Burning Escape

The intense ball of fire which enveloped Ty and his allies left a rugged crater in the ground as it blazed through the atmosphere. Ty urgently shouted for everyone to hang on and try to find a solution as cracks began to form around the protective barrier. 

Drawing on the memories of the now-deceased Masaru, Ty continued to reinforce the barrier by wrapping more layers one on top of the other as numerous fragments intermittently broke off. 

Eventually, they broke through the atmosphere, jetting through space at an accelerated speed. Time seemed to have slowed down, leaving a trail of black energy that trailed on the barrier's edge.

Amidst the stars and numerous particles filling the space, Ty's vision began to blur and fade and he acknowledged, "I'm at my limit. I've been that way for a while now." Although his skeletal body's stamina had been gradually improving, with everything that was happening, it was quite challenging for him to maintain it much longer.