Tricks of fate

A smile was present on Kevin's lips as he prepared to punch Ali in the stomach, but seeing Aarvi, who was standing a little far away coming their direction, he put his hand down again and lessened some pressure on Ali's hand, giving him a little freedom.

Ali didn't see Aarvi, so seeing his chance, he just clenched his fists and threw an uppercut at Kevin's chin with his other hand. Kevin felt the punch and took two steps back, as he felt his whole brain shake for a second. Ali didn't give him any time to rest as he threw one more punch with his right hand on his face, making Kevin stumble and fall down.

Kevin, who felt the stinging pain on his face spewed out a mouthful of blood, but there was a smirk on his face while looking up. After all, in between him and Ali, Aarvi was standing there with her hands stretched out.

"Are you okay?" Aarvi said as she turned her face towards Kevin.

Kevin didn't say but nodded his head and extended his hand at her. Asking her help to stand up. Aarvi didn't say anything and gave him her hand.

"What are you doing Ali? Is there even a reason to fight? What do you want to do?" Aarvi started speaking her questions one by one.

The corners of Kevin's lips rose up to another degree as he noticed Ali's expressions of frustration. Like he was trying his best to suppress his anger, and was almost almost failing miserably at it.

Before today, when he heard those rumors about Ali being a licking dog, he thought they were just rumors, an exaggeration. Yet seeing Ali's eyes which were glued on Aarvi's face, he could say for sure those rumors were really wrong indeed.

This kind of stuff can't be called dog licking anymore, it's already beyond that. Is it reaching the legendary realm of those manga mc's who learn their wives and girlfriends are cheating on them, but they still keep silent and act like they don't know about it, to maintain their relationship. Hoping to win her heart back again, while silently jerking off her fucking another man from a corner.

Kevin stared at Ali with a strange combination of pity and disgust. He then decided to let a cruel and cold smile grace his lips as he cast his eyes on Aarvi. Scanning her body from top to bottom. 'It'll be fun to ruin you both.' He thought.

"Aarvi, he's the one _ "

"You know him, Aarvi?" Ali was speaking, when Kevin's words cut him off. He came and stood next to Aarvi and looked at Ali coldly.

"He's my friend." Aarvi said. "Sorry for what happened. I'm sure it was a misunderstanding." Aarvi said as she looked at Kevin's lips which were still bleeding from the corner.

"Step away from him, Aarvi." Ali said while pulling Aarvi away from Kevin.

"Ali, what _ "

"He's the one who killed Shiva."

Aarvi was confused by Ali's sudden actions, but when she heard his next words she was stunned silent.

"What?" Aarvi said, and looked at Kevin. Instantly her face had expressions of anger while looking at him.

Even though she wasn't close to Shiva personally or even best friends with him as Ali was, but due to Ali's constant meddling, she had met him countless times and considered him a friend at least. Even though she didn't know what happened back then, but from what Meredith told her, she knew Shiva died in an accident, and she later heard Ali shoot someone.

She had been shocked by both these incidents at that time, so much so that she couldn't go to that place herself. She was thinking about what would eventually happen, or what that incident could lead to, how it could even ruin his whole life and career - when the apocalypse came and she passed out by that wave of energy.

After waking up, she had been roaming around like Ali, looking for clues about everything. She didn't doubt things like isekai Or crossing over, she knew what happened back then and she saw that wave coming towards her, so she knew about it.

She had been looking for Ali, Meredith or any of her other friends and family members, who might've woken up in this city - when she came across a few infected zombies who seemed troublesome to handle.

She was about to be bitten by one of them, when Kevin came forwards and saved her. Since then they'd been roaming together. For the first week they looked all over, searching for anyone they knew, but they couldn't find anyone.

So they both agreed that it was better to settle down and fix a location, and extend their reach outward from that point, so they started thinking about securing a place to form their base.

Soon enough many people started to join them, and roles started to be divided in everyone. Kevin took charge of controlling and recruiting everyone, while Aarvi took the command of managing everything.

They've been building their base ever since then. Hoping to get their base famous enough that everyone in the city heard about it. That was if anyone knew them, they could come to them.

