Amidst the anticipation, the expected collision failed to occur. The vehicle, akin to a luminous meteor, gracefully ascended skyward before descending gently to the ground after a momentary pause of 0.1 seconds.

Marigold cautiously opened her eyes, finding herself in an unfamiliar setting yet astounded to discover the car unscathed.

"What transpired? What's happening? Have we escaped?" she inquired, her voice laced with bewilderment.

Brian, unable to contain his amusement, burst into laughter. Reaching across, he deftly adjusted her seatbelt, his well-defined fingers lightly brushing against her skin.

"Take a look behind," he prompted, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Marigold turned her head, realizing that the garage door possessed a unique mechanism. Rather than swinging open laterally, it retracted vertically, resembling a cleverly engineered portal.