Man With Sexy Voice

Marigold opened Biktok live for the first time.

Previously, she had only watched other people's live streams as a viewer. Now she sat in the corner she had carefully set up in her bedroom, with the front camera of her phone focuses on herself.

Seeing her carefully made-up face, beautiful wavy wig, the trendiest dress she pulled out from the wardrobe, and the furry wolf ear decoration she found at the flea market on her head, she felt a slight increase in confidence.

Clearing her throat in front of the microphone, she greeted the few viewers.

"Hello, everyone! My name is Mary, and today... uh... it's my first live stream. How is everyone's evening going? Have you had dinner? I had a quinoa beef sandwich and beet soup for dinner today. To be honest, the beet soup is a bit sour..."

She spoke somewhat hesitantly while stealing a glance at the viewer count.

There were 7 people, which was not bad. According to Gill, who recommended her to do live streams here, the number of viewers would gradually increase after half an hour of streaming, so having 7 people already was considered quite a lot.

Gill was her college friend whom she hadn't been in contact with for many years. Just recently, after Marigold had been unemployed for 11 months in a row, Gill suddenly got in touch with her and said that there was a talent agency looking for streamers.

She thought Marigold, who was idle at home, was suitable for the job of a streamer, so she recommended her to join this Fantasy live stream.

According to Gill's description, all she needed to do was wearing animal headgear and sing and dance in front of the camera, waiting for audience tipping her. It didn't matter that there were few people at the beginning because the audience would gradually increase.

So, as she continued to ramble on about her dinner and trivial matters, a few scattered bullet comments floated across the screen.

"When will the streamer start?"

"You're wearing too much. Take off a few pieces."

"I don't want to hear what you ate. Start already."

Start what? Singing and dancing as Gill mentioned? Indeed, she felt a bit flustered in her first time entering a live stream room. Marigold quickly cleared her throat and squeezed out a sweet smile. "Then, I'll sing for everyone. What song would you like to hear? I'll dedicate the song 'You're Not the Last Person in My Life' to everyone. I wonder if you'll like it?"

This isn't my city

The person who betrayed me

I shouldn't linger

But I can't leave this

City that traps me...

It had been a long time since she last sang. This song was very popular in her college days.

It was theme song from the movie Angel's Lover ,the first movie starring Evans Shore 12 years ago.

Back then, she was young, beautiful, full of energy, and pursuing a master's degree in anthropology at Oak University.

Four years later, she obtained her Ph.D., even served two years overseas in the navy.

At that time, she had a promising life. Everything was perfect, apart from a failed relationship.

But now, the museum had gone bankrupt. She lost her job, and it had been over 11 months without finding any formal and stable employment.

The column she wrote for a research institution of a friend was never paid for – supposedly they declared bankruptcy for various reasons. In short, they couldn't pay.

She also tried working at a supermarket or doing food delivery, but either the salary was low or the labor exceeded her physical limits.

Although she used to be as strong as a tree, she now suffered from symptoms of collapsing due to stress and dared not exert herself easily.

When she was still in school, she had been a campus radio host and singing a short segment was no problem for her back then. Many passionate male admirers would leave messages frantically on her social media accounts.

But now, her voice was somewhat hoarse, coupled with nervousness, and the song was off-key. This song seemed a bit outdated and tacky.

As a result, the number of people in the live stream room quickly dropped from 7 to 3.

This can't go on like this. When will I be able to earn money... Marigold thought of David, her fiancé, and his angry face, sending a shiver down her spine.

In their plan, they were supposed to get married this year. But due to the economic downturn and low income, David said they should save enough money before getting married.

David, one year older than her, was a makeup artist for performers and worked tirelessly outside every day. She didn't want to add more pressure to David.

Just as she was trying her best, a viewer named Greywolf entered the live stream room. She quickly stopped singing and greeted this new friend—it was said to be the etiquette as a streamer.

But in the next second, a magnificent champagne prop appeared on the screen, with sparkling champagne bubbles flowing out. The system notified her: You received Joyful Champagne x1.

One Joyful Champagne was equivalent to $199, which was quite expensive tipping props on Biktok.

This was the first substantial income tonight! Marigold couldn't believe the money came so quickly.

She quickly thanked Greywolf and suggested that he could request a song or ask her to dance—although she had even less confidence in dancing.

Some comments from the remaining viewers also flashed across the screen.

"Where did this rich guy come from? He's really loaded."

"Is this streamer a good singer? Or do they want to see adult content?"

Marigold became alert to some words in the floating bullet comments. It seemed that this Fantasy channel was not just about wearing animal ears and singing cute songs. Could it be that everyone was expecting adult content?

After waiting for a while, Greywolf finally spoke up.

"Sorry, a mistake. First-time tipping."

At some point, the number of viewers increased again, and now there were over 20 viewers in the live stream room. The bullet comments also multiplied unconsciously.

"Pff, I knew no one would genuinely like it. So, what's the selling point of this streamer? Big breasts? Big butt? Let's see the butt."

"The rich guy must have entered the wrong live stream room."

"The makeup is bland, and it's not sexy. Like a drowning duck, leave, leave."

Marigold felt the air around her becoming tense. Now she was certain that this Fantasy channel was undoubtedly an adult-themed one.

On one hand, she felt angry at Gill for concealing the fact that Fantasy was a pornographic live stream, and on the other hand, she couldn't ignore the comments about her appearance.

She could only keep explaining to the viewers that it was her first time doing a live stream, and she was nervous, asking for their forgiveness.

There won't be a next time, never again!

But soon, the live stream room ignited again.

"Ding" "Ding" "Ding"...

On the screen, beautiful fireworks blossomed one after another, with a magnificent queen and carriage in the center. This was the most luxurious tipping prop on Biktok called "Noble Queen," priced at $999 each, and Greywolf was the one who tipped them continuously, dozens of them.

Marigold couldn't believe her eyes. The bullet comments that were mocking her just a second ago had now turned into expressions of shock.

"Kneeling to the rich guy!"

"Kneeling to the rich guy!"

"Kneeling to the rich guy!"

Marigold cleared her throat and cautiously asked, "Mr. Greywolf, may I ask what you would like me to do? You can request a song or a dance, although I'm not a very good singer..."

Greywolf quickly replied, "I want to have a private voice chat."

What! Marigold was once again stunned by the wealthy person's train of thought.

Spending so much money to have a private voice chat with a newbie streamer who knows nothing on their first day of live streaming, didn't he think it was a bit of a waste?

But she still agreed. She bid farewell to the viewers in the live stream room as quickly as possible and then opened the private live stream room to start the voice chat with Greywolf.

"There's no one else watching now. So... can you take off the wig?" Greywolf's voice came through the headphones, lazy yet charming, sounds like a very young man. Marigold swore she had never heard such a pleasant voice before.

"Ah? But my hair will be messy, and it's golden..."

Golden hair is out of date now. Although she had thought about dyeing her hair in various colors like red, orange, silver, green, blue, or purple, but not golden. Despite being a Ph.D. in anthropology, everyone, including David, would always treat her as a dumb blonde because of her golden hair.

"It doesn't suit your name. Please take off the wig."

Greywolf's voice was gentle, spoken slowly but with clarity and power, making her involuntarily want to comply. And how did he know her real name was Marigold? Her parents had always said her name was derived from her dazzling golden hair.

Soon she took off the chestnut-colored big wavy wig. Just as she was about to remove the wolf ears as well, Greywolf voiced his opposition.

"Don't take those off. You look adorable. Believe in yourself."

Marigold was momentarily stunned. How did he know that she was influenced by the bullet comments in the live stream and had started doubting her appearance?