Sexual Harassment? No Way!

However, Vivian, being a princess after all, had to maintain her composure. Therefore, she suppressed her emotions.

"I see. I appreciate the remarkable contributions Miss Mattis has made to The Teal Kingdom. However, it seems that the name on this medal is not Dola Mattis... Could it be an identity theft?"

Marigold realized she had miscalculated. If only she hadn't fabricated a false identity to begin with. But now that things had come this far, she had to play her role convincingly.

"There's no choice. This industry requires stage names. Your Highness, can you understand?"

"But the person in the photo doesn't resemble you either."

Marigold cursed inwardly, resorting to resting her chin on the table, smiling while fixating her gaze on Brian. It seemed as if she was saying, "Help me figure something out, I give up."

Brian turned his head and calmly advised Vivian.