
"Boss, he ran away."

Back at the survival camp, Kevin looked at a man standing in front of him, telling him about how they lost a few men and then Ali ran away.


A loud slap echoed in the hall, as Kevin slapped the man across the cheek. "Bastards, can't even do one thing right."

He had someone follow Ali before, when he kicked him out of the camp, that's why he immediately sent a few of his minions to kill him when the quest was triggered in his system, but who knew how these bastards who knew everything beforehand still missed that dog.

"Get out." He shouted, sending everyone away.

'System, did you find out what's wrong with that guy?' Kevin asked, as he felt something weird must've happened for the system to issue a quest to kill Ali instantly, instead of playing around with him and insulting him constantly, like he was originally instructed to.

This is why he himself didn't go forward to kill Ali, as he didn't want to take any risk.

[There's something wrong about this world. Don't do anything rash and deal with everything as soon as possible.]

"What does that even mean?" He asked. Yet his system didn't speak to him, or give him any clarification. System itself didn't know what was happening.

It was happy as it's host was cruel and wasn't bound by emotional attachment making it's job and quests easy. But last night, it suddenly detected a massive change in the general direction of this world's fate and laws surrounding the world, that's why just to be on the safe side, it issued a mission to kill all the untamed villains.

Two months ago, when Kevin was shot by Ali and was on the verge of death, he had awakened a system which saved him. It not only gave him a potion which instantly healed all his injuries, but also teleported him away before that wave of apocalypse started. He even got a guidebook about ways to survive in a zombie apocalypse, as a part of the newbie gift package. That's how he was able to survive and even build a base this big without any proper training or knowledge beforehand.

Ever since then this system had issued him multiple quests, and by completing them he can get numerous rewards. The system's name was The Harem Hypnotic System.

The system would select a few girls as his targets, and he just had to play around with them, until he got enough points and could conquer them completely. To get points he just needed to finish quests or win girls on his own, in return he can get lotteries, rewards, items and other gifts that could help him survive in this apocalypse. By manipulating or ensnaring others he can get points which can also help him upgrade the level of his hypnotic skills, which can help him rule over everyone and tame all his enemies.

There are mainly 3 type quests he got till now - first, seduce the target. Make them fall in love with the host. No matter the method - conquer them, trick them or force them. Make them submit to the harem Lord.

Second, sabotage the competition of harem Lord. Tarnish their reputation and ruin them in front of their suitors. Make sure your cruelty remains covert.

Third, this was the one he got for Ali last night. The kill quest.

The system's goal was simple: make everyone submit to the harem Lord.

He had only gotten a few rewards till now, and had just won a lottery twice. That is how he upgraded his charm and hypnotic skills, so everyone would believe him more easily and he could control them.

This is why he trusted the system completely. He had gotten two quests separately for Ali and Aarvi. Where he needed to seduce Aarvi to fall for him and in return he can get the singing skill "The Siren's Seduction" Which can make his targets unable to resist his voice. For Ali, he had gotten the quest to make him give up on Aarvi completely, and the reward for that quest was "The Heartbreak Heist" Which can make it easy for him to influence the targets which are already in love and bound with someone else. Meaning it can make it easy for him to NTR someone's wife and girls.

Both of these rewards were something he wanted to get, that's why he was always acting around with Aarvi, and why despite hating Ali for almost killing him, he still kept him alive.

And last night, something happened, and both of these quests were grayed out, along with another quest set for another girl. Meaning until he killed Ali, the system put all his quests on hold. Just this alone was enough of a loss for Kevin.

'I need to kill him fast.' Kevin thought as he looked at Aarvi and thought up a plan to use her to get to him.

He liked the girl and would enjoy having her in his harem, but if there's a chance that because of her he might lose all his rewards and system, he would fuck this bitch without a second thought,

While Kevin was thinking about ways to kill Ali, Ali on the other hand was also thinking the same thing. After seeing Shiva's body and noticing that Kevin was also after his life, the flame of revenge and feeling of loss that was covering his heart, were ignited again. He wanted to kill Kevin now.

But he also knew he was no match for Kevin. Maybe it was because how he was easily beaten by Kevin whenever he fought him or maybe it was because of how whenever he tried something in the last month, it always failed. Even his last attack on trying to kill Kevin, ended up with all his guards dying and Emily turning into an infected.

