
"Uncle, pull it out. We have to leave." Kiara said in a hurry as she grabbed Liebe's hands. Hearing the sound of that maniacal laughter and the rushing footsteps, her breathing became heavy.

She never thought she would ever be in a situation like this.

Two months ago, Her family though not quite rich, but well off and she never lacked anything. Her parents loved her, and her uncle doted on her since childhood. All her requests, no matter how stupid or outrageous, would be filled by them without any questions. She was the star of their eyes and that's why she never suffered from anything in her life.

The incident at the road where Shiva saved her from some goons was the first time she had ever even come into contact with anything violent. She was just 18 years old, she didn't even come into contact with anyone outside yet. And seeing that bloody fight only scared her of that violent man even more than that of those goons.

'Is he some criminal?' Kiara thought after Shiva finished his fight and rescued her. 'He seems even worse than those goons.'

She had just taken a few steps away from him and ran away, when she heard the sound of screams behind and looked back. She saw the 'criminal' fighting against a handsome man and beating him.

"I was right, he's a criminal for sure." She said and decided to call the police on him, she had just dialed the number when she saw the handsome man pushing the criminal onto an incoming truck and then running away.

The scene of blood and death only traumatized her already scared mind even more. She saw Ali screaming and shouting there and she nearly lost all her strength. Thinking she witnessed everything and this new psycho(Ali) who came there would capture her, she directly ran away from there, without looking back.

She wanted to forget everything. To find her uncle and tell him everything. To reach her home safely and not get out any longer.

Yet before she could do any of that, the wave of apocalypse hit the earth and it knocked her out.

Fast forward, after she woke up in the apocalypse, her life had completely changed. The world was changed, the habits she had of making tiktok, or goals she had of being a famous influencer, or act in a movie and be a big star - all of them lost their meaning. None of it mattered anymore as only survival of her life was important.

She, who had no strength for anything, and couldn't find anyone to help her, was about to be bitten by a zombie, when Ali rescued her.

She recognized Ali as the violent man who was roaming the streets with a gun, before the apocalypse even hit, but she had no choice but to rely on him to survive. That's why she pestered Ali and decided to follow him.

Even though Ali didn't care about her, she stayed with him cause he saved her a few times. Even after he found his friends he didn't leave her behind and she could do whatever she wanted. But that bitch Emily started poisoning his ears behind her back and started talking bad about him whenever she had a chance. Is it her fault that she didn't want to take a risk and stayed behind when they went on raids? Or that she's pretty and people can't help but want to lick her? But that bitch just got jealous and would insult her at every chance she got.

That's why when she got a chance and met her Uncle that day, she rushed to him. From her Uncle she learned that her parents were dead, and if they wanted to survive they had to do what Kevin said.

At first she hesitated but after seeing Ali getting easily beaten up by Kevin and losing so badly, she knew she couldn't depend on Ali to survive. After all, she knew how much Ali and Kevin both hated each other, if she sided with Ali, would Kevin even let her go. Not to mention her Uncle was already on Kevin's side. So she agreed.

She betrayed him. And just like that, they were now here. Even till a few moments ago, when she saw Ali being a half zombie and lying unconscious, she believed she made the right choice. But now, now she regretted it. She shouldn't have done that. Or at least she should've run away earlier. But she stayed to see him getting killed and now, it was too late.

"Uncle, please. Let's go. He's coming." Kiara begged Liebe, looking at Ali's figure which drew closer every second.

"You can't run, bitch." Ali said, as he stopped running and started walking towards them.

With his every footstep moving near them, the dread in both their eyes only grew more. Finally making the hard decision, Kiara let go of Liebe's hands and backed away with slow steps.

"So_ sorry uncle." She said and as her tears fell heavily and she turned around.

"Wh_ what, no." Liebe said in disbelief, but before she could move away he fell down and grabbed her feet. Refusing to let go.

"Ali, let me go. I didn't do anything. She_ she's the one you want right. Please, let me live. And you can have her." Liebe screamed asking for mercy as he pulled Kiara back.

"Uncle_ " Kiara said as she looked at her uncle with wide eyes. Her face, full of shock and fear.

-ha haaawa hhahaha-

Seeing this scene , Ali grabbed his face and started laughing loudly. His bloodied hands covering his face and painting it red, as his cold eyes in between his fingers, kept looking amusedly at Kiara, sending shivers down her spine.

Kiara struggled to free herself, to pull away from her uncle, yet before she could do that Ali reached them. His breathing normal as he stood in front of them.

"Ali, please."


Kiara stopped struggling as she looked at him and asked for mercy with a pitiful face. Yet what she received was a loud slap that knocked her down.

The look of shock was on her face, as the slap came out of nowhere, catching her off guard.

Her brain took a moment to recognize the stinging pain and burning heat across her cheek, and the ringing sensation in her ears. She touched her cheeks with her trembling fingers, only to feel the slight swelling and iron-like taste in her mouth.

"Please, now let me go." Liebe said, as he left Kiara and looked hopefully at Ali, as he tried to stand up again. But what greeted him before that, was a kick from Ali's leather shoes to his balls.

The moment the kick landed, a sharp searing pain radiated in Liebe's lower area, making him nauseous and restless. He felt short of breath, as he bent down and clutched his testicles, hoping to alleviate the pain. The loud scream like a dying pig echoed in the hallway, as the whole person just rolled on the ground.

Ali ignored Liebe who started sweating from head to toe, and bent down to Kiara's level. Her face was still in shock and disbelief over the slap. This was the first time someone slapped her like this. The feeling of anger and humiliation coursed through her heart.

"How dare _ "

Before she could say anything again, another slap landed on her same cheek. Knocking the air out of her lungs. Her head hit the floor this time and before she could even process the pain of that hit, she passed out.


A/N - don't blame me, someone asked for her pov and i had to write it and fix it in between.