierce him but the man is gone

instead, Vyre and Asbros killed some commanders in an instant, it was some kind of delusion of Dark Inc.

in disbelief Vyre and Asbros were in shock, Hilus appeared once again knocking both of them down on the ground, one with his foot and the other with his hand

sixth and eleventh using arcane teleported straight to the hill that Hilus came from

(Valeria"eleventh") I knew it, the army was already here

(Tappo "sixth") I know Vyre will deal with that, while we could deal with this...

they saw an army of fifty thousand marching straight at them

battle of Light, just started it was named after the events that transcended here

it set the motion for the downfall, kingdoms, and their people would disappear

Note: incantations can be devastating if the soul of the body is strong enough to hold the power of gods, Hilus for example can materialize the power of a light source coming from the sun, while also using dark incantation to make it a little bit dark outside of the beam so he can boost power of the light incantation