One Hundred Million

Marigold's eyes blazed with determination. "I will complete this project, even if it means going against the odds. Grace, check on the film crew's whereabouts."

"Certainly, ma'am. They should have touched down at Tutu Island Airport by now. They're en route as we speak."

"Let's go greet them."

Tutu Island Airport was a modest facility, as the island was too small to accommodate a full-fledged airport. However, it sufficed for small planes and helicopters. The B.E. film crew had arrived on Tutu Island under trying circumstances.

Upon their arrival, they encountered their first hurdle. Island personnel tried desperately to prevent their landing, and when that failed, they rallied a crowd to obstruct the film crew.

Grace surveyed the chaotic scene with trepidation. "Ma'am, should we summon Lady Penelope from Manda Island to mediate? After all, the island essentially belongs to the Bennett family."