Sometimes death is too easy

Ali looked at Kiara, who was now awake and huddled in the corner crying and sobbing continuously, and started walking towards her.

"What about you Kiara, do you regret it now?" Ali asked as he pulled out a muffler from a dead guard's body and wiped his hands and face with it. Though the blood was wiped away, his skin was still painted red but just in a dried up way.

(Like how you wipe away the liquid paint but it just only spreads thinly and still leaves a mark.)

"Ali, please. I didn't know. He made me _ he made me do it." Kiara started crying loudly as she saw him coming towards her.

Her voice, sorry, pitiful and filled with sadness, gotta say her heroine role really went all out there, trying to give her the look of a wronged girl who needs saving.

Yet Ali just stood there like a statue with a smile on his face. "I don't know what you're talking about Kiara. Why don't you explain it a little bit." Ali said as he sat down in front of her. Tearing the muffler to make it smaller so he can bandage the hole on his hand. Even though it didn't hurt him, it felt disgusting to look at it.

Kiara just kept staring at him, and then looking away in fear. She wanted to run away but it was useless now. Looking at all the blood and bodies around, she knew her only chance of survival was Ali's mercy.

"Please, Ali. We're friends right. Let me go please."

"Friends, I remember asking you for help quite a few times. Yet you betrayed me every damn time. Tell me, how should I punish you." Ali said and pulled out the lighter and lit up a cigarette.

"It was Kevin, Ali. And _ and uncle Liebe. I never wanted any of that to happen. You have to believe me. They made me do _ " Kiara said, pulling her head back, as the puff of smoke hit her face.

"You're such a unique creature, Kiara. Like I'm about to kill you, and you stop explaining, cause you're getting irritated by a little smoke." Ali said with a smile. While laying down and pulling a large shard of glass near him through the wooden bat. He picked the piece of glass and sat straight again.

"Ali, I _ "

Kiara was speaking when Ali just stabbed the glass in his hand at her feet and dragged it over her skin. Leaving a trail of shallow cuts behind. "Ali this, Ali that, he forced me. He did it. He was responsible, I was reasonable. Blah blah blah. Can you give me a better excuse at least. You're so not fun."

As Ali finished his words he pulled his hand back, and left Kiara crying there, covering the slash mark.

"Ohh, come on, don't cry so much, it's nothing a knee high boots can't hide. I made it shallow deliberately so it doesn't leave a lifelong scar. After all, our Kiara pays quite the attention to her appearance right." Ali said and started to make another cut on her other feet. She couldn't back off as she was in a corner, huddled to a wall, and when she tried to stand up or run, A loud slap reverberated through her ears.

"Please _ let .."

"Remember the day when you picked a fight with some people at the mall. Cause while we were out looking for food and other supplies, you were checking up the sections for perfumes and face creams." Ali said as he placed the sharp glass on her face. "Damn did that annoy me that day. But I still saved you. And what did you do?"

Ali said and pulled her hand when she tried to pull her face away. "That wasn't the only time I saved your life. I saved you when I first met you, then I took you with me, kept you safe, well fed and rested. Yet what did you do?"

"Ali, please. Uncle Liebe _ he asked me. I didn't even know Kevin, Ali. Please." Kiara said as she found Ali holding her fingers and the sharp glass in his other hands. He tried to cut her fingers but the glass wasn't that sharp or strong. And when he forced it, it just started to cut into his own skin, so he placed it away and brought out a lighter.

"Yes, Kevin. How can we forget? But he's your boyfriend no, listening to him is normal, right." Ali said as he lit up the lighter and held it near her wrist.

-tssk - "It's burning. It's hurting, please stop." Kiara shriveled and tried to pull her hand back, as the small fire started to burn her palms.

"Don't lie Kiara. I'm not hurting you, I'm just playing." Ali said as he kept her hand steady. "If I wanted to hurt you, I'd do this instead."


As Ali's words finished, he dropped the lighter, picked up the glass and plunged it in her stomach.

Before Kiara could say anything, she felt something poking through her stomach. And then she felt liquid falling over her skin. It took a second for her body to realize everything and send the signal to the brain, only then did Kiara felt the pain and screamed loudly.

"This one hurts right? Now, tell me, was I hurting you before, or were we just playing around?" Ali said, to her as he forced her to look at him.

"Please (cries) _ playing. We were playing." Kiara was about to beg for mercy again, but feeling Ali's hand pinching her face tightly, she changed her words midway.

"Well, that's good." Ali said and patted her cheek with a smile. "But you see, I'm tired of playing now." He said and plunged the glass further in her stomach and started twisting it.

"-ahhh aaa waaa Ali, We are _ "

"Yeah yeah, I know." Ali said and pulled the piece of glass back and threw it away.

Kiara pushed her hands on the wound that was bleeding nonstop now. Her face was no longer pretty, as it was swollen, bruised and battered. Her hair messy, eyes filled with tears and sweats dripping nonstop from her forehead. Her complexion turned pale, yet she didn't know what to do.

