Jenny’s Gossip, Come Up

Marigold suppressed her inner anger, reminding herself that she was here for revenge on David. Just because Brian fired David, does she have to fire Brian's subordinates too? What an immature girl.


"Hurry up, why haven't we started yet? Do you want to keep the director waiting?" Jenny preemptively urged Marigold. Marigold had never done mermaid makeup before, so she had to search for tutorials on her phone. Contour like this, highlight like that, use shimmer eyeshadow as a base, mix bright green and light blue for the eyeliner...

Marigold followed the tutorial step by step and surprisingly found herself becoming more proficient. After forty minutes, a simplified yet exquisite mermaid princess makeup blossomed on Jenny's enchanting face. Marigold was very satisfied, took out her phone, took a few pictures, and then took out a makeup mirror to let Jenny examine it closely.


When Jenny saw herself in the mirror, she was initially surprised but quickly burst into a scream.


"It's so ugly, redo it! Who allowed you to make me look like this? You've ruined my beauty!"


Robert also arrived upon hearing the commotion. When he saw Jenny with the delicately beautiful blue and green mermaid makeup, he exclaimed in amazement, "Oh, this makeup is truly perfect! No wonder you're Jenny, no wonder you're a big star! Can I take a photo with you?"


Jenny glared at him fiercely and said, "Are you blind? You dare call this ugly makeup beautiful?"


Robert could only remain silent. Jenny's success wasn't just due to her acting skills and beauty; it was also because of her influential family behind her. No one wanted to cross paths with the Whitehouse family, no one. Robert, like many other non-famous producers and directors, had to endure Jenny's insults.


Marigold kindly advised, "Time is running out, Jenny, maybe we should start filming quickly."


However, Jenny suddenly acted viciously and raised her hand, throwing the unfinished coffee in her hand at Marigold's face. Marigold had intended to dodge, and with her agility, she could easily avoid it. But she caught sight of a young petite female prop artist behind her, busy with equipment. She didn't want the coffee to splash on innocent people. So she stood still, allowing the coffee to spill onto her head and snow-white silk shirt.


Jenny felt triumphant at her humiliation and became increasingly ecstatic, her expression turning crazy and sinister.


"Did I give you permission to speak? What kind of ridiculous mermaid princess makeup is this? It's far worse than the previous makeup artist!"


As she said that, she took out her phone and made a call to someone named Sabrina.


Abby took the opportunity to quickly pull out tissues and wipe Marigold's face. She apologized anxiously, realizing that if Brian found out that Jenny had secretly brought his assistant out to be a makeup artist and publicly humiliated her, Abby herself might also be fired by Brian in a fit of anger.


Marigold waved her hand repeatedly, reassuring Abby, "It's not your fault, Abby." Then she apologized to Robert, saying, "I'm sorry, I was just filling in temporarily, so there were some mistakes. I'll quickly touch up the makeup and it won't delay your shoot."


Robert said it was alright and quickly called a female assistant to take Marigold to the restroom to clean up the stains. Just as Jenny finished her phone call, she called out to Marigold from behind.


"Who allowed you to leave? Come back and wait until Sabrina arrives. You can observe how a master makeup artist works."


Abby quietly added to Marigold, "Sabrina is the global makeup guru for the Web brand. She was supposed to come and do the makeup this afternoon..."


What a joke, rejecting someone willing to do the makeup just to publicly pour coffee on her here? Marigold rolled her eyes at Jenny and flicked her collar, pretending to let the coffee drip onto Jenny's expensive dress. She smiled falsely and said, "Sorry, I'm covered in coffee now. You wouldn't want coffee 'accidentally' spilling on your expensive gown, would you?"



Jenny was scared and couldn't even dodge, so she had to let Marigold go to the restroom to clean up.


Marigold stayed in the restroom on the top floor, carefully cleaning her shirt and hair and using a hairdryer to dry them slowly. The shirt finally regained its previous pristine white color, but there were still faint coffee stains.


"What a nice shirt, and it's ruined like this." The female assistant who was helping felt regretful about it.


