One girl down

-honk honk-

Ali got out of his thoughts as he heard the sound of honking cars behind him. Driving away, he just planned to deal with things as they come.

But just as he started the car, he heard a thumping sound from his back. He looked up at the rear view mirror and saw nothing, so he just focused on driving.

But he probably didn't even cross that path crossing when he heard a light sobbing sound behind him. He looked back again, but found nothing.

The crying sound continued for a few seconds more, so Ali pressed a button near the grip and his seat started sliding back.

Ali had just turned his head back to glance at everything, when he felt his seat bump into something, and then , there was another whimpering sound. But this time a little louder.

Seeing a girl who suddenly popped up from behind his seat and moved a little to the side, the surprised Ali screamed 'ghost' loudly and ended up hitting the brakes suddenly.