
Hot, very hot, exceedingly hot.

The stifling interior was permeated with a dense chemical odor and a musty, decaying dampness.

Marigold was familiar with this scent, and she quickly regained consciousness.

In the next moment, she realized she was lying on an iron bed, her hands and feet bound.

This was not good.

She struggled to search her memory.

In the last second before losing consciousness, she had just evaded Choice's attack with the iron chain, preparing to overpower him with a fierce assault. However, unfortunate circumstances prevailed as a violent upheaval churned in her stomach. Simultaneously, a strong sensation of dizziness overwhelmed her.

She fell to the ground.

And then, she lost consciousness.

Upon awakening again, she found herself in this situation.

She moved her limbs, and the heavy iron chains emitted a dull clanking sound. This sound startled Choice.