Yes, it was because they were caught off guard, as Kiara betrayed them. And her licking dog that foreigner Brian chose to side with Kevin. And told him everything.

Ali knew if something like that happened again, he would only be killed. And then _

Looking at the sleeping young girl on the bed, holding a pillow tightly in her arms, he didn't want to risk his life before making sure atleast she was safe.

So he decided to contact Aarvi one last time. He didn't know anyone else beside her in this city now. Especially someone whom he could trust this girl's life with. Though they fought and he gave up on trying to convince her, he could just hope she would keep this little doll safe. He hated himself that he was still asking for her help, even after everything that happened.

He lived on the base for a month, so he still knew a few people inside. The next day he just waited until he saw someone he knew outside and passed him a message that he could give to Aarvi.

He didn't know that when the next day Aarvi came to meet him, Kevin came behind her.

"How are you, Ali?" Aarvi asked as she saw Ali, who seemed perfectly fine, despite being 'bitten' two days ago.

"Can you keep someone safe for me?" Ali didn't say anything and asked directly.


"There's a little girl. I met her outside. Can you take her back to the base? Keep her safe." Ali said not looking at her face. The more he faced her now, the more it hurt him..

Aarvi, who heard his words, interrupted him and said "Where are you going? If you're fine, just come back with me. I'll talk to everyone. Don't risk your life, Ali."

"Just keep her safe, I'll drop her at the camp tomorrow." Ali said and turned around to leave. He didn't bring Shashi with him, as he didn't want to risk her life, if something happened. 'She'll be safe with her.' Ali thought, as he finally couldn't stop his heart from taking a final glance at Aarvi.

He looked up but then the sound of loud music started echoing everywhere around them. Zombies and infected ones started to suddenly appear surrounding him, attracted by the sound.

He ran towards Aarvi, hoping to save her or give her a chance to run away, when someone hit his head from the side and he fell down. The force behind that attack almost breaking his skull, as he felt the blood dripping from shoulders to staining his back.

"Good job, Aarvi."

He heard Kevin's voice and looked up, to see Aarvi hugging Kevin and looking away from him.

"Why?" Ali asked, as he looked at her. He could feel the pain in his head, yet that felt negligible to what his heart was going through at this moment.

"Please die, Ali." Aarvi said and looked away.

Ali couldn't even believe what he heard, as he kept staring at their backs. Watching as he saw Kevin and Aarvi leave.

'Why, why, why, why, why?' Just that one word kept echoing in his head, yet he couldn't utter it.

Looking sideways he saw zombies and infected ones rushing towards him in an even more frenzy, once the smell of blood permeated the air.

Ali could just stare at the sky as he looked at an infected biting his hand. He felt like he lost everything, and there was nothing left anymore.

[Yes, that's right. Just die already. Just die, so I can leave this pathetic pissant planet.]

[It's not my fault, if he died before I merged, right?]

As the system who just few moments ago came to earth, looked at everything, it couldn't help. But gloat at the misfortune of this villain. Who died before his system could even reach him.

[HAHAHAHA blame the new barrier around the world, Devil. Not me.]

System smiled, But then something happened and its smile stopped as it saw Ali standing up and moving away. While pushing the few infected ones away who caught up to him.

[Tsk looks like it'll take a few more days. Till he dies or turns into a zombie.] The system said, as it just floated in space and started doing a search around the planet. Hoping to find something interesting to do, then to see ants struggling against another ants.

Ali, who was running away barely hanging on as the bloodloss made his eyes blurry and steps heavy. Only had one thought in his mind 'I have to save her atleast.'

He remembered about the girl about whom he just told to Aarvi, and now he wasn't sure if she would be safe with Aarvi. He didn't want someone else to die because of his mistakes. Emily, his guards, the people who followed him - they all paid price for his mistakes. He didn't want another 8 year old girl in that list. So he kept moving away, going towards the place where he left her, before he came here to meet Aarvi.

Kevin, who watched everything from a little distance with a telescope, couldn't help but frown as he didn't find anything special about Ali, that the system warned him about. 'Well if he's a brainless zombie, then the quest is already over. And if not, then I can just kill him again.' He thought as he took kiara's hand and started walking back to the camp.