Alicia Stewart - Daughter of Destiny

Ali was in a good mood after getting his first quest, and learning the method to earn these villain points. At first seeing how little system quest rewards were and how expensive those items in the system shop were, Ali thought he'd never get anything easily. But now he feels like he's gonna be filthy rich. Just to try his luck he even went back a little and bashed 2 zombies like crazy, to see if killing them could give him points too, but all he got was a snarky remark and stupid laugh from that idiot system.

'Well no need to worry. I wonder how much points Kevin will give me. I should look for him after dealing with both his heroines.' Ali thought, and started walking towards the building which Christian pointed towards as the Rebels ' base.

Ali was standing outside a big 5 story building, there wasn't any sign or board stating the name of their base, but Ali was sure this was the place. According to Christian, Rebels had secured the nearby area, and lived here.