Chapter 293

Was it wrong for a mother to worry about her daughter's safety? So why co

uldn't Natasha understand her?

"Istrid!" Jessica called out.

A voluptuous woman immediately hurried into the room. "Yes, Madam?"

"Send an anonymous letter to Clement Lincoln to let him know everything D

ustin has done." Jessica


"Huh?" Isfrid was stunned. "A–are you sure, Madam?"

Dustin had been severely injured just to save Natasha, yet Jessica was te

lling her to betray him. That was

crossing the line.

"Shut up and do as I say! Natasha will only be safe if we sacrifice Dusti

n. Hurry up!" Jessica ordered coldly.

"Yes. Madam." Istrid could only nod. Although she felt sorry for Dustin,

as the Harmon family's shadow guard, she had no choice but to obey Jessic


Meanwhile, a

red BMW suddenly pulled up at the door of Peaceful Medical Center. The ca

r door flung open. and Dakota Nicholson rushed into

the building frenziedly.

"I know you're here, Rhys! Come out!" she yelled.

"Which uneducated brat is it?" Dustin emerged from the kitchen. He looked

up and gave her a knowing look. So it's you. What can I do for you?"

"Cut the crap! My mother's sick. Follow me to the hospital and help her!"

Dakota ordered rudely. She woke up this morning to find that her mother

was paralyzed, unable to feel anything below her shoulders, and could

only move her neck.

Although Dakota was shocked, she was forced to admit that everything happ

ened just as Dustin had said it would. Her mother had fainted the first d

ay, coughed up blood on the second, and became paralyzed on the third, ju

st like he said.

So, if her mother couldn't receive treatment in time, she would die tomor


"What does your mother falling sick have to do with me?" Dustin shrugged,

not at all surprised.

"She wouldn't be sick if you hadn't slapped her," Dakota replied arrogant


"Wow, to become terminally ill from a slap. Your mother sure is something

else." Dustin chuckled, shaking his


"Stop messing around. I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself. Come wi

th me to the hospital to save my

mother right now!" Dakota ordered.

"Sorry, but I don't give a damn." Dustin refused bluntly.

"What?" Dakota frowned. "How dare you refuse! Do you have any idea what t

he consequences will be?"

Chapter 293

"Nope." Dustin shook his head.

Dakota humped, displeased. "That means you'll offend the Glenstead Nichol

sons. If I can pull you out of jail, I can certainly put you back in."

"It sounds like I have you to thank for my freedom?" Dustin asked, amused


"Do you think I would have saved you if Dahlia didn't keep begging me?" D

akota humphed. "You should be grateful. Since I saved you, it's time for

you to repay the favor. I'm giving you a chance to save my mother!"

"I have no idea where you found the confidence to say all that." Dustin s

norted and shook his head. "If that's the attitude you're going to carry,

I'm afraid I can't help you. Please leave."

Dakota was supposed to ask for a favor, yet she acted arrogantly. It was

as if she expected him to be grateful. that she was telling him to save s

omeone. Who did she think she was?