Chapter 454

"Poisoned?" Natasha paled. "The food and drinks here were carefully inspe

cted. How could it be poisoned?"

As soon as those words escaped her lips, more pained wails came from the

crowd as a woman in a gown suddenly fell to the floor, convulsing, bleedi

ng out of her nose.

"T–there's poison in the wine!" she yelled, terrified.

Immediately, pandemonium ensued as everyone in the room panicked.

Those who hadn't drunk the wine quickly tossed their glasses aside, while

those who had quickly became frightened and broke out in a cold sweat.

Unfortunately, that was not the end.

After the first women, people began toppling over like dominoes, and more

tortured wails rang out.

One after another, guests fell to the floor, blue–

faced, convulsing, and bleeding out of their noses.

Within moments, more than half of the guests cried out in pain on the flo


The few unharmed people remained rooted in their positions as they looked

around, terrified. Within minutes, the once happy atmosphere had turned

into complete hell!

"What's going on? Who did this?"

Natasha's brow furrowed tightly as she studied the people on the

floor, her face turning cold. Things would still be fine if only a few pe

ople were poisoned. Now, however, hundreds of

people had been poisoned simultaneously. The consequences would be detrim


The person who did this clearly only had one aim–

to get rid of the Harmon family, once and for all!

"Dad! Mom! Uncles!"

Ruth panicked after seeing her family fall to the floor consecutively and

darted toward them, but before she could reach them, she also spat out b

lood before crashing to the floor.

"Ruth!" Natasha paled. She was about to rush forward, but Dustin pulled h

er back. "Don't go there. It's the air that's poisonous, not the wine!"

"Then, what should we do? We have to save them!" Natasha cried worriedly,

struggling to keep calm when faced with her poisoned family members.

"Take this pill first."

Dustin drew out a white pill and put it into Natasha's mouth. It was a Cu

rax, which was an antidote for


"To cure them, we have to first find the source of the poison. Give me so

me time."

After ensuring Natasha's safety, Dustin began scanning the room. For the

poison to escape his notice, it must

either be colorless and odorless or successfully fused into the environme


"The Dark Lord! It must have been him!" Trent yelled as he lay on the flo

or, his agitation prompting him to

throw up more blood.

"I get it now. The Dark Lord must be trying to use this opportunity to ge

t rid of our entire family!" Jacob seethed through gritted teeth. As

a powerful martial artist, his body was better than most, and his symptom

s were less severe than others. Still, he would die from the poison soone

r or later.

"Him again! It's been years! Why can't he let us go?" Hector coughed viol

ently, his face turning as white as a sheet as his condition began to det

eriorate. There was no way he'd be fine after suffering another bout of

poisoning before he even fully recovered from the previous round.

Currently, the only ones in the hall left standing were Dustin and Natash

a. Everyone else was lying on the floor,

howling in pain.

"Found it!" Dustin quickly noticed the anomaly.

Four incense burners had been placed in each corner of the hall, white sm

oking billowing out from them.

continuously. Upon closer inspection, Dustin realized that all of the inc

ense had been tampered with.

Poisoned gas mixed with the scent of Incense was normally difficult for a

nyone to notice.

After getting rid of the source, Dustin pulled out several Curax tablets

and fed them to Hector and several


"Natasha, get me two buckets of water." Dustin turned around and ordered.


Natasha rushed out without hesitation, reappearing moments later, carryin

g two buckets of water.

Dustin pulled out his bottle of Hexanavir and poured half a bottle into e

ach bucket. There were over hundreds of poisoned victims, and he didn't h

ave enough Curax, so the only temporary fix left was Hexanavir.

It may not be as effective as Curax, but it could at least stop them from


"Feed all the victims half a bowl of water," Dustin instructed and got to


Those who were able to move crawled over to the bucket themselves, so Dus

tin and Natasha only had to feed those who could no longer move.