Apocalypse on Earth

7th April 2023

5 minutes before the Apocalypse

NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC

In the bustling laboratory, scientists worked diligently, their voices filled with animated discussions about their latest projects and discoveries. It was a typical day, filled with the hum of computers and the excited banter of researchers. But then, with a suddenness that jolted them from their routines, loud alarms began blaring throughout the facility. Red lights strobed constantly, bathing the room in a frantic, crimson glow.

The sudden shift of atmosphere caught everyone offguard as panic surged through the lab like a tidal wave. All the staff abandoned their current tasks and hurried back to their stations, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and bewilderment.

On enormous screens that lined the control room, ominous data scrolled in alarming neon numbers, painting a dire picture.

Panic and confusion spread like wildfire as everyone attempted to decipher the dire warnings flashing on their screens. People started frantically typing commands into their computers. Monitors flickered to life, displaying a bewildering array of data that sent shivers down their spines.

"Something's terribly wrong," William, the chief scientist, muttered, his eyes glued to the colossal energy readings surging across the planet.

"Is this some kind of malfunction?" one scientist asked, but the growing dread in the room gave a resounding answer: 'this was no malfunction.'

The scientists huddled around Willim's workstation - the main control center, watching as the data unfolded a horrific tale. Energy from all corners of the Earth was converging toward a single locus point, creating a colossal hotspot of unimaginable power.

William's fingers danced across the keyboard as he ran calculations,

William took charge, issuing commands to his subordinates, forcing them to get out of their shock and back to work. With a furrowed brow and trembling fingers, he accessed the AI and initiated a series of complex calculations and simulations. The supercomputers whirred to life, processing the unfathomable data.

[Result - cr sh sh in g]

Seeing the failed prediction results of the world's best AI, his mind started racing to comprehend the magnitude of the situation. He was already on a call with higher-ups, demanding explanations, but all he received were frantic voices on the other end, each clueless about the cataclysmic event unfolding.

Finally making a decision, he reached for his communicator, his fingers hastily dialing higher-ups of the scientific community.

"This is Willim Davis, credentials ANC93LG226" he began, his voice wavering as he spoke into the device. "Currently we are facing an unprecedented situation here. We need guidance, and we need it now."

"This is an Omega Level Emergency," Willim announced, his voice laden with dread. "I repeat, Level Omega Emergency."

An emergency meeting of the world's foremost scientists and organizations commenced instantaneously, as per a contingency plan forged years ago. In times of unimaginable crisis, the brightest minds across the globe could connect instantly, sharing information, ideas, and collaborating to find a solution.

The tension was palpable as the virtual meeting began. Scientists, leaders, and experts from around the world materialized in holographic form, their expressions etched with disbelief and foreboding sense of danger.

As everyone gazed at their screens, their horrors multiplied. Trees across the world withered and crumbled to ash. The very laws of gravity itself seemed to falter, causing people to stumble and fall. Lightning storms raged incessantly, monstrous tsunamis engulfed coastlines, volcanoes erupted with unprecedented ferocity, and earthquakes of unparalleled magnitude shattered the ground. – all kinds of natural disasters occurred simultaneously, breaking all previous records of catastrophe.

The cataclysm was not only confined to Earth alone. The moon, shifted ominously from its familiar position, leaving tides in disarray and deepening the prevailing sense of dread. The sun, once a life-giving orb, blazed brighter than ever, its relentless heat scorching holes in ozole layer and burning everything in its path. Deep within the Earth, the planet's core started to melt, causing tectonic plates to shift and continents to drift apart.

In the skies, Satellites malfunctioned and lost their orbits and disappeared into the boundless space. Planes plummeted from the skies, their navigation systems haywire. Birds fell from their highs, their graceful arcs descending into madness.

The oceans, always teeming with life and beauty, were now turned blood-red as marine creatures met a gruesome fate. Fishes swimming outside the sea to survive, yet only to meet their end on the dried land.

On the ground, emergency newsfeeds from around the world painted a grim picture. Without satellite connections the world's communication infrastructure started to crumble. Traffic jams on roads turned into chaos, with bridges and buildings collapsing like colossal dominos. The agony of people trapped in these disasters played out on loop through that broadcast.

Animals all over the world were acting crazy, their eyes dripping blood. Their screams of pain echoing throughout the silent empty forests.

Inside the lab, scientists watched with mounting horror as their devices and systems succumbed to the unfathomable forces at play. Magnetic waves distorted and overwhelmed electrical equipment. Objects inexplicably started to float aimlessly, while electric surges caused explosions and fires from every machinery.

