190. Neighboring camp

Away from the run down city, deep into the forest, a group of people can be seen walking forward, seemingly heading towards the city.

All of them wore clothing made of animal skin. They were all barefooted, and the moonlight made their skin have a beautiful glow.

A bulky man jumped on the branch of a tree and looked ahead at the city which was far ahead. He had a long brown hair on his head and a hairy chin, his gaze was strong and domineering.

"Leader, the pack members seem very confused as to why we are suddenly on the move," a younger man who was on the ground asked while looking up at the pack leader.

"The brown wolf god is about to be awakened. We have ten days before the next full moon, so we have to find him," the muscular man said and the guy below the tree was indeed shocked at the revelation.

He walked back to the rest of the group and they all looked at him warily.

"Cain, what did he say?"