Don't Be Too Greedy

Marigold suppressed her anger, but it was evident that she was fuming. Her mind was racing, searching for any argument that could refute and defeat Penelope's words.

Brian, unable to hold back, spoke up first. "That's not what was agreed upon, Grandmother. Mary is your granddaughter, after all. You shouldn't treat her like this."

He deliberately emphasized the words "granddaughter," which took Charlotte by surprise. She hurriedly turned to Evans to confirm if it was true. Evans gave a subtle nod.

"So... Mary is the Countess's granddaughter? Oh dear, this is... I've been terribly rude."

Charlotte, with a suddenly obsequious demeanor, approached Marigold and took her hand. Marigold felt a sense of unfamiliarity with this woman. The Charlotte she remembered was always aloof and reserved, treating her with a veneer of warmth that masked her true concern for her son's future.