Funeral Wedding

"What?" Patrick sprang to his feet, striding purposefully towards the exit. "How is she now?"

"They say she's being prepared for transportation to the hospital. But what about the upcoming wedding?"

"No emergency measures? What did the doctors say? Surely, the royal entourage must have a physician. If not, summon one immediately."

"They said she has stopped breathing. They mentioned that the princess was feeling unwell even before getting into the car, nearly stumbling. She complained of shortness of breath. And then, she suddenly collapsed. The accompanying medical team has already conducted an initial examination and reported a critical condition, requiring immediate hospitalization."

Patrick pondered deeply, a sudden realization flashing through his mind. He began to smile confidently.

"Marvelous, truly marvelous! If I hadn't known she was infected with that thing, she would have fooled me entirely!"