Are My Legs Comfortable to Lie Down?

When Marigold woke up, she found herself sitting in the back seat of a Maybach, her head resting on something soft and comfortable. The car was moving smoothly forward, and when she slightly moved her arm, she realized it was being gently held by a strong hand.


A seductive voice floated above her head, sending shivers down her spine. It was Greywolf, no, Brian's voice. Marigold was startled and quickly tried to sit up, but the hand held her down.

She was indeed lying on Brian's leg. Brian was leisurely using his tablet, handling business affairs.

Brian's leg was firm and had just the right amount of elasticity. If he wasn't her boss, she would have taken the opportunity to touch it.

"If you want to touch it, go ahead. I don't mind," Brian chuckled. Marigold was astonished. How did this man know what she was thinking?

"I-I'm sorry... Did I... faint again?" She recalled the last scene before fainting: Brian picking her up and his concerned eyes. In the end, she managed to free herself from Brian's hand and climbed off his lap. Brian gently supported her, even though the car was driving smoothly without much shaking, he was still afraid she might fall.

"Is there anything wrong with your body? Do you know who you are?"

"I'm Marigold, sir. I'm not feeling uncomfortable. It's just an old ailment, and I apologize for keeping it hidden. In fact, it's a chronic condition. Although my resume states that I have served overseas, I fell ill two years ago, a serious illness, and since then, I would faint for no reason. But the brain CT scan at the hospital showed no problems. It's just anxiety. You don't have to worry about it affecting my work..."

"Mary, if, under these circumstances, I 

question your work ability, then I can truly be called scum," Brian sighed apologetically. "I'm sorry, I brought you to the hotel on purpose, hoping you would discover their relationship. But I underestimated how much it would hurt you... I'm sorry, Mary, I'm willing to make it up to you."

Only then did Mary remember everything that had just happened... Yes, she stood in front of that couple like a clown, enduring their judgment. She was deceived by the man in front of her and taken to a hotel... She should be angry, she should scream. But she remained calm, unusually calm.

"There's nothing to make up for. You're Jenny's fiancé, and I'm David's fiancée. You have the right to be concerned about this, and I..." She sighed deeply and forced a rational smile. "Thank you, boss. If it weren't for you, I might have married that rotten person."

Brian lowered his head disappointingly. If he had ears, they would have drooped like a puppy's. "Can't you call me Brian?"

"Thank you, Brian," Marigold teased, amused by his aggrieved look. She reached up and rubbed his tall head, which almost touched the roof of the car, his hair soft and untamed, like a golden retriever.

Brian did resemble a golden retriever, with an innocent and happy smile. "When you fainted just now, my heart almost jumped out of my chest. Fortunately, Stephen (pointing to the driver) has a medical qualification and said it was just fainting due to emotional excitement, nothing serious, so we brought you into the car. I'm glad I could be there for you in your time of crisis. Can you rely on me more in the future?"

Marigold felt very strange. If it were any other man getting this close to her, she would have punched him long ago. But not this man. Maybe it's because he's 9 years younger than her, like a child throwing a tantrum. She knew all his tricks.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Brian took her face in his hands and gently stroked her cheek with his fingers.

"For example, after experiencing something so terrible, you didn't shed a single tear. You're really strong. But if you really want to cry, it's okay, you can borrow my chest." He opened his expensive suit and patted his sturdy chest muscles that restlessly surged beneath the thin shirt. "In the future, this can be Mary's exclusive confessional."

"Be careful of workplace sexual harassment complaints," Marigold joked, using her eyes to caress the bulging shirt, pretending to be angry.

And so, the two of them chatted and laughed along the way, talking about many things. Unknowingly, the car arrived at the company building.

"Are you going home? To that home? The home of you and... that man?" Brian emphasized "that man," showing a strong dislike for the name David.

"Didn't meant to."

Brian seemed to be waiting for her, and he jumped up with joy. "That's perfect, I have an empty house..."

