I Cannot Accept This!

"What?!" Count Byron, on the Bennett family's small island, rose abruptly from his seat upon seeing this shocking news.

"What is this young man up to?"

He immediately dialed his son's phone.

"Ethan, immediately instruct B.Media to cut off the signal, all of it. Replace it with a soap opera or advertisement! What is he doing? Did you authorize this?"

Ethan's voice on the other end of the line sounded weary and aged, "Father, ever since Brian returned from that mountain, his mind hasn't been quite right. I've tried various treatments, but the results haven't been very promising. However, I didn't anticipate him taking this action..."

"No need to make excuses. Hurry up and shut him down for me!"

Byron angrily hung up the phone, his hand pressed against his chest. He slumped into a luxurious armchair, but his mind and body found no relaxation.

"Now, immediately, summon that fellow back to the island, quickly!"