A miasma of fear hung heavy in the air everywhere. Whispers of theories filled the earth, from extraterrestrial intervention to interpretations of divine retribution. Desperate prayers were muttered in hushed tones, and fervent hopes for salvation flickered in the eyes of everyone.

Chaos like never before had gripped the entire planet in it's hand and death, sadness and anguish covered the entire earth.

"Oh God, please save us from this!"

"Is it the aliens?"

"This must be punishment from God. Please forgive us for our sins Jesus. Have mercy."

"It's the apocalypse. The end of days."

"I need to call my family! I need to tell my fiancee that I love her. I need to marry her, have children, and buy a house. I can't die yet. I don't wanna die." One of the scientists broke down, and like a chain everyone did.

Fingers trembled as they dialed their phones, but all that met their ears was a cruel silence, crushing all their hopes and dreams.

"I can't reach them! My family... I can't..."

The stress became too much for some, their bodies unable to withstand the overwhelming horror.

(gasping for breath) "I can't... breathe... I think... I'm having ... Call ambulance."

Some fell down to ground in shock, their legs going limp seeing everything around them. Heart attacks struck down some, their bodies falling lifeless to the ground with a loud thud.

Amidst the turmoil, desperate signals were broadcast into space, a plea for help, for someone or something to save Earth from its impending demise. For assistance of anyone so the human race can survive it's greatest calamity.

"Maybe someone out there will hear us... and come to our aid."

But as the chaos raged on, it seemed as though the world itself was crumbling to pieces. Every sign of life everywhere was getting destroyed. The sky cracked open and black rain started to pour down heavily on entire planet. With every passing moment the ground shook as if the Earth itself was crying out in agony.

The animals kept sealed as the test subjects started going into a frenzy and banging themselves against the glass walls. Cries of pain and despair filled them as tears of blood started flowing down their eyes. Some of the staff members finally couldn't take it and directly jumped from the windows or cut their wrists. It seemed death was the only escape from this pain.

Willian, who watched his friends and colleagues in that condition, couldn't bear it any longer. As he came forward and shouted.

"What were our mistakes? What did we do wrong? Why do we deserve to be killed? Who's responsible and who's not, who cares - fuck it it's the aliens, and fuck the gods if it's them – we're humans."

His voice quivered with emotion, the weight of humanity's collective actions pressing upon him.

"We are the ones ruling over this planet. We've done some bad stuff. We've done evil, and we've destroyed many beautiful things. But look at what we've achieved. We've created wonders beyond the imaginations of our ancestors. We've made the impossible possible. We've survived the ages of our evolution, not to just give up and die like cowards."

"Whatever the future may be, however dark it may be. Even if it's the last day of humanity and we go extinct tomorrow, I refuse to die like this. I refuse to shame all the efforts of every previous generation and die without trying."

"But it's all over. We can't do anything. Look outside, the whole planet it's gone. Everything's gone" One of the scientists said as he wiped his tears.

"Who said it's over. If even one of us is alive, it's not over. We are not over. So don't you dare give up. Our ancestors lived through many calamities that they thought were the end, it's our turn now. So hold on. And keep holding on until the last moment. Until death comes and takes you away, you hold on for that hope. A hope that we will rise again."

William's words echoed through the hearts of those who listened to him. Through the signal broadcasted by the emergency backups his voice echoed far and wide.

The hope that seemed lost in the hearts of many began to flicker again. The mentality that was on the verge of collapse for everyone seemed to find a tiny support and managed to hold on.

Yet the hopes of humanity were about to be crushed again. As the inevitable came to pass—a colossal wave of energy swept across the entire planet. It was an unstoppable force, annihilating everything in its path. Billions perished in an instant, and civilization itself was torn asunder.

Those who survived this cataclysmic wave found themselves in a disorienting limbo. They floated weightlessly in the air for some time, and then were rendered unconscious. When they awoke, they were scattered across the globe, transported to random locations. Some woke up nearby while some far away. The distance held no meaning as it varied from the next room, to the next continent. No one was sure who managed to live and survive in this wave of calamity. Were they perished or were they transported somewhere else - no one could be sure.

The world as everyone knew it, had disintegrated, and now they had to face a harsh unprecedented reality.

Some who still held on to hope and belief that everyone will go back to normal one day.

Well to them, the apocalypse had just started. The world was destroyed, and now it was time for the people living in it.




A/N - So how u like that huh. Were the descriptions good. Was the speech ok. Could u feel it. Also what do u think caused the apocalypse. Is it a coincidence that all this happened moments after shiva's death.