"No need, thanks. I'll spend the night at a friend's place, and tomorrow I'll start looking for a new house to move into."

Brian deflated like a punctured balloon, instantly feeling down.

But he didn't stay down for long. After dropping Marigold off at her best friend's house, he watched her get out of the car. His phone vibrated, and he received a text message from a mysterious contact with a black avatar, asking if he had captured the woman's heart. Brian glanced at the message, rolled down the car window, and continued waving his arm enthusiastically towards Marigold, who was already at the doorstep of her friend's house. Then, he revealed a determined smile.

"Tap-Tap," his fingers flew across the screen as he typed a reply. "Don't worry, everything is under my control. She will definitely fall in love with me, for sure."

Marigold's sudden arrival threw her best friend Kelly into a frenzy. Kelly was a divorced single mother who had a say in men's affairs.

"What?! You broke up?! Weren't you about to marry David?"

"It's a long story. Let me stay for a night, and tomorrow I'll start looking for a house. Thanks."

Kelly rambled on, discussing whether it was because she hadn't worked for 11 months that David grew tired of her. She also recommended a feng shui master, claiming a success rate of over 95% for reconciliation. However, their conversation drifted towards the flaws of men.

Marigold, in order to avoid causing trouble for her company's own artist, only mentioned that it was a compatibility issue between the two and didn't mention David's affair with Jenny. But Kelly was convinced that David had something going on with the company's female artist. Little did she know that David was a cheater.

After putting the child to bed, the two talked all night. Marigold couldn't calm her mind, and she slept almost until dawn. The next morning, Marigold woke up early and arrived at the office before 8 a.m., hoping to organize her thoughts and even do some cleaning.

To her surprise, when she stepped into the CEO's office, Brian was already inside, reviewing documents and didn't even notice her arrival. Was he really this dedicated to his work? Perhaps Lily's words were just an illusion?

Marigold quickly washed the high-end coffee machine in the corner of the office and brewed a strong cup of coffee for him. She handed it to Brian, who took it and took a sip, his eyes suddenly filled with delight.

"It's really delicious, Mary. What did you add?"

"It's my exclusive coffee brewing secret. How does it taste, can you handle it?"

"The aroma and sweetness of the coffee beans are rich. I've never had such a wonderful cup of coffee. How much sugar did you put in?"

"I didn't put in any sugar."

"No sugar?!" Brian was extremely shocked. He liked his coffee sweet, but this cup achieved the perfect sweetness without any sugar. It was impressive. Now Brian truly started to see her in a new light. "Mary, I'm increasingly glad that it was me who hired you. I've never had such a delicious coffee before. Have you ever thought about opening a coffee shop?"

Marigold shrugged. That wasn't her ambition.

"So, David used to enjoy this delicious coffee too? I'm so jealous. What a man who doesn't know how fortunate he is." As he spoke, Brian's expression turned resentful.

Marigold coughed lightly, turning away to conceal her embarrassment. She quickly organized the schedule that Brian had asked her to arrange and set it up as a beautiful calendar on his desk using a miniPad.

"That's a different matter. As long as you like it, I can make you a cup every day." Brian's face revealed a youthful and innocent smile. "Thank you, Mary. I can't help but feel grateful that you work for me. I've never had such a delicious coffee before, and you didn't even need much instruction."

Marigold blushed, feeling a warm surge in her heart. "Don't underestimate me. I'm also a mature woman at 33. Arranging my first class in the course of managing my own life."

The two continued chatting, with Brian constantly showering Marigold with compliments. Upon closer reflection, Marigold realized that she had never received a single compliment from David. Whether it was the coffee she brewed or the delicious meals she cooked, she had learned many skills to make him happy, such as making coffee, cooking, applying makeup, and repairing appliances. But David seemed to take it for granted and never truly appreciated her efforts, not even with a simple acknowledgment.