Systems to the rescue

Kevin, who watched everything he built getting destroyed by the hordes of zombies, his people getting killed by the monsters and Ali, looked furious. Fighting against the zombies who came near him, he didn't even have a chance to response to anything else. Whatever orders he started giving out would either be drowned by the surrounding sounds of chaos, or people ignored them while trying to save their own lives. He even saw a few of his people go back to the academy but never return. He could guess they probably took hold of all the weapons, and probably locked themselves into some hall or floor.

Help was just a far away dream. Even if people from the other camps or nearby survivors heard the commotion and came to help, by the time they can gather their man to fight against all these zombies and not get trapped too, he would be killed here. Or worse turn into a zombie.

He had bought a few potions named 'Reverse Zombie' or 'Cure-all Infections' from the system using his points, so he would always have a safeguard for himself in case he got bitten. But since there's a whole horde of zombies here, would he have enough time to even drink the potion, and not get drowned or bitten till there's nothing left of him.

He was furious. The death of these minions he had hypnotized and turned into his slaves, he didn't care about them, nor did he care about the other innocent ones getting killed too. They were just his future slaves after all, nothing he couldn't replace with enough points.

But it would take too much time, and too much effort. Not to mention he'd have to start from scratch again.

He looked at Ali who was taking his sweet time with killing someone, an intense hatred instantly rose in his heart. It was the fault of all this man.

He had contacted his system for several times yet got nothing helpful. It only just gave him those same warmings and notifications - "There are changes in the fate of this world. There's some anomaly. Some barrier interfering. Ali is the main villain. Kill Ali Parker at all costs."

"System, show me his attributes." Kevin said in his heart as he looked at Ali.

[Ali Parker

Strength - 10

Speed - 11

Stamina - 15

Luck - ??

Status - Bitten/Infected

Threat level - ??

Note - The details given by system aren't accurate as the target is infected.]

Kevin read the notifications and breathed a sigh of relief seeing those numbers. He had thought system would just show error or unknown like things again. But he was a little bit more confident in dealing with Ali now.

[Host - Kevin Wells Harper

Strength - 13

Speed - 15

Stamina - 21

Luck - 134 (Declining)

Status - Healthy]

In the past two months he had gotten some points and invested them into increasing his physique. But since he spend more points on buying other skills and upgrading them, he didn't invest much in himself. After all, he could hypnotise other people with his high skills and control them. As for zombies, they're slow and dumb, so he could easily avoid them or run away with his high speed and stamina - but he didn't know that he would have to face off against an entire horde like this.

He looked at his luck which had dropped by 16 points now, and felt at a loss. He realized that luck is what boosts him and keeps him safe, so losing it at this pace, he was really afraid that he'd be turned into a normal guy again.

Even though the difference between him and Ali was visible, he still spent his remaining points to increase his speed by 2 points and strength by 1 point.

He took out a gun from his back, pointed it towards Ali and pulled the trigger.

Ali felt a pang of pain in his left shoulder, touching it with his hands, he saw blood gushing out. He looked back and noticed Kevin who was walking towards him with a gun aimed at his head.

"You always were a sneaky little bastard, weren't you, Kevin?" Ali taunted as he pulled a zombie in front of him and started pushing forward towards Kevin. The sounds of bullets hitting the zombie and his growling kept coming to Ali's ears, but he increased his speed and moved forward.

When Ali finally heard the sound of empty clicks echoing, he kicked the zombie away and lunged forward, his dagger aimed at Kevin's chest. Hoping to kill him and carve his heart out in one strike. Kevin swiftly sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the sharp blade. He retaliated with a quick slash towards Ali's arm with a knife, but Ali managed to deflect the blow just in time, his eyes burning with determination.

"Today is the day you die, Kevin." Ali said as he swung his dagger at him again. Yet Kevin's speed was simply too high for Ali to land a hit on him. While he himself got punched a few times already.

In a moment of distraction, Ali threw the knife at Kevin's face, while Kevin closed his eyes and turned his face sideways to avoid it, Ali ran forwards and grabbed him by the waist. Hoping to drag him back and throw him into a few infected zombies fighting a little away.

Kevin kicked Ali's chest with his knees, and continued to hit him again.

Kevin managed to free his hand and land a deep cut on Ali's side. Blood trickled down Ali's chest, staining his clothes crimson. Their fight continued, as Ali tried his best but failed to land any substantial injury on Kevin. While he himself got punched and slashed a few times.

"I made a mistake letting you live last time. I won't make it again." Kevin said, as he pulled Ali and plunged the knife into his stomach.

Yet Ali only winced in pain initially, but then he started smiling and held Kevin's hand tightly, preventing him from pulling the dagger away. With a surge of strength, Ali forcefully slammed his head back, connecting hard with Kevin's face.