She was happy seeing Ali and that's why she came to meet him instantly, but then she saw him fighting for no reason and she started questioning him. That's just how she is, she forgets personal things when it comes to her business.

"Did you do it?" She looked at Kevin and asked coldly.

Kevin, who was smiling till now frowned seeing her angry, but he decided to settle it later. "Who's Shiva? And who're you?" He said.

"He's the one you pushed, bastard." Ali said and went forward to punch him again, but this time a few of Kevin's minions came forward and stood behind Kevin, while Emily and his guards stood behind him.

Throwing the scene into a fighting atmosphere, where a fight could break out at any moment.

But then Kevin signaled his guys to stand down and started speaking "I think you got the wrong guy buddy, I don't know who you are, or what you're talking about. So don't you dare come to my base and pick a fight with me."

He turned to look at Aarvi and continued "And you, Aarvi, I thought you knew me well enough by now? He's your friend so I'll let him go this time. But if he acts like an idiot again next time without any proof then I won't be silent anymore_ "

Kevin's words confused them, while turned back and started walking away.

"Don't know me, I was the one who shot you that day remember, and I would love to finish that job today." Ali said and pulled a gun out and aimed at Kevin's back.

The few guys around Kevin also pointed their weapons at him, while some came forward to stop Ali. A full on fight was about to break out between a dozen of Kevin's guys against a few guards Ali had with him. But Aarvi who finally calmed down a little, stopped Ali's hand and said "Are you sure it's him, Ali?"

"What do you mean sure?" Ali looked at her in disbelief and then turned to look at Kevin in even more anger "I should've shot you in the head that day from the beginning."

"Ali, it's not him." Aarvi said, standing in front of Ali and grabbing the gun from his hands.


"You got the wrong guy. You said you shot him that day, but Kevin's still alive and fine. I mean how's it possible to survive a bullet wound in an apocalypse. Not to mention I met him two days later when I woke up from the wave, and he didn't have any bullet wound or anything like that. So please calm down and let's talk about it later. It's not him."

Ali, who was surprised by seeing this scene, was fuming with anger. He looked at Kevin who was looking at him, and saw him smirking at him, like he was looking at some idiot.

"I'll show you the proof." Ali said, as he moved forward and pulled Kevin's shirt from the collar, breaking a few top buttons. "I shot him here twice." Ali said while looking at Aarvi.

"There's nothing there, Ali."

Aarvi said, and Ali shouted "What do you mean nothing, it's where _ "

He was saying something when he looked at Kevin's shoulder but found there was nothing there. No bullet holes, no wounds or stitching marks or anything - not even a tiny mole. He looked at Kevin's face and then at the other shoulder but that was the same too.

"Someone throw this weirdo away from me." Kevin said to his man, pulling them back to reality cause these idiots started watching drama like some bitches on the roadside.

"And you, I know the apocalypse hit hard on everyone. And everybody lost someone they were close with, but stop blaming others for. It. And get your head healed, cause I told you I'm not who you're looking for."

Kevin said and turned to leave. As Ali and Aarvi kept standing there lost in thoughts. Ali was stupefied at this scene, he was sure this guy was the one responsible, the one he shot that day - he could see it, the hidden smirk on his face looking at him, like saying 'I killed him, so what?'

While Aarvi who learned about everything turned to look at Ali with some pity and sympathy in her eyes. "Ali _ "

"You don't believe me, do you?" Aarvi was saying something but Ali cut her off.

"It's not him, Ali. You saw it yourself just now. Maybe it was someone else." Aarvi said, as she held his hand.

"I'm not wrong Aarvi. And I'll show it to you. And that bastard will die by my hands." Ali said, pulling away his hands and left the area.

Kevin on the other hand who was standing a little far from them looked at this scene from the corner of his eyes and a twisted grin came to his face. He turned to look at Liebe who brought Ali to their base.

"You did a great job, Liebe. A wonderful job." He said, patting the middle aged man's shoulders.

Liebe smiled and said "That's what I should do, boss." His tone carrying a hint of respect and fear when he talked to Kevin.

"Let me introduce you to someone" Liebe said while pointing towards Kiara who was standing nearby, looking at Kevin with surprised eyes "She's my niece, Kiara."