You Will Never Escape My Grasp

Brian did not pay attention to him.

"You still have a play to shoot this afternoon. Why don't you go back now? Do you want me to assign an assistant to you?"

Evans bit his lower lip and said with difficulty, "I will agree to any demands you have. But, do not speak carelessly. Some things, she should not know."

"What are you all hiding from me?" Marigold smelled something wrong. "I don't understand. Is there something you are hiding from me as a group?"

"Aren't there already a lot of things hidden from you? It might be more accurate to say that there is nothing we have told you."

After Brian finished eating, he wiped his mouth, took the plate and said to Marigold temptingly at the same time, "It's the same as I said before, if you want to know the truth, you have to be obedient. I will tell you everything."