Ali and Shiva

April 7,2023

Emily was driving the car, while Ali sat on the front seat near her, playing some puzzle game on his ipad. The gaming sounds of 'swish - ting - boom' were ringing out constantly as Ali had his full focus on solving this level before reaching the office building of Sky Ultima.

"Are you sure you don't want me to inform madam? I still think it's not a good idea. Why don't you invite her some other time." Emily said, as she was still worried about Ali's plan to make his mother meet his best friend.

She was the one who did Shiva's background check completely when Ali asked her last time, so she obviously knew all about him. So she still doubted if this was really a good idea.

"Come on, don't worry about it. Mom can help Aarvi get the deal she's been trying to get with those investors, Maybe mom will also fix a screw or two in Shiva's head after meeting him." Ali said without looking at her.

"I'm more worried about you. The last time you had to lie in bed for nearly a week. If you piss him off again, I think he might double that amount this time." Emily said what was on her mind without filtering it.

Hearing that Ali finally paused the game, as he remembered about his last beating. The thought that he shouldn't try his luck, maybe like that horoscope said, he should stay away from anything that can lead to fight even came to his mind, but then he smiled and shrugged it off again. "It'll be fine, I have a good feeling about it."

'Your face doesn't say so.' Emily said in her mind after looking at his face, which paled a little at the mention of his beating. But since he said so, she could only agree to it.

And thinking back on when he was resting at home all day last time. And she had to help him with everything. A slight rosy blush appeared on her face remembering that time. She then looked at his face and thought 'Maybe it's not that bad if he really gets a little beaten again, right.'

Ali, unaware of the thoughts that his personal assistant wanted to get him beaten started playing his game again.

-Congratulations-Level up-

Ali had just cleared the level when Emily stopped the car and came out to open his door. Since his mansion wasn't far from the office building, it didn't take long and they reached it easily without facing any traffic, even though it was made in the main bussiness area of the city - central circle.

"Call me first if you want to skip work, or go somewhere else.' Emily said as she threw him the car keys, and went to the other car to return home, which was following them all this time with his bodyguards,

Most of them stayed near the building, in case something happened. While Emily drove their car back to their mansion. She needed to see that everything was clean and perfect, in case madam really does so up tomorrow.

Ali reached the ground floor of the 31 floored building. And after saying hello to a few employees whom he knew, and talking with some other regular staff he pressed the button for the lift to go to his office, and play the game he was about to finish last night.

Since he wasn't ever really interested in working or building a career here, he never took anything seriously enough. He just joined here since Aarvi was here.

But not to look like a freeloader, he did take part in some work. Since he liked playing games so much, his job was basically to find bugs and glitches in their new games and fix it. He could find them while playing, but fixing them, well that was a headache for someone else.

He was waiting for the lift to come when a few employees came near him and stood there. they were talking with each other about their work and deadlines, which Ali ignored from one ear to another, but then he heard someone mention Aarvi's name, his ears pricked up.

"I heard our COO is coming for another audit today." One of them said,

"What? Didn't she do that last month? How come it's here again?" The other guy said with a surprised expression.

"You heard about that deal our company's about to sign, she doesn't want anything wrong happening in it. So she's being extra strict today. I heard she even fired some guys on the spot yesterday, cause they were like super late on their deadlines." The first man said, explaining what he heard around the office.

"I'm fucked." His partner said with a gloomy express.

He wasn't alone though, cause hearing their conversation, even Ali had a gloomy expression.

'Aarvi's coming and she's in her strict boss mode.' Ali thought and turned around to leave instantly. 'I'll just avoid her for a little bit. But then, won't it just prove that I didn't do what she told me to.. '

Ali was about to walk out of the office when he saw someone entering the building and stopped. A smile came to his gloomy face like how a sunflower blossoms seeing the sunlight ray, Ali too saw his ray of hope and started walking towards him.

Ali caught up to Shiva and followed him into the lift, hoping to get his help on finishing all his work. After all, this gloomy broody guy did help him out a couple of times before too.

"So what do you want?" Shiva said after he talked a little and knew this guy was upto no good.

"I heard Aarvi's doing another round of inspection for everyone again. And you know she won't miss me right?" Ali said.

"Isn't it better for you, you got another chance to talk to her again?" Shiva said with a subtle smile.

"You already know the reason. Why don't you help your little brother again. One last time." Ali said as he tried to bring out his pleading voice.

"Fuck off. You said 'one last time' a dozen of times already. I'm not helping you. Why didn't you just finish your projects yourself."

"Come on, help me and I'll even pay for it." Ali offered.

"No need." Shiva refused.

"Just this once, I'll give you a gift." Ali gave another incentive

"Don't need it." Shiva replied.

"My mother's coming to the capital tomorrow, won't you meet her?"

'Does he think I'm his bitch or what?' Shiva thought after hearing the way this guy wanted to introduce him to his mom.

"A big no." Shiva said no to the meeting, without even thinking.

"Why, you never even met her? She's a chill person." Ali said, trying to persuade him.

"I know what you're thinking, idiot. And it's not happening." Shiva said. To which Ali refused while stuttering "wh_ what??"

"I know your mom, and I'm not interested in arguing with her." Shiva said resolutely.

"Ohh but you never met her before. Did you investigate me too? I'm flattered." Ali said exateridely. While thinking if he should try and get his revenge for that beatdown. But then he gave up on that stupid idea - after all, he knew he was no match for him. And if he really tried to fight with him, his horoscope might really turn true.

"I investigated shit. Your family's too famous. Just search your mother's name and dozens of articles about her will pop up." Shiva said and continued "and half of those articles are about which temple she visited, or what new statement she gave about god."

Even Shiva could imagine what kind of scene it would be if he met his mom, especially in his recent mental condition.

"But I already told her about you, and she's eager to meet my friends." Ali said in a hurry.

"That's your headache." Shiva said to him directly. While resisting the urge to beat this guy to vent his piled up stress.

"But _"

Ali was saying something when Shiva interrupted him and said, "I'll help you this time, just don't drag me into any drama. Or I'll really break all your bones this time." Shiva finished his words and pushed Ali out of the lift when he reached his floor.

"Thank god, he agreed." Ali muttered, and went back to his office and started playing games on his ipad worry free.

Yet he had just sat down on his table, and made himself comfortable, when an angry voice broke his thoughts -"Ali Parker. You're still playing around at your work hours when you still haven't finished the tasks I gave you.

Ali looked at his love Aarvi, standing there with glaring eyes hidden behind the transparent shades, looking at him in anger and his brain froze.

'She's so pretty. And perfect'

April 7, 2023 – 18:30pm

"This will be your last warning Aarvi. Get away from him. His death is fixed." Ali said as he pulled out the knife that was stabbed in his back, and pointed it to her face.

"Ali, listen to me. It was all an acci_"

Aarvi tried to explain, while pushing a wounded young man behind her. But Ali interrupted her lines and said -

"So you made your choice. Then you can be buried alongside him today."