"I lost a lot of my people when I wanted to attack Kevin and your little fanboy Brian betrayed me. Tell me, was that on your orders." Ali said and pulled her hands away and held them. "I know that, cause Brian told me that before I killed him. So I should punish you for that too, right."

"I'm begging you, please. Don't do this." Kiara said, trying hard to move away or run, but her strength felt feeble against Ali.

Ali held her fingers and caressed them, " Don't worry. I'm not doing anything unreasonable. One finger for one life, that's generous right."

As he finished speaking, he started twisting her fingers one by one, until he could hear the sound of cracks among the sound of her screams and pleas. While breaking a few fingers, he missed the sound, so he just kept twisting and trying to break them.

"What else is there? Ohh I forgot about the time when you lied to Aarvi, when I called you to tell everyone about Kevin and the accident. You said, you didn't see anything, didn't hear anything, right. But that was a lie, wasn't it?"

"A _ Ali "

"So since you can't use them right, you don't need them." Ali said and pulled out a pen, he used to write his goodbye letters, to just do a John wick style slash in her ears.

But before he could stab it in Kiara's ears, she raised her hands and shouted "I know where Kevin is."

Ali's hands stopped in the air, as he heard her words. His mind went numb for a second hearing about Kevin, but then the hatred rose in his heart again even more. "Where is he?"

"Le_ let me go, and I'll tell you." Kiara said in a hurry. She didn't care about Kevin now, as long as she can get out of this demon's hands she'd do anything. She knew Ali was just playing with her since he was about to go full zombie soon. That's what he said to her uncle before he started torturing him. She didn't want to go through all that pain and then die a horrible death.

And besides, if Ali went there, she was sure that Kevin could kill him. And then she can live happily with him again. She and Kevin, both of them can live together and enjoy every day.

'I'll also kill that bitch Aarvi. So no one will come between us.' Kiara thought in her heart, as the ray of hope made her eyes twinkle.

"Did I tell you, you're really unique, Kiara. I would've killed you nice and easy next, but now you tell me, that you know, where the guy I hate the most is right now."

"What do you think I'll do to you to get that information?" Ali said and stabbed the pen in his hand at her wrists. Breaking it in two pieces but not before creating a little hole in her hands.

-aaa aaa let me go, and I'll tell you, " Kiara said with gritted teeth. Exerting all her strength.

"Fine, have it your way then." Ali said and stood up from his place. He picked a wooden bat from the ground and came in front of her "Last chance Kiara. Where is he?" Ali said, tapping it over her feet.

"Let me _ "

"Wrong answer" Ali said and swung the bat in his hands.

"Wait, wait. I'll tell you. Please don't hit me." Kiara said, as she realized if she didn't tell him he would really break her legs.

Ali stopped just a little away from her and raised his eyebrows, asking her to continue.

"Uncle sent a few men outside to look for Leon yesterday, they found him. He's the one who asked uncle to bring all the resources out from the school base and told him about the secret route inside." Kiara started speaking in a hurry. Afraid that he'll beat her up again. Her swollen red face was hurting every time she spoke, but she held on, lest she suffers another slap.

"Then_ where is he now?" Ali asked.

"He's _ he's at the sky ultima. Please let me go. I don't wanna die." Kiara pleaded as she held his shirt and pulled onto it. "I can do anything. Just let me live."

(Next is what happens in ch 11,go give it a read. Cuz I'll fast forward it.)

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." Ali said as he picked up Kiara in his arms. His words giving her a little hope for life. So to capitalize it, she even went further and hugged him, "I know you wouldn't kill me, I'm really sorry, Ali. I promise I won't ever do anything like _ "

Kiara was saying her honeyed words when Ali's cold tone cut her off " Dying would be too easy."

He finished her words and bit her neck. Stopping her struggle by holding her tightly, as he kept her close until his teeth dug deep in her skin, and the taste of iron hit his tongue. "That's for Emily." He said and let go of her, throwing her on the floor.

"What did you do, you monster? How can you? I'll kill you." Kiara said in disbelief, as she touched her neck. Being bitten by him, who's already infected, would she turn into a zombie too now.

"What I did, I just gave you a little new makeup, Kiara. This appearance of yours has been ruined anyway." Ali said as he stopped her flailing hands, and pinched her cheeks.

Kicking her away he went out.

He started rummaging through all the stuff Liebe and others had here, searching for something. After looking for a while. He finally found a few useful things.

"Look what I found, Kiara? Did you pick it up for your 'games' with Kevin." Ali said as he brought back pink style metal handcuffs.

"What do you want, you monster? Didn't you do enough already? Just kill me." Kiara shouted loudly, as she slowly picked herself from the ground.

"Didn't I tell you, death would be a mercy for you." Ali said and dragged her to a metal pole and tied her there with the handcuffs. And covered her mouth with duct tape.

"Suffer like Em did." Ali said and knocked her out. With the amount of blood loss and mental state she was in, he was sure when she woke up again, she'd be a zombie already. So he just tied her there to suffer the hunger of the undead.

"I hope you're there, Kevin. So I can finish everything where it all started." Ali said as he lit up another cigarette and started walking out.