Marigold stared at the shirt absentmindedly. It was a gift from David three years ago on their anniversary. And now it had been stained by the woman he cheated on her with. It was reminiscent of their relationship, once pure and flawless, now tarnished.


"Maybe this is a good thing." Marigold rolled up her sleeves and felt much happier. 


"Out with the old, in with the new."


After tidying up everything, Marigold returned to the rooftop. Jenny had already started the interview shoot. Sabrina had arrived at some point, but she didn't make any changes to Jenny's makeup. She stood with her arms crossed, watching Jenny act, occasionally joking with her during breaks, showing a close relationship. Marigold suddenly felt a sense of familiarity, and as she approached, Sabrina also noticed her.


"Oh my goodness! Are you... Miss Marigold Allard?!" Sabrina exclaimed dramatically, running over to Marigold in her pointed high heels and excitedly shaking her hand.


"Is it really you, Marigold Allard? I can't believe I'm seeing you here... So you're also here as Jenny's makeup artist, right? I get it now! You were the one who did the original mermaid princess makeup for Jenny, right?"


Sabrina hugged Marigold with excitement, as if they were the truest of best friends. Jenny, who was being interviewed not far away, occasionally cast jealous and questioning glances their way. After a while, she couldn't hold back any longer and rudely shouted "Cut" to the director, then personally walked over to confirm the situation.


"Sabrina, what's going on? Who are you talking to?" Jenny couldn't contain her excitement and quickly introduced Marigold, saying,

"This is Marigold Allard, the true Le génie I've been talking about! When David was still my student, she came to accompany him to class a few times, and even though she only came a few times, her makeup skills surpassed almost all of my students! Really, Jen, I can't believe I'm seeing her again! She's so talented, Jen, I love her so much! Her hands must have been kissed by God, she can create unprecedented makeup looks!"


Sabrina expressed her love for Marigold incessantly, completely oblivious to the increasingly contorted expression on her old friend's face.


"That's enough, Sabrina. I need to get back to work!" Said Jenny with anger.


So Marigold and Sabrina waited for Jenny's interview while chatting about various topics. Marigold subtly mentioned her breakup with David, withholding the "good deeds" Jenny had done in the process.

Sabrina felt sorry about it but believed that with Marigold's talent, she could make a name for herself in the cosmetics industry and even become the next makeup guru. The only regret was that Marigold's aesthetic sense seemed stuck in the past, needing some evolution.


Sabrina solemnly held Marigold's fluffy head, pressing her forehead against Marigold's and sincerely said, "Mary girl, I can tell that Jenny is jealous of you. She must be causing you trouble. But don't worry, you are talented. You were once excellent, and if you keep believing in yourself, you will become even better. You deserve a brighter future. Never underestimate yourself. Jen is young and comes from a privileged background. She doesn't understand how tough the world can be, and one day she will stumble over the obstacles she sets for herself. It's the calamity she deserves."


Tears welled up in Marigold's eyes. "I'm fine, thank you, Sabrina. I wish I had reunited with you earlier."


After the interview, they had dinner with the director, and Marigold accompanied Sabrina on a shopping spree at the luxury stores on Ninth Avenue. Jenny remained isolated, watching Marigold with an expression as if she had eaten a fly.


"You'll pay for this, Marigold. Just you wait!"


A few days later, Jenny's interview video was released. Her mermaid princess makeup received unanimous praise. As expected, Sabrina approved of the look, so there was no major alteration, just a touch-up. 


Marigold hadn't tell Brian about Jenny's actions, but soon she found a funding request form that needed CEO approval regarding "spending money to remove the video of Jenny splashing coffee on her assistant."


Jenny splashing coffee on her assistant? Was that referring to her? Marigold opened various social media platforms and discovered a small-scale circulating video titled "Jenny Throws Coffee," capturing the scene of her being splashed. Perhaps someone else on set had filmed it and uploaded it. 


According to B.E.'s usual practice, the company would spend money to remove the trending topic, purchase the original video, or even sue the spreader. However, Marigold thought it might be good to let it ferment online for a couple of days.


She secretly withheld the approval form, planning to have Brian review it in a couple of days.