A new Heroine

"Do you really want to do this? We can just go back? Leave it all behind." Emily asked with a concerned expression.

It's been a day since she woke up now. And after getting enough rest, she remembered everything, before and after she was bitten.

"I made my choice, Em. I'm going to kill him and only then, will we set off for our home." Ali answered without any hint of hesitation. "You can rest here for a few days. Food and water are stored enough in the kitchen. And I'll clear and lure out the infected ones from this building. So just take some rest."

"Are you sure you won't let me follow you?"

"We already talked about it, Em. Just stay here, I'll be back soon."

Ali said and turned around to leave. While Emily could just stare at his back, telling him to take care and be safe.