A sickening crack echoed through the air as Kevin's nose shattered under the impact. He stumbled backward, clutching his bleeding face in agony. Ali, fueled by adrenaline, didn't give him a moment to recover.

Before Kevin got his bearings back, he lunged forward again, grabbing Kevin's head while he was still disoriented and crashed their foreheads together once more.

Blood sprayed from both their wounds, mixing with the sweat on their faces. The impact left them both dazed and bleeding. Ali's face was twisted in a manic smile, his eyes burning with a malevolent ferocity.

"You're not as tough as you thought, Kevin," he taunted, his voice tinged with coldness, as a savage satisfaction etched across his bloody features.

Kevin, his face smeared with blood, struggled to maintain his composure. He wiped the blood from his nose and touched the swelling bump on his forehead. His eyes burned with a mixture of anger and pain as he growled, "You think this is over?" Kevin growled, his eyes burning with fury. "You'll pay for this."

Ali laughed mockingly, his voice dripping with contempt. "No, my dear hero. The villain already paid with everything at this point, it's your turn to mourn now."

The air seemed to vibrate with the intensity of their hatred for each other. Both men were battered and bruised, but their determination remained unyielding. They circled each other once more, ready to continue the brutal fight until only one remained standing.

Yet despite Ali's numbness to pain and resilient behavior, his body soon started to give out. He had been fighting every moment since yesterday. The injuries he accumulated would've killed him a few times over if the zombie virus didn't just hold his body together. His head was banged up, a bullet wound on shoulder, knife in the guts, a straight vertical cut on his neck, a few scratches on the arms and legs, punches and kicks that broke a few of his teeth - each of these wounds were taking a toll on his body.

Yet the fact that Kevin was in front of him, and he could kill him soon, kept Ali alive.

Kevin kicked Ali, making him fall backwards, but Ali collided with a guy who had a gun and pulled the gun from his hand.

He looked back at Kevin and started firing it nonstop. Kevin jumped around like a rabbit, avoiding all the gunfire. The bullets flew everywhere, killing a few people nearby to get shot in the crossfire.

Yet both of them didn't even spare anyone and only focused on each other. Kevin, who jumped over a zombie, suddenly felt a sharp pain on his torso and fell down. Finally after nearly emptying a magazine, Ali smiled seeing that one of them did hit Kevin.

Kevin, backed off feeling the painful sensation. He looked at Ali coming towards him with a gun in his hands and then backwards, where zombies were coming towards him,

'System save me motherfucker." Kevin roared in his heart, afraid that he would die too early. He still hasn't done much, he still needed to grow stronger and show off. Become the harem Lord of earth, and get all the pretty girls on his side. "Use whatever method you got, save me. I don't care, just save me."

[Host's permission granted.]

[Taking control of the host's body.]

[Employing code AGC32-01 _ skill activated.]

As Ali came in front of Kevin, he could feel a different aura about him. The scared to death expression was gone and in its place was just a monotonous look.

Thinking it's just fate saving Kevin, Ali directly decided to kill him, instead of playing around. Yet when he was just about to shoot a blast of energy released from Kevin's body, and destroyed everything in the surroundings. Zombies nearby turned to ashes, and disappeared.

Ali's body flung in the air and fell down heavily on the ground. His back was painful and hurt again, he looked at the open sky and thought "Is this you, fate? Saving that bastard again, like last time?"

"But I won't give up until I kill him today." Ali said and tried to stand up again. The cracking sound rang out as he tried to move his body, but he bit his teeth and endured.

Kevin, possessed by system, with dull eyes, came in front of Ali and decided to kill him. The planet's anomaly, the stepping stone who became the main villain for no reason at all, someone who should've died by now - these points were enough for it to consider Ali a threat and kill him.

Yet just when 'Kevin' pointed his empty hand towards Ali, hoping to blast him, its eyes suddenly dulled and it backed off in an instant. It appeared dozens of meters away from Ali. It's face showing the expressions for the first time, expressions of fear and shock.

[Detected extreme threat to host's life.. ]

[Origin unknown]

[Search failed er r ror]

[Asking permission to use the emergency protection methods.]

[Permission taken.]

[Teleporting host to a safe location 3 .. 2 .. 1.. ]

Ali watched as Kevin's body disappeared in thin air and the sky became clear again. In the sky, the great villain system looked at Kevin who appeared dozens of kilometers away from this location, and then at Ali, who closed his eyes and fell unconscious in the middle of all chaos.

[2/10] the system spoke seeing Ali's performance and commented. [Disappointing, but investable.]

[Let's give you one more chance.] It said and snapped its fingers, teleporting Ali away from the chaos.