I Can't Wait Any Longer

Brian nodded approvingly, "Indeed. That is why he personally selected his progeny from among so many young boys. He is unable to procreate, and he realized this fact early on."

"And now," he gently guided Marigold towards a chair, urging her to sit down. "It is time for me to show you my skills."

Marigold complained somewhat discontentedly, "How tedious. If we continue like this, I will die of boredom. It's been so long since we met, and we haven't properly done anything together amidst all the turmoil."

"How about we make meringue together?" A self-operating eggbeater was quietly placed into Marigold's hand by Brian. He gazed at her playfully, pulling out a glass bowl and filling it with egg whites and sugar, pushing it directly in front of her.

"What's so difficult about this? Watch me." Marigold smiled as she took out the self-operating eggbeater. The stirring attachment at the front of the machine made a delightful sizzle sound.