My journey home to the apartment I rented was a quiet one, the bullet trains taking me there quickly while I listened to music; even with the thousands of years between us and them, according to the records and documents we had, our world was similar to Gaia in more ways than one, primarily because of the various faction wars and terraforming that needed to be done.
We lost valuable time and stagnated for a LONG time after finding ourself on this world, called Amun, which was roughly four times the size of Gaia and covered in bountiful resources.
The gravity was stronger here by quite a bit, but a mixture of the technology we had and our own bodies evolving to match the world we were on made this a hospitable planet, and it was one of the new homes for billions of humans.
Other planets in the system were colonized as well, and other systems had people too, so we had begun our journey to spread amongst the stars already, but that was far too much for me to think about, as I instead wanted to think about the new game waiting for me in my Full Dive Pod back home.
Twin Moons of Eden...
Just the name made me shudder with glee, and I was curious about both its gameplay and its lore as I recalled the promotional trailers, the blend of comforting familiar mechanics mixing with new ones creating a wonderful cocktail that I couldn't wait to experience, and I was sure that I was apart of the millions of people that were going to log on today.
I had to choose my class, subclass, race, starting area, allegiance... so much to theory craft together, and I opened my computer again as I went through the various lists I had drawn up already, waiting for the train to reach my stop.
When it did, I was the first one up and out as I rushed up the stairs and into the transport pod to my floor, stepping out and finding my apartment in moments, unlocking the door with my DNA key before tossing my stuff onto the table, beelining for the Full Dive Pod in the corner of the room.
Fiddling with it, I began to prepare it for a long dive and allowed it to attune itself to my specifications, beginning to busy myself with menial chores as I drew the curtains closed and started to make myself a sandwich, all while I listened to the low thrum of the Pod powering on.
I had played a long, long catalogue of games in my life, and by far Fantasy RPG's were my favorite, with MMO's coming up closely behind it since I loved playing with others, though I had my moments where I wanted to just chill and be on my own.
With Full Dive taking my mind directly into the game, I had gotten to experience the horrors and wonders of fantasy as I fought, killed, casted spells and so much more, which had undoubted jaded my mind slightly and made me uncaring for certain things, but I couldn't find it in me to say it was a bad thing that that had happened, instead thinking of it as a boon.
Either way, with the first time I ever took a dive still something I could remember vividly, I had gone from a slightly overweight, unfit nerd to a girl who hit the gym and learned to box, all while I maintained my desire for knowledge and craving to document history, to understand it more.
Slimming myself out and replacing fats with muscle, I was truly happy with where I was, both because I was healthier now but also because it helped me attune myself to the actions in the dives, making things easier on my mind as I embraced a new world and lost myself to it.
It was also where I had begun to experiment with many things, and the primary thing had been exploring my sexuality as well... many games came with a feature for NSFW content, or there were games made entirely for NSFW genres, which I dove into just as much as my Fantasy Games.
That was where my love for myself and desire to maintain my body like a temple had come from, since the confidence that one had for themselves made it easier to enjoy such games when you got to see what the creators had in mind for beauty.
Either way, I had spent a lot of time in my Full Dive Pod, and it was the best investment I ever had, even if most people thought of that as a gateway to many of the wrongs of the world... I didn't care, and I usually avoided such people since I was happier with it then without it.
Finishing my sandwich, I cleaned off the plate and drained my glass of water before moving towards the mirror, admiring myself and wondering if there would be a reason to tweak myself in the game at all...
Peeling off my shirt and pants, I left myself in just my underwear, admiring my curves and muscles for a few moments.
A serious face framed by midnight black hair kept people away from me, the permanent frown that tugged on my plump lips giving me a beautiful yet icy set of facial features.
My ocean blue eyes sparkled with various emotions as I kept my face set in stone, enjoying the way people saw me as unreadable and allowing me to express myself only to those that knew me personally, keeping unwanted people away.
Long lashes and trimmed, sharp eye brows only added to my beauty, while the paleness of my skin was common amongst us northerners, since the sun here wasn't as harsh as on the rest of the planet.
Past that, my breasts were on the smaller side, though they were still present and were roughly a handful, resting atop my chest and just over my toned stomach.
Muscles were clearly shown through the pale skin, my six pack and obliques not as chiseled as I wanted them to be but still obvious to see, while my arms and shoulders were broader than normal, tightly packed with muscle; the same went with my thighs, which fought between being 'masculine' and 'feminine' as the fat and muscle tried to live together.
They weren't large, but they weren't small either, matching my breasts perfectly and matching my butt as well, which was larger than I wanted on a muscular standpoint, but as a woman... well, it was the right size and shape, and the workouts I did kept it where I wanted it.
Lastly, my eyes landed on the thing that rested inside my panties, hidden from the world currently and waiting to be freed - my penis and testicles, which had been apart of our evolution here on Amun.
Women had begun to reach a 'middle ground' of man and woman, creating a third sex amongst us humans; futanari.
Hermaphrodites with both a penis and a vagina, fully functional and capable of reproducing with either of the other sexes, or amongst themselves.
Now the population was split roughly 33% in each category, and the rise of futanari's was only becoming more and more evident as the population rose in their favor, slowly pushing the other two sexes aside.
The perfect blend of the women's higher emotional and mental facilities with the men's physical facilities created a new sex of humans meant to be the next step in evolution... if you subscribed to that theory.
Personally, I believed it to be a quirk of genetics that had become selectively bred into the population, but who cares~!
Twin Moons of Eden was ready to play, and I had nothing to do tonight or tomorrow~!
So who's ready for an all nighter of grinding a new game?!