This Is MY Assistant

Marigold almost immediately realized the predicament and discreetly removed her CHANEL coat, carefully stowing it in her bag. Fortunately, she had brought a relatively spacious backpack to accommodate her essentials.

However, her choice of footwear posed a problem as well. The sound of her high heels echoed through the unusually quiet room, making her feel conspicuously out of place.

As she moved about the room with a clattering sound, she could sense malicious gazes tightly enveloping her.

Following the indicated name tags on the tables, Marigold made her way to the seat marked "Evans Shore." To her side, a middle-aged man in a black POLO shirt, donning a duckbill cap and sporting a beer belly, cast a malevolent glance at her.

Initially, Marigold paid no attention, but soon enough, the man confronted her. With a disdainful look, he spoke in a mocking tone:

"Oh, so elegantly dressed, are we?"