The Apocalypse Starts!

The sun crests over the skyscrapers of beautiful New York City. Birds and Cars can be heard in the distance as Jack crawls out of bed. Once he heads downstairs to the kitchen and makes coffee, as the machine does its thing he heads for the bathroom. As he brushes his teeth, he looks in the mirror and sees a young adult man, with a chisel jawline, a nice five o'clock shadow beard going on, green eyes and a bright smile. He finishes his business in the bathroom and returns to the kitchen for his coffee.

Taking a small sip, he expresses his satisfaction. 

He walks out to his balcony and bathes in the warm sunrays.

"This is the life." 

A few moments later, Jack heads back inside and gets ready for the day.

"Time to get to work!" He sits down at his desk in his apartment, decorated with small pictures of places he's been before, Paris, London, Moscow, Hong Kong, LA, Toyoko, Myrtle Beach, and Peru. On his desk is a picture of him and his girlfriend Claire, his monitor and other computer accessories. 

Jack grabs hold of the picture and looks at it for a few moments, "I can't wait to see you again." He mutters to himself as he puts the picture back in its spot.

Jack spends the next few hours going over his daily work.

Once done he hears a knock on his door. 

Jack comes rushing to the door, opening it he sees Claire. 

"Hey babe!" He says with excitement. 

Claire walks up to Jack and gives him a kiss, "Hey, Darling!" 

He lets her walk in and then the two find a spot in the living room couch. In the living room Jack has a big screen Television and a nice coffee table in front of the couch with a massive fuzzy brown rug underneath it. 

Jack heads into the kitchen shouts out, "What would you like to drink?" 

Claire shouts back, "A cup of water, please?

Jack chuckles, "Of course." 

Coming back, he places the cup of water on the coffee table and sits next to Claire. 

As they exchange small talk, Jack turns the television on and broadcasting on the news is a weird message. 

"On News 34, we are broadcasting a strange alien message we've received. I will be playing it now."

A few moments later a weird looking creature shows up on screen and says, "Greetings humans, I am part of the Xelon empire, and I have come to harvest the resources of your planet. I am here to bring an end to your world and you a long with it."

Claire and Jack look at each other and laugh, and then the building begins to shake as the power runs out. 

Jack embraces Claire as she's scared of the dark. 

A few moments later a loud explosion can be heard outside and Jack with Claire clinging to his side goes to the balcony to see New York City on fire. 

"What in the world..." Jack baffled by the sight he sees. 

The screams of dying people can be heard throughout the city, as a massive spaceship descends from the sky above New York City. 

Jack quickly recognizes danger and grabs Claire, heading to a small room in his apartment. 

The ship sends some sort of plasma beam down to central park, when it impacts the ground erupts in a sea of fire, the shockwave from the blast shatters the windows of Jack's apartment, the light fixtures fall and Claire screams as Jack huddles around her. 

A few seconds go by as the shaking settles down, Jack lets go of Claire and slowly opens the door to his small room. 

The scene before him is stuff of nightmares. As he steps out, he doesn't recognize his apartment. The couch has been tossed upside down, the glass from his windows has been shattered and lays on the ground. The walls have been severely cracked from the shockwave. 

As Jack slowly walks up to his balcony, he sees New York City has been destroyed. Central Park is a giant crater and the surrounding buildings have been set ablaze. The city has become eerily quiet. Even the ship is gone. 

Jack grabs Claire by the hand and pulls her to him. 

"We need to get out of here Claire, the building is slowly collapsing, and I don't know how long it'll last!" 

Claire just nods her head since Jack served as Navy Seals, so she puts her trust in him. 

He escorts her to the main lobby of the building but as he is about to head outside, he hears a piercing scream! He turns around and sees a body of a women fly through the air and slams into the wall, becoming stuck from the impact, she just dangles there, lifeless.

Claire lets out a scream of panic as what looks to be a Xelon. A big grotesque creature with elongated arms, and octopuses head with tentacles reaching down to what only can be called a torso. Its skin is black with some kind of mucus dripping off it. Its legs are like a kangaroo but slimy and black. 

As it turns it head facing Claire and Jack, it lunges at them. 

Jack shoves Claire out of the way and dives down as the Xelon dives overhead them, slamming into the wall.

Jack quickly gets to his feet and rushes over, grabbing Claire's arm and pulling her up. 

"We got to go!" He shouts at her as he drags her along. 

All of a sudden, he feels a tight pull on the arm he has Claire. He turns his head and watches as Claire's body gets removed from her arm and launched into the air like a ragdoll. 

Jack watches as his girl gets torn apart by the Xelon. 

As he stares blankly at the massacre the creature finishes eating the body of Claire and returns into the building. 

Jack just stares at the arm of Claire for a few moments before he hears a piercing scream inside the building. 

Knowing he has no chance against the creature, Jack grits his teeth and rushes off down the street. 

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK, FUCK!!" Jack screams out his frustration. 

Jack begins searching for food and supplies as he continues his days wandering the streets of desolate New York City.