74. Vampire from snow coven

Beatrice smiled when she saw Dexter and he was shocked as he rarely saw her smile back from their previous camp.

Chapman and Johnny were both shocked and froze where they were upon sewing him.

"Friends of yours?" Marco asked and Dexter nodded.

"Okay then. I'll let you guys catch up," Marco said and walked towards the team to collect the large bull they killed.

Dexter walked towards his former team with a smile.

"Nice to see you guys again," he said with a smile.

Some other people in black behind them were shocked to see Dexter coming and instantly, they began talking.

"It can't be..."

"That's Dexter."

"Wait, he was part of the team that sacrificed themselves."

"It's really him! He got a bit taller."

"And even more handsome."

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Don't bother knowing. He was a very great and brave person in our previous camp. We thought he died."