Is it a bazooka goddess

"Where did he go?" Kevin stood up again and looked around him with a surprised expressions yet found nothing.

"Aarvi, did you see where he went?" Kevin asked as he ran and looked out the window yet found nothing except zombies outside.

"I asked you a _ " Kevin turned around and shouted angrily, yet found there was no one there.

Anxiousness began to settle in his heart as his eyes darted everywhere yet found nothing. He remembered a scene from yesterday where he saw a house directly disappear in front of him, and even his system couldn't explain anything about it. Now even Ali could disappear. Looking at the quest which said he still wasn't dead, a bad premonition rose in his heart. He looked at his luck value and noticed it had dropped a lot too.

[Luck - 108]

'Damn it. What the hell is happening' Kevin cursed as he left the third floor and started moving towards the higher floor. Due to the loud music outside a lot of zombies were gathered all around the building and he couldn't leave anywhere now. Feeling trapped he could just move up.

"Damn it, that bitch is gone too." Kevin said as he looked at his system panel and noticed that the name of Kiara disappeared from there. It meant either she was dead or turned into a zombie.

Wasn't she fine yesterday, even if she was bitten, she shouldn't have turned so fast.

Kevin was panicking in his heart, feeling annoyed that Ali still managed to run away. Even when he pulled out his hole cards and lost all his points. He even ended up with a loan, this whole routine was just a big big loss for him.

[Emergency quest issued]


[Objective - The fate of the main villain Ali Parker has become an anomaly for the world. Multiple original fates have been overwritten. So survive, until the world adjusts itself to the new course.]

[Quest limit - 2 months]

[Quest reward - ??]

[Quest failure - System offline.]

Looking at the second emergency quest he received, the bad feeling in his heart only grew more, making him agitated.


On the other side, Ali found himself standing in the complete darkness, where he could see nothing except the red flame like energy floating in front of him. Yet no matter how much he walked, he couldn't reach it. Maybe the light was just an illusion or maybe he didn't move from his place at all, after all he couldn't feel anything.

After staring at the light for a while, he couldn't help but frown. "Isn't the light at the end of the tunnel supposed to be white or silver, why the hell is it red? I'm not going to hell, am I?"

[You're still alive, idiot.]

A voice echoed in the silent darkness, breaking Ali's thoughts. "Who is it? Who's speaking?"

[Stop shouting, I can hear you even if you don't speak.] The same voice sounded again.

Ali, who heard the tone twice now, couldn't help but wonder - 'Is this the routine of getting isekai'd after dying, or getting regressed in time with the blessing from God'

Ali thought as he remembered about the novels Shiva used to read daily. After all, the voice that sounded was that of a mature woman, with tired and annoyed tone. Extremely melodic and nice to hear, yet containing a tinge of anger in it, like a scolding is in waiting line.

'It's not some useless goddess, like the one with big breasts but small brain from that anime, right?'

[I told you, you're not dead. And I'm not some pesky goddess.]

"Then who are you?" Ali asked, hearing the voice again, clearly sounding more annoyed. "And wait, did you just read my mind back there?"

[I'm your system.]

''System," Ali said and started laughing. "'Is that so? Tell you what, it's a nice joke."


A loud sigh could be heard in the empty darkness, and then a red screen appeared in front of Ali.

[Now you believe me.]

"The fuck, is it really a system?" A surprised gasp could be heard from Ali's mouth as he stared at the transparent display. He tried to move his hand forward and touch it, but his fingers passed through emptiness.

"But wait, why didn't I receive any notifications before? Where's that ding ting sound, and why is this display red? Aren't all systems supposed to be a blue transparent display?" Ali, who was still surprised over this discovery, suddenly thought of something, and started asking all his questions.

[You didn't receive any notifications, because _ _ well cause the system was loading.]

[As for that sound and color, that's for children or noobs. That style is so outdated.]

Hearing the haughty voice, Ali just shook his head and thought about some novels he read before - 'Sentient systems are never a good thing' He thought.

(This bitch)

"So wait, does that mean I'm going to reincarnate into a new body, or wake up in a different world? I still haven't killed _ "

[You're not going anywhere. How many times did I say that you're still alive and not dead, for devil's sake.] System said exasperated at this idiotic host, who's still stuck on a repeat.

"But I remember that Kevin, he killed me?" Ali said as he touched his chest and remembered the scene where his heart was pierced.

[Is my host something a willy nilly protagonist can kill. I saved you, and that's all.]

Ali heard the arrogant voice again, but this time he didn't mind it and ignored it. If he was alive, then he could still kill him. But then he noticed something and asked surprisingly- "Did you just say that Kevin is the Protagonist?"

[Why are you so shocked, you've been calling him a hero and yourself a villain for a while now. I thought you'd be used to it by now.]

Hearing system's words, Ali just sighed inside. He just said those things to himself, but having someone else confirm it, it was still a big shock. "Well, at least that explains how he always managed to survive."

[Humph, you're just too weak to kill him, don't blame his luck over it.] System said, insulting him again, but Ali ignored it as he focused on something else.

"Wait, if he's the protagonist and I'm the villain, are all the girls at the side heroines?"

[Obviously Einstein]

"Well then what kind of system are you?" Ali asked, feeling a little curious. 'Please tell me it's a sign in system or million times multiplier. Or wait, maybe it's that choice system, where every 3 year old can tell what to choose.'

[...] System who heard his thoughts had a feeling of anger, as the display in front of Ali became redder.

[Host you're a villain, what kind of system do villains get.]

'Tsk, it's one of those then.' Ali thought as he remembered the systems who just work their hosts to death. Do nothing themselves until their hosts do everything. What shitty luck.

Hearing him complain again and again, finally system had enough as it shouted [Bitch, if you complain one more time, imma go offline and then let you be turned into a zombie and roam around everywhere.]


[Shut up and listen. Let me just end the formalities. So we can start some real grown up talks.] System said, interrupting Ali. And then before waiting for his reply, it started playing all the fixed notifications that were pending after the merging.

[Host has met all the virtues of becoming a villain.]

[Congratulations host for merging with the great villain system 2.0]

[